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Cocaine Scandal at the Biden White House Week at Legal Insurrection

Cocaine Scandal at the Biden White House Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Remember when Democrats assured us that Biden was going to bring decency and norms back to the White House? Good times.

What a surprise.

Tom Cotton is not letting this go.

Biden has other problems, too.

No help for Biden here.

Let’s check in on New York.

How about other Democrat-run cities?

What did they think would hapen?

In gender related news this week…

World news.

France is out of control.

More Supreme Court news.

A Professor Jacobson media appearance.

This guy looks good.

Oh great.

Great news from NH.

A legitimate question.





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Time for cognition and drug tests at the White House, aka Crack House.

E Howard Hunt | July 9, 2023 at 10:50 am

What do Chasten Buttigieg and Hunter Biden have in common? They both blow a little dope.

ChrisPeters | July 9, 2023 at 10:53 am

The Most Important Question:

Does Brandon actually do his job better while high on cocaine?

The_Mew_Cat | July 9, 2023 at 11:37 am

Why does Kamala Harris give us “word salads” in her public speaking? Since her Senate voting record is to the Left of Bernie Sanders, she has to hide who she is, so she talks in circles, saying nothing.

Subotai Bahadur | July 9, 2023 at 6:06 pm

Does anybody really believe that any “law enforcement agency” under the current administration will be willing or able to nail down who left the coke? And does anyone have any conjecture as to why?

Subotai Bahadur

Could be anyone at the White House. One name popped to mind would be someone who has visited the W. H. more than 20+ times according to a news story released today. Alex Soros, son of the devil George Soros. I think that there should be a surprise” pee in the cup test for ALL who are regular occupants of the W.H. That includes staff, Hunter, cabinet members, Mr. & Mrs., Kamala, and the wanna be press woman. A couple of drug sniffing dogs would not be too much to ask. Be transparent.