Rep. Nancy Mace Brings the Fire When Questioning Ex-Twitter Chief Legal Officer Over COVID Censorship
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Rep. Nancy Mace Brings the Fire When Questioning Ex-Twitter Chief Legal Officer Over COVID Censorship

Rep. Nancy Mace Brings the Fire When Questioning Ex-Twitter Chief Legal Officer Over COVID Censorship

“What makes you think you or anyone else at Twitter have the medical expertise to censor actual, accurate CDC data?”

In the GOP Oversight hearing, Part 1: Twitter’s Role in Suppressing the Biden Laptop Story, questions the witnesses on their censorship of doctors and CDC data. 

Rep. Nancy Mace: You’re not a doctor, right? 

Vijaya Gadde, Former Twitter Chief Legal Officer: No, I’m not. 

Rep. Nancy Mace: What makes you think you or anyone else at Twitter have the medical expertise to censor actual, accurate CDC data? 

Vijaya Gadde, Former Twitter Chief Legal Officer: I’m not familiar with these particular situations. 

Rep. Nancy Mace:: Yeah, I’m sure you’re not.



We wrote about the Twitter Files and How Twitter Rigged the COVID Debate. We also wrote about how the Twitter Files vindicated Andrew Bostom, a Rhode Island physician and researcher with an impressive CV who was suspended on Twitter after tweeting a link to a peer-reviewed article from a reputable science journal about possible negative effects on sperm from the Covid-19 vaccine.

You can watch the hearing here: 


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UnCivilServant | February 8, 2023 at 1:10 pm

“…Because the FBI told us to”

Please don’t promote the grandstanding efforts of a GOPe backstabber.

    CommoChief in reply to Dr. Ransom. | February 8, 2023 at 3:50 pm

    Mace seems to believe there is an overarching ‘Q’ conspiracy directing anti establishment views and opposition to the establishment.

      henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | February 10, 2023 at 10:16 pm

      Well, if we really are victims of a “divide and conquer” conspiracy to keep us at each other’s throats, you can’t do it by steering just one of the two sides, not even the much, much stupider one.

Even though she is right, I’m troubled by the implication that the problem is these were “experts” from “prestigious” universities and such. You shouldn’t get to censor me, either, even though I’m not a prestigious doctor or otherwise “expert”.

    dmacleo in reply to GWB. | February 8, 2023 at 2:05 pm

    absolutely correct

    txvet2 in reply to GWB. | February 8, 2023 at 3:06 pm

    I’m just as concerned that she thinks that the stuff coming out of CDC was accurate.

    Milhouse in reply to GWB. | February 8, 2023 at 3:14 pm

    Twitter is a private company, and if it genuinely believes you are misleading its readers, whom it exists to serve, then it has no obligation to host your words on its platform. The question Mace is asking is where did anyone at Twitter get the sheer hide to imagine that they knew better than these recognized experts in their fields, and could confidently label what they were saying as misinformation? A normal person would have said “Experts are debating this question, we should carry both sides’ arguments and evidence, and not get between them”.

    As for the CDC data, nobody disputes it, and certainly Twitter is estopped from questioning it since it promoted the CDC as the word of God in Heaven, so why did it think it right to block someone for publishing that very same CDC’s data?

      BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | February 8, 2023 at 6:12 pm

      “As for the CDC data, nobody disputes it,”

      Plenty of people dispute all kinds of “CDC data”, including plenty of people with credentials, plenty of active researchers, plenty of medical practitioners, and plenty of folks who are all three.

      I was listening just this morning to a practicing research MD with two current appointments using both of his active board certifications taking apart one chunk of BS “data” after another from the CDC. To be fair, it wasn’t just CDC “data” he went after.

        Milhouse in reply to BierceAmbrose. | February 8, 2023 at 9:03 pm

        What has that got to do with the price of fish in China? Or with the CDC data we are discussing here? Nobody has disputed them. Therefore they must be presumed accurate.

          BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | February 9, 2023 at 3:21 pm

          Which CDC data? I don’t see any references to specific CDC data in comments or article here. How about you point to the undisputed CDC ‘rona data you’re referring to?

          The article above, and the questioning it quotes refer to some CDC data suppressed — the quotes say “censored” — by Teh Twit. If that’s what yr referring to, suppressing seems pretty dispute-y to me. Meanwehile, they’re arguing about that particular data, including its validity. “Disputing”, even.

          BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | February 9, 2023 at 3:34 pm

          What has that got to do with the price of fish in China?

          The general price of fish in China is going up. Analogous to CDC ‘rona data is generally disputed. Name a fish and it’s a different conversation.

          This particular rhetoric game is tedious.

E Howard Hunt | February 8, 2023 at 2:13 pm

I binge watched an international array of medical luminaries debunk the party line. This was in the very early days before they were all cancelled. What amazed me was how their lesser lights, everyday doctors and nurses, either bought in to the nonsense or incuriously acquiesced with few qualms.

Was at a doc the other day. She’s still wearing a mask although not everyone is doing so. She told me last year she’d read all the studies and thought I should get the clot shot.
Still a pure blood today.

Steven Brizel | February 9, 2023 at 6:19 am

CDC pushed one view of the issue only and suppressed all legitimate other views with the aid of social media .That is censorship 101

As a private company, they do have a right to say, “we will not share this opinion because we disagree with it.” However, being a private company does not allow them to state that the opinion is dangerous disinformation. That gets pretty close to defamation and fraud. Furthermore, if their opinion is based on governmental intimidation, it is a clear 1st Amendment violation. There were 4 despicable creatures sitting at that table.