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“Little Marco” Endorses Trump In Embarrassing Tweet

“Little Marco” Endorses Trump In Embarrassing Tweet

“When Trump was in WH I achieved major policies I had worked on for years (like expanded Child Tax Credit & tough sanctions on regime in Cuba & Venezuela)… “

Florida Senator Marco Rubio (nominal R) started out claiming to be a Tea Party conservative back in the ’10s, but he quickly sold out to the establishment with his disastrous and failed attempt at amnesty.

He’s stayed pretty quiet since then, keeping his head down and trying to live down that debacle. Part of this strategy is apparently backing Trump in the GOP primary contest.

To that end, he issued a gushing tweet endorsing Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination for president.

Here’s the full text of this tweet:

When Trump was in WH I achieved major policies I had worked on for years (like expanded Child Tax Credit & tough sanctions on regime in Cuba & Venezuela) because we had a President who didn’t cave to special interests or let bureaucrats block us.

I support Trump because that kind of leadership is the ONLY way we will get the extraordinary actions needed to fix the disaster Biden has created.

It’s time to get on with the work of beating Biden & saving America!

Obviously, this has delighted Trump supporters, but others are not quite as thrilled.

The full text of the above tweet:

My Fellow Floridians, make sure you share this on your FB, IG, & other social media accounts in English y Español, so everyone knows Marco sold us out!

Marco does want a better life for our kids. He supports locking down our state. He doesn’t support school choice. He supports abortions & trans ideology. He supports spending us into inflation. He supports corrupt corporations over his constituents.

Remember this.

Primary these RINOs!


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“He [Rubio] doesn’t support school choice.”

Well, there’s at least one blatant falsehood in the above objections to Rubio.

Voting isn’t seeming to be the proper way to air our greivances. There has to be some other method to control this other than mere utterances and speculation.

JoJofromJerz is featured in this article. Muh Principles though.

Good thing Little Marco’s following is, itself, little.

No offense to Mr. Trump, but we need a president with enough discipline to be presidential every single day, who sees the impending peril for the nation, and who is going to devote ALL his efforts to getting the country back on track to its founding principles. There is no time for bickering with the media about petty issues like inauguration ceremony attendance.

    herm2416 in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 14, 2024 at 9:52 pm

    Name names.
    I don’t see anyone running who wants to put America first and foremost.

      gonzotx in reply to herm2416. | January 15, 2024 at 1:15 am

      Only President Trump


        ChrisPeters in reply to gonzotx. | January 15, 2024 at 8:04 am

        No, and this sort of mindless response is tiresome. DeSantis would most likely be a very effective president, given his record. There is no guarantee of success, but he knows how to quickly and efficiently deal with hostile media without allowing such dealings to dominate his time. On policy matters, despite all the claims of the Trump Cult, he is very solid.

    mailman in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 15, 2024 at 1:54 am

    “ but we need a president with enough discipline to be presidential every single day”

    Maybe sit this one out little fella 😂😂 The last thing we need is someone who acts “presidential”, what ever the f88k that means 🙄🙄

    Sounds like you beef is with the media

    G. de La Hoya in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 15, 2024 at 11:10 am

    Perhaps you believe the narrative that Trump is more concerned about “petty issues” than governance? Who defines a level of concern that consumes one’s mind? 5 tweets ok but 6 tweets make a zealot? 10 tweets cross the line of zealotry to insanity? Who dwelt on the “inauguration ceremony attendance” more? I wanted to go to Scranton Joe’s inauguration but decided on watching water boil 😉

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 14, 2024 at 8:58 pm

Wow … there’s a lot of butthurt in this post …

I am 100% against Rubio. Having been a member of the Gang of Eight was a lifetime sentence, to my mind. That means that I don’t care what he says about anything. It’s kind of neat how you (and those you quote) are just using Rubio’s useless endorsement to bash Trump. I especially liked the idiot who said, “no way any real man bows down to donny.” No one is “bowing” to Trump, and any “real man” with a brain would support Trump 100%.

Trump’s focus is on America and always has been. And Trump had to stand alone, essentially, in the fight. Yes, he has had staunch allies (who have also been set upon by the Deep State and others) but never in American history has a President had so many allied against him and fighting his every word and every act. The only reason that doctors were getting their licenses pulled for legally prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID was because the dems and the deep state and everyone hated the fact that Trump had just mentioned the possibility that HCQ might be a treatment for COVID. Never before has anyone seen anything like that in America. It was insane. That is the sort of unrestrained, lunatic attack and animus that Trump has had to endure in order to try and stand up for America.

