First Batch of Jeffrey Epstein Files Released

Manhattan federal Judge Loretta Preska ordered the release of documents related to the lawsuit Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Guiffe filed against Ghislane Maxwell in 2015.

We have 3 documents: deposition of victim Johanna Sjoberg, motion for joinder in action from Jane Doe #3 and Jane Doe #4, and an email from Epstein to Maxwell.

No bombshells or significant new information.

I cannot stress this enough: Hearsay, allegations, and we’ve heard many of these accusations before.

No one has been charged with a crime. No one has been convicted of a crime.

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is the elephant in the room. The information in the documents regarding Clinton is hearsay.

Victim Johanna Sjoberg only repeated what Epstein said to her. In other words, hearsay. On page 42:

Q. Do you know if Bill Clinton was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein?A. I knew he had dealings with Bill Clinton. I did not know they were friends until I read the Vanity Fair article about them going to Africa together.Q. Did Jeffrey ever talk to you about Bill Clinton?A. He said one time that Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.

On pages 109-110:

Q. [Did you meet] Bill Clinton?A. No.Q. Did you see Bill Clinton on the island?A. No.Q. Did you see Bill Clinton in a helicopter being flown by Ghislaine Maxwell?A. No.Q. Did Ghislaine Maxwell ever tell you that she had flown Bill Clinton in her helicopter?MS. McCAWLEY: Objection.THE WITNESS: I don’t recall her saying that.

Donald Trump

On page 19, Sjoberg said they went to one of Trump’s Atlantic City, NJ casinos.

On page 79, Sjoberg said they ended up in Atlantic City because the pilots couldn’t land in New York:

Jeffrey said, Great, we’ll call up Trump and we’ll go to — I don’t recall the name of the casino, but — we’ll go to the casino.

Trump last appeared on page 113 when Sjoberg said she did not have anything sexual with Trump or gave him a massage.

Sjoberg also said that she never saw Virginia with the people listed, including Trump, Alan Dershowitz, George Lucas, Marvin Minsky,

Jane Doe #3

Jane Doe #3 claimed Epstein sexually trafficked her “to many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.”

Jane Doe #3 also claimed the government knew Epstein sexually trafficked her while developing a non-prosecution agreement since it listed her as victim.

This is an interesting part. Jane Doe #3 accused the government of violating her rights under the Crime Victims’ Rights Act:

Moreover, even a rudimentary investigation of Jane Doe #3’s relationship to Epstein would have revealed the fact that she had been trafficked throughout the United States and internationally for sexual purposes. Nonetheless, the Government secretly negotiated a non-prosecution agreement with Epstein precluding any Federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida of Epstein and his co-conspirators. As with Jane Doe #1, and Jane Doe #2, the Government concealed the non-prosecution agreement from Jane Doe #3 – all in violation of her rights under the CVRA – to avoid Jane Doe #3 from raising powerful objections to the NPA that would have shed tremendous public light on Epstein and other powerful individuals and that would likely have been prevented it from being concluded in the secretive manner in which it was.

Alan Dershowitz

We already knew one of the then-minor victims accused Dershowitz of sexual abuse.

According to the court, Jane Doe #3, who was 15 then, said this about Dershowitz. Again, remember, these are allegations:

One such powerful individual that Epstein forced then-minor Jane Doe #3 to have sexual relations with was former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, a close friend of Epstein’s and well-known criminal defense attorney. Epstein required Jane Doe #3 to have sexual relations with Dershowitz on numerous occasions while she was a minor, not only in Florida but also on private planes, in New York, New Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In addition to being a participant in the abuse of Jane Doe #3 and other minors, Deshowitz was an eye witness to the sexual abuse of many other minors by Epstein and several of Epstein’s co-conspirators. Dershowitz would later play a significant role in negotiating the NPA on Epstein’s behalf. Indeed, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement that provided immunity from federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida not only to Epstein, but also to “any potential coconspirators of Epstein.” NPA at 5. Thus, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement with a provision that provided protection for himself against criminal prosecution in Florida for sexually abusing Jane Doe #3. Because this broad immunity would have been controversial if disclosed, Dershowitz (along with other members of Epstein’s defense team) and the Government tried to keep the immunity provision secret from all of Epstein’s victims and the general public, even though such secrecy violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.

Dershowitz appeared in Sjoberg’s deposition when the lawyer asked her about conversations with Virginia and an investigator:

Q. And did she tell you what her side of the story was?A. You know, just that she wasn’t a liar; that, you know, she was there to have sex with men that Jeffrey wanted her to sleep with.Q. Did she tell you in that meeting who she had sex with?A. No.Q. Did she name any of the famous people?A. Only Dershowitz came up.

Prince Andrew

Jane Doe #3 also had accusations against Prince Andrew, the Duke of York. From the document (remember, ALLEGATIONS):

Jane Doe #3 was forced to have sexual relations with this Prince when she was a minor in three separate geographical locations: in London (at Ghislaine Maxwell’s apartment), in New York, and on Epstein’s private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands (in an orgy with numerous other under-aged girls). Epstein instructed Jane Doe #3 that she was to give the Prince whatever he demanded and required Jane Doe #3 to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse. Maxwell facilitated Prince Andrew’s acts of sexual abuse by acting as a “madame” for Epstein, thereby assisting in internationally trafficking Jane Doe #3 (and numerous other young girls) for sexual purposes.

Sjoberg met Andrew in New York. Maxwell showed her a puppet that looked like Prince Andrew. Maxwell showed it to Andrew and wanted a picture of him with it:

A. It looked like him. And she brought it down and presented it to him; and that was a great joke, because apparently it was a production from a show on BBC. And they decided to take a picture with it, in which Virginia and Andrew sat on a couch. They put the puppet on Virginia’s lap, and I sat on Andrew’s lap, and they put the puppet’s hand on Virginia’s breast, and Andrew put his hand on my breast, and they took a photo.Q. Do you remember who took the photo?A. I don’t recall.Q. Did you ever see the photo after it was taken?A. I did not.

Sjoberg described the encounter with Andrew again when Maxwell’s attorney interviewed her:

THE WITNESS: I just remember someone suggesting a photo, and they told us to go get on the couch. And so Andrew and Virginia sat on the couch, and they put the puppet, the puppet on her lap. And so then I sat on Andrew’s lap, and I believe on my own volition, and they took the puppet’s hands and put it on Virginia’s breast, and so Andrew put his on mine.BY MS. MENNINGER:Q. And this was done in a joking manner?MS. McCAWLEY: Objection.THE WITNESS: Yes.

David Copperfield

Sjoberg claimed she met Copperfield and spoke to him:

Q. Did you observe David Copperfield to be a friend of Jeffrey Epstein’s?A. Yes.Q. Did Copperfield ever discuss Jeffrey’s involvement with young girls with you?A. He questioned me if I was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls.Q. Did he tell you any of the specifics of that?A. No.Q. Did he say whether they were teenagers or anything along those lines?A. He did not.

Tags: Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein