“Multiple Organs in Transit for Multiple Patients” Delayed By Pro-Hamas Shutdown Of San Francisco Bay Bridge
“Protesters were lying down with white sheets over their bodies … [and] parked their cars on the bridge and threw their keys into the bay”

Anti-Israel protesters have a long history of shutting down transportation hubs in the United States. As if delaying commuters and travelers in the U.S. somehow hurts Israel.
We have covered several instances of road shutdowns over the years by Black Lives Matters and also a 2015 shutdown of the San Mateo bridge in the Bay Area by anti-Israel protesters:
- Anti-Israel activists block San Mateo Bridge (Update: Caused Car Crashes) (January 2015)
- Anti-Israel San Mateo Bridge blockaders: Police violated our rights! (January 2015)
- Anti-Israel San Mateo Bridge blockaders face misdemeanor charges (March 2015)
It’s an extremely dangerous tactic, as it could delay ambulances and other emergency services. People could die for their stupid stunt.
Today the Bay Bridge in San Francisco (a favorite target) was blockaded:
Arrests under way right now. Watch live: https://t.co/qqSuTtzV6P And, here's how the Bay Bridge shut down began, video from AROC — banners, chants, "casualties" lying on the bridge deck. pic.twitter.com/fhfTf5FYu6
— Dan Noyes (@dannoyes) November 16, 2023
Around 80 protesters have been arrested and cars have been towed after they blocked all westbound lanes of the Bay Bridge Thursday morning.
The protest started around 7:45 a.m. and no cars were able to get into San Francisco for hours. Westbound lanes of the bridge could be seen empty as traffic backed up and all lanes didn’t reopen until just before noon.
Images show cars blocking the lanes on the eastern span of the bridge as the protesters call for a cease-fire in the Middle East.
Protesters were lying down with white sheets over their bodies that said “Stop the genocide.”
They were also holding up large banners that said “Stop the genocide. No US military aid to Israel.”
Originally CHP officials said 50 arrests were made, but the SF Sheriff’s Office updated later that around 80 protesters were cited and released. At least 15 cars were towed as well.
They said that the protesters parked their cars on the bridge and threw their keys into the bay….
UCSF says that multiple organ in transit for multiple transplant patients were delayed amid the massive backup at the Bay Bridge. The hospital says that UCSF staff and transplant patients are also delayed.
CHP said that the protesters were spread throughout the traffic, making it difficult to clear the scene. CHP officers were going car by car to find ones that were abandoned.
UCSF says that multiple organs in transit for multiple patients were delayed amid the massive backup at the Bay Bridge caused by protesters. https://t.co/qbel0b04Or
— ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) November 16, 2023
"I was really scared."
A mother says she feared the worst while she and her children were stuck on the Bay Bridge during this morning's protest by Pro-Palestinian demonstrators. pic.twitter.com/uO2ooy6erU
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 16, 2023
Lock them up. And throw the keys in the Bay.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
They should have bulldozed the cars into the bay, too, but… pollution. Besides, they were probably rentals.
Bulldoze the cars and the retards into the bay.
Fine. Arrest their owners, tow the cars to the impound yard and process them as evidence (search, etc.).
Come to think of it. because the bridge is blocked towing the cars to an impound lot in the proper jurisdiction just might involve towing them all the way around the bay.
An expensive virtue signal indeed.
No, Ironclaw has it right. Toss ’em over the side.
My tolerance for these imbeciles has long since expired.
Insurance, or the law suit, might pay them out for that.
I want them hit in the pocket and hit hard and fast. I want it to cause enough pain to stick it in their memories and ‘pour encourager les autres’.
Ever try to get out of towing/impound fees? Good luck with that.
After it is processed for evidence, send it to a crusher.
Car or Hamas supporter?
Those white sheets would make great targets for rubber bullets. Seems like these people need pain associated with their BS. I bet the crap would stop.
Crawford: yes.
Yes, impound and auction off the vehicles. The former owners won’t need them while they’re in prison, anyway.
Reckless Endangerment.
Civil Asset Forfeiture — the cars were criminally blocking the bridge.
The construction of the bridge doesn’t allow them to just “bulldoze them into the bay” without seriously damaging it. I thought was tow the cars directly to the salvage yard crusher, but I hadn’t thought of this:
“Besides, they were probably rentals.”
Good point. They probably wouldn’t risk having their own cars impounded. Destroying the cars wouldn’t harm them as much as it would the rental car company.
Either way, this is California, they’ll be released with no bail and most likely the charges will be dropped at some point. If they do end up being charged, they’ll be let of with a slap to the wrist. That’s why these people feel empowered to force their will on other people…no consequences.
In a sane world, each and every one of them would be charged with a n assault count for every person they disrupted and attempted murder for every transplant patient impacted by their stunt.
Very publicly put them in prison for ten years or so and see how many more of these incidents occur.
But that’ll never happen, so these things will continue…at least until the public gets fed up enough to take matters into their own hands and start throwing the protestors off the bridge.
Being California, the end result will be the police having to apologize to the cretins and the taxpayers will have to fork over million$ to them for the stress they suffered.
Probably funded by The Peoples Forum, not listed by SPLC
Neville Roy Singham, a U.S.-born entrepreneur who made millions in IT, and his wife Jodie Evans, the co-founder of left-wing anti-war group Code Pink, have been the primary funders of a group called The People’s Forum since 2017, to the tune of over $20.4 million. Marxists funding the pro-Palestinian rage.
Those on the bridge and their cohorts, the sanctimonious hypocrites that call for ceasefire by engaging in violence and harm, have blood on their hands.
Wrongful death suit?
This is why blocking roads is not free speech.
Essentially assault and battery for those needing the transplants. These blockades … around the West…. are dangerous. The authorities are cohorts of this if not cleared promptly. Do we have to descend to lower leversl to take names for future reference?
No respect for public spaces. Penalties need to be increased.
Why running down people blocking roads should be totally legal. Blockading roads is an act of war.
Charge blocking roads as kidnapping.
Shoot them, in place, and throw their goddamned asses off the bridge.
“Go find your keys, you little bitch.”
Shame to pollute the river, though.
Nature takes care of itself. And the nazi azzholes are biodegradable.
It’s de circle ob life, Simba.
We all would like to toss them off the bay bridge to sleep with the fishes. The better thing is to handcuff them and put them on a plane to Israel with a final destination of Gaza. Put the
On the front lines. FJB
Why fly them all the way there? Let them fly Air Pinochet.
Why do you think Israel wants them, or wants to deliver replacement terrorists to Hamas?
The minimum charge should be endangerment
They really make it easy … just toss them off the bridge – “Go get your keys!”.
But our society doesn’t have the sense to treat these treasonous dirtbags as they need to be treated. This is a fatal cancer growing on Western society, we are looking at. We can survive this but it must be excised and then a couple of rounds of radiation treatment. Otherwise … kiss the good life and freedom “good-bye”.
Throw them in the bay. Keep the keys. I fixed it for you.
“Lock them up. And throw the keys in the Bay.”
Another “die-in” by people uncommitted to their cause. They got up and walked away — actual dead don’t do that.
And curious they never protested what the Gazans did on 10/7. They want a ceasefire? There was one on 10/6.
They know nothing will happen to them. We had a similar bridge blockage here in Boston yesterday though on a much smaller scale. Protestors blocked the BU bridge and supposedly included a group of “Jews for ceasefire” in addition to the usual terrorists. The BU bridge is short, probably several hundred yards but connects Boston and Cambridge so it is usually pretty busy.
I had the news on in the background yesterday morning and what struck me is that nothing was done about it. The news station covered the blockage for over an hour starting at 8 and the police did nothing. Imagine if this was a pro-2A protest? How quickly would that bridge be cleared.
These left wing protestors know that nothing will ever happen to them. We had nuts block highways while chained to barrels a few years back and nothing ever happened to them. Destroy art, monuments, etc as long as it is for the “correct” cause the judiciary here in MA will let it all slide.
“Cited and released.”
Fucking useless action.
It’s well past time to start busting heads . Punish these a-holes, severely.
Events like that haven’t happened in Florida since the Legislature passed a law that said you can run over people trying to hold you hostage and you have no duty to stop and render first aid in such circumstances.
Sue each and every pathetic “protesting” individual for infringement of your right of free travel. The question of intrastate travel might actually – finally – get to SCOTUS.
the left loved to use the ICC ( Wickard v Filburn) to use the federal government to stop this.
The hospital should order up a helicopter to pick up the organs and medical personnel then send a BIG bill to all those who are arrested and anyone else who can be identified as participating in the blockade. Hit them in the pocketbook. (This should apply to any group blocking traffic for any reason.)