Twitter Restores GOP Sen. Steve Daines’ Account After Suspension Over Hunting Profile Picture


Twitter suspended Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines because his profile picture showed him and his wife with an animal they hunted.

Elon Musk to the rescue!

Daines got his account back this afternoon.

Daines still has the picture of the hunt.

“I am grateful Elon Musk reached out to me to resolve this issue and am glad he recognizes that free speech is the bedrock of our country, and acted quickly to reinstate my Twitter account after being made aware of its suspension,” wrote Daines.

Daines concluded: “The initial ban over the profile photo of my wife and me after a successful Montana antelope hunt was disappointing given the fact that it is no different than photos Montanans share on social media every dy. It’s our Montana way of life and we are proud of it. I am glad Elon Musk recognizes this. The rest of the country benefits from the acceptance of diverse thoughts and values, including Montana values.

Tags: Elon Musk, Montana, Twitter, US Senate