Democratic Party of Nevada in Chaos Two Years After Bernie Sanders Supporters Took Over

Two years ago, Bernie Sanders supporters took over the Democratic party of Nevada. Progressives and Democratic Socialists celebrated the move, thinking they had toppled the establishment.

Now the party is imploding, and there are worries about 2024. Who could have predicted that letting Democratic Socialists take over would lead to problems?

Politico reports:

Sanders supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party. It’s not going well.When Bernie Sanders’ supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party two years ago, progressives across the country were thrilