Far-left group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) listed parental rights groups on its hate map in its 2022 Year in Hate & Extremism.
Why pay attention to the SPLC? Because there are too many people who take this actual hate group seriously and use it to censor and demean citizens.
The report identifies “1,225 active groups,” with 12 of them specifically aimed at schools.
Yes, organizations to keep parents involved in their child’s education are on par with the Nation of Islam and the KKK.
Reactionary anti-student inclusion groups such as Moms for Liberty, Moms for America, Parents Defending Education that the SPLC lists as extremist groups are, by their very nature, responding to social progress that they dislike and have no control over. Like many other hard-right groups, these reactionary anti-student inclusion groups are constantly painting themselves as an oppressed class, while vilifying those discriminated against.These groups denigrate lessons on diversity and inclusion. They spew homophobic and transphobic speech in the name of protecting their children’s innocence, disregarding and disrespecting children in the LGBTQ community. They ban reading materials that they deem inappropriate, which almost always happens to be LGBTQ or non-white in subject matter. They embrace racist and nationalist ideology, claiming to want the teaching of America’s accurate history in the schools but label the true, harsh history of the country as unpatriotic and unsuitable for children.
“Hate and antigovernment extremist groups are intent on staging public spectacles of hatred that harass, threaten and violently harm Black, Brown, Asian, Jewish, LGBTQ+ and immigrant communities,” said SPLC Intelligence Project Director Susan Corke. “Schools, synagogues, and LGBTQ+ businesses — venues that have traditionally been safe spaces for our children, the Jewish community and LGBTQ+ people — are now on the frontlines of hatred and violence. We all have a responsibility to speak out against hate, extremism, and violence when we see it, and encourage those in positions of power to fulfill their duty to act.”
The SPLC identified 12 so-called “anti-student inclusion groups.” SPLC had the nerve to equate 2022 to 1960 when schools and society literally segregated whites and blacks.
Moms for Liberty takes the brunt of the attack in the SPLC report. After all, the group exists “to fuel right-wing hysteria and to make the world a less comfortable or safe place for certain students – primarily those who are Black, LGBTQ or who come from LGBTQ families.”
SPLC describes Moms for Liberty as “a far-right organization that engages in anti-student inclusion activities and self-identifies as part of the modern parental rights movement.” It claims the group formed “out of opposition to public health regulations for COVID-19, opposes LGBTQ+ and racially inclusive school curriculum, and has advocated books bans.”
The SPLC also insists that parents told principals “sought to limit or challenge: Teaching about issues of race and racism (50%); Policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ student rights (48%); Student access to books in the school library (33%); or Social Emotional Learning (39%).”
The report does not offer the real definition and practices of Critical Race Theory and DEI. It does not mention that the schools and activists aren’t teaching people to love everyone. The people literally want to push sex and anti-science beliefs on children.
As I mentioned above, people, agencies, and businesses use SPLC’s lists to determine who to censor and do business with at the end of the day.
The FBI still partners with SPLC and cites the group as justification to target so-called extremists. The latest incident targeted Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass and customs that took place pre-Vatican II.
In 2018, Amazon and its charity program relied on SPLC. That could explain why the Amazon Associates program kicked out LI.
SPLC also documents conservative groups on college campuses.
The media helped SPLC smear the religious organization Alliance Defending Freedom in 2017.