    NeverTrumper collects posts from other NeverTrumpers to pointlessly bash Trump. News at 11..

      henrybowman in reply to Dathurtz. | January 14, 2024 at 11:55 pm

      There did seem to me to be a severe case of cherrypicking among the posts that made up the bulk of this article, so much so as to invalidate the entire thrust of the article.

    This is a good post.

    Marco has disappointed me. I like Ron DeSantis. I despise Nikki Haley (she is terrible on policy and would be a disaster). Trump is going to be the GOP nominee–sort of the Dems figuring a way to take him out through lawfare or even worse means (which they are working hard to do). So a Trump endorsement by Rubio does make sense.

    I am a bit disappointed by the LI snark about it.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | January 15, 2024 at 7:38 am

    I was in Florida on business when I heard Rubio campaigning for his first run. He spoke mostly in Spanish, which told me his only constituency would be the illegals, and the Cuban community that at that time still conducted all business in Spanish, locking out the Engl;ish-speaking community. As one interviewee stated, a Cuban could be born, live, and die of old age jn Miami and never have to speak English.

    Rubio: Hispanic first, American somewhere down the list.

    “Trump’s focus is on America and always has been. And Trump had to stand alone, essentially, in the fight.”

    And that my friend is the problem. He will have no help from the DC crowd and it will be him against the entire federal workforce. He will make a lot of noise but not get much done and if he has any real problems while in office, the Republicans will lose again in 2028. I will vote for him but being a lame duck on day one, he hasn’t much leverage over the RINOs or Dems. It will be a wild time but I don’t expect much to get done permanently just EOs with no laws of any import passed.

Well, that’s a good indication of which way the wind seems to be blowing just now.

(And you thought Little Marco was entirely useless.)

Not sure the purpose of this post and why people get so incensed and why they must tell you about it on twitter, as if people really care.

I was promised an embarrassing x-post per your headline, where is it?

G. de La Hoya | January 15, 2024 at 6:42 am

Don’t know much about Rubio or DeSantis personal/professional interactions. I forgot that Rubio was Gang of 8. I forget a lot of things that I don’t give a sh*t about, like Rubio. I do know that the picture posted of Rubio & Trump on the debate stage has to be doctored. Rubio looks almost as tall as Trump Lol! Hard part of life is telling someone that “You’re really not as good as you think you are”. I don’t like “sell-outs” but there are usually reasons we’re not privy to, which doesn’t necessarily make it right. I would rather have a “Trump, Rubio, DeSantis, etc..” in the White House than a “Clinton, Biden, Kerry, etc…”! It’s been windy out & I guess so am I 😉
Stay warm!

E Howard Hunt | January 15, 2024 at 7:02 am

We keep The little Cuban “top of mind” by playing Marco Rubio in our swimming pool.

Little Marco has him chasing women too probably.

This post does a good job of trolling Trump supporters.

But this post misses the broader point, which is that Rubio’s support could be strategic if Trump wins. Remember that it was the intelligence community that played a significant role in undermining Trump’s first term. An ally in the Gang of Eight could take the lead in Senate oversight to rein in election interference and overall sedition by the IC should Trump win.

Do I think this will really happen? The odds say no, since Rubio was there during Trump’s first four years and did nothing. But the stakes are higher this time, so perhaps Senate Republicans will become motivated to do their jobs.

I’m wondering if we are heading for an electoral rope-a-dope.

The various attacks on Trump have helped him within the Republican primary, and the poles taken following the attacks have shown this. Poles for the general election have been showing him beating the very unpopular Joe Biden.

I worry that we will end up with Trump as the Republican nominee going up against a last minute switch candidate like Michelle Obama who would fare much better against him.

1) Show of hands, how many think an “anti-Rubio” article would have been posted on LI if Rubio had endorsed DeSantis?

2) Show of hands, how many remember that when DeSantis “officially” announced his presidential campaign in May they told us: “…Trump’s advantage will prove fleeting as high-profile GOP endorsements begin to mount.”

​see > Ron DeSantis presidential campaign team unveiled — including ex-Trump staffer Dustin Carmack (

3) Show of hands, how many know that DeSantis has failed to get within the proverbial “striking distance” of Trump’ endorsements – as measured by # of endorsements or prominence of the endorsement (e.g., Governors, Senators, Representatives, Mayors)?

see > Which 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate Has The Most Endorsements? | FiveThirtyEight

In the GE, I will vote for whichever candidate wins the Republican nomination.

However, it is hard to have faith in the electability of a federal candidate that cannot garner the support of the federal Senators or Representatives in their home state – fellow politicians who know him – or have run a campaign – money spent & results – like DeSantis has.