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Different Rules for Democrats Week at Legal Insurrection

Different Rules for Democrats Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Can we finally admit that there are two sets of rules based on political views? I mean… really Democrats?

And speaking of different sets of rules…

Take a bow, Democrats. You built this.

Democrats can’t hide from any of this.

The Hamas attacks on Israel keep looking worse.

It’s like a nightmare.

This was an absolute disgrace.

And the event was completely peaceful.

Israel is not playing around.

Other world news.

It never ends.


What changed?

You don’t say.

They never stop.

This is who they are.

A horrific crime.

This is acceptable?


Good for him.

Congratulations, Biden!

Not sustainable.

We all knew this was coming, right?

Paging Senator Warren!


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There are no rules for those on Team Angel.

I think once you accept that you have the answer to everything, you can do anything to bring it about because your enemies are trying to stop you, are enemies of reason, of truth, of everything—enemies of the future. You represent the people, you represent the nation, you represent everything that is good and that entitiles you to destroy the bad people — Robert Conquest

    henrybowman in reply to Halcyon Daze. | November 19, 2023 at 3:50 pm

    To be fair, a theme that pervades much of Western culture as well… including 007, Mission Impossible, and (despite the Roddenberry taqqiya), even Star Trek, In the USA, this is the modus operandi of the intelligence community, whom I honestly believe forms the bedrock foundation of The Swamp.

…nor considerations required for those on team devil, be they Juden, Kafir, or other some species of deplorable irredeemable.