Carlee Russell Turns Herself in to Police, Faces Charges for Faking Her Own Kidnapping
“I know many are shocked and appalled that Ms. Russell is only being charged with two misdemeanors despite all the panic and disruption her actions caused”

Last week, when the strange case of Carlee Russell came to light, we suggested that it had all the classic trappings of a hoax. Well, we’re sorry to inform you that we were right.
Russell has now turned herself in to police.
The Messenger reports:
Carlee Russell Is Charged in Connection with Faked Kidnapping, Turns Herself In
Carlee Russell turned herself in at a Hoover, Ala., jail after being slapped with two misdemeanors charges for faking her own kidnapping, police said Friday.
Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office charged Russell, 26, with one count of false reporting to law enforcement authorities and another count of falsely reporting an incident.
Russell was released after she made $2,000 bail, Hoover Alabama Police Chief Nicholas Derzis said at a press conference Friday.
Both counts carry a maximum sentence of one year behind bars. If convicted on both charges, Russell, who has no criminal record and expressed remorse for the hoax, would likely serve her sentences concurrently.
“Judging from the amount of phone calls and emails that we’ve received from people all over the country, I know many are shocked and appalled that Ms. Russell is only being charged with two misdemeanors despite all the panic and disruption her actions caused,” Derzis said.
Sean Davis of the Federalist suggests that she will probably get a harsher sentence than Hunter Biden, and he is probably right.
She’s gonna get more time than Hunter Biden, who helped run an international bribery, money laundering, and tax evasion scheme for the corrupt Biden family (in addition to being a crackhead, gun criminal, and potential sex trafficker).
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 28, 2023
Here’s more from NBC News:
The charges carried a bond of $1,000 each and are punishable by up to a year in jail and a $6,000 fine if convicted, the chief said. Russell was released from jail after posting bond.
“Her decisions that night created panic and alarm for the citizens of our city and even across the nation as concern grew that a kidnapper was on the loose using a small child as bait,” Derzis said. “The story opened wounds for families whose loved ones really were victims of kidnappings, some of which even helped organize searches.”
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said “we intend to fully prosecute this case,” adding his office will monitor the investigation for potential further charges.
Marshall said while Russell wasn’t kidnapped, they “don’t see this as a victimless crime,” pointing to the “significant hours spent” and “resources expended” in the frantic search for her.
Here’s Hoover Alabama Police Chief Nicholas Derzis making a statement about the case:
Carlee Russell was arrested and charged with fabricating a story about seeing a toddler on the side of the interstate and being kidnapped.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 28, 2023
What did Russell think she was going to gain from all of this?

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What did Russell think she was going to gain from all of this?
Seriously Mike?.. I think she wanted notoriety. Isn’t there some kind of cliche about no such thing as bad press. She is famous, an eejit, but she is famous now.
I think the “no such thing as bad publicity” deal only works if you are all ready well known.
Notoriety is bad publicity.
Please invest in a dictionary.
What did Smollette gain from his fraud? Or what did she perceive he gained?
That’s a good place to start looking.
Nah. She claimed no racial oppression whatsoever. Some sexual oppression, but not enough to be political.
Next stop:
“The View.”
“I know many are shocked and appalled that Ms. Russell is only being charged with two misdemeanors despite all the panic and disruption her actions caused”
No, I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you, that Ms. Russell is being charged at all for her crimes. Usually blacks that fake crimes don’t get charged with false reporting and it all quickly fades from the news. But apparently not in this case. Will wonders never cease.
That’s ’cause them Alabamians are racists.
It’s like a lynching to prosecute her. Don’cha know.
Slightly off topic: I wish I remembered where I saw the headline. Carlee Russell Turned Herself Into the Police. A neat trick!
They are having problems recruiting.
but can sing “Every Breath you Take?” properly, or is that also faked?
can *she* sing
She’s so hopeless that she’s not even an aspiring rapper.
I once had a friend who turned himself into a bear. But he wasn’t mean or anything. In fact, my furry friend was quite Gentle, Friendly even.
The surest sign that this was a hoax was the fact that none of the Race Grievance Industry heavyweights ran to her side. Crump was nowhere to be found. Rev Al? Crickets. Jessah? Hello?
Another sign it was a hoax is that it sounded too stupid to be real. If she had claimed she was abducted by aliens it would have sounded more credible than the story she concocted.
Al was tempted, but he’s been burned once.
The simplified order of events:
First Carleithia turned herself into Carlee.
Then Carlee turned herself into a clown.
Then the police turned the city upside down looking for her.
Then she turned around and realized she screwed up.
Then she turned herself into the police.
Finally she turned over a new leaf.
Chief Derzis was on the local news last night addressing the charges. He said she could be charged with only the two misdemeanors because of the way the law is presently written. His frustration was evident but that’s the way it is. You can be sure the law will be addressed after all this is done with.
The local community is NOT amused. There are a lot of ticked off people around here.
Why can’t they fabricate evidence and charges like they do with Republicans?
from a typical hoodrat no one gives a damn about to a hoaxer/petty criminal hoodrat no one gives a damn about
Woman falsely accuse men of serious felonies every day, and when proved liars, nothing much ever happens.
Just remember:
Why is this moron featured on this blog?
So we have people to laugh at. Ridicule toward lefttards is a wonderful thing.
Besides, it wasn’t a guy with orange hair after all. It was a guy with a painted face and a Viking helmet. Driving a Hummer.