The Retribution of the Left Week in Education
Your weekly report on education news.

It really looks as though the left in education wants to punish certain people and groups.
- Non-Whites Only U. Minnesota Summer Research Program Challenged By Equal Protection Project
- U. Minnesota Exclusion of White Students From Summer Program Reflects “Noxious Racial Retribution”
- Virginia High School Admissions Changes That Severely Reduced Asian Student Enrollment Upheld By Appeals Court
Even at some of the highest levels of government.
- University Program Comparing Republicans, Conservative Christians to Nazis Funded in Part by DHS
- Biden’s Secretary of Education: All Your Kids Are Belong To Us, “We must trust teachers”
Cross the left, and they will react. Badly.
- NYC College Professor Verbally Abuses Pro-Life Students, Destroys Their Display
- Kent State University Republicans Targeted With Petition for Showing Matt Walsh Film
For them, there are no acceptable Republicans.
- UW-Madison Students Once Again Trying to Remove Abraham Lincoln Statue From Campus
- Mike Pence Protested by Students at UNC-Chapel Hill
- George Mason U. Students Turn Their Backs, Walk Out on Governor Glenn Youngkin Commencement Speech
There is some good news.
- National Association of Scholars President Defends Prof Ejected From Class for Objecting to DEI Policies
- NEA Teachers Union Sued By Barrington (RI) Teachers Fired For Refusing Covid Vax, Allege Union Complicit
- Epoch Times Spotlights Databases: “serves as a call to action” on CRT and DEI in Education
Important questions.
- Are DEI Policies Standing in the Way of Free Expression at Cornell?
- Will Cornell Commit to Free Expression on Campus?
This is just crazy.
- U. Texas at Austin Reportedly Spends Over $13 Million on DEI Salaries
- U. California Santa Cruz Sued for Mandating Job Applicants to Provide a DEI Statement
Expect more of this.

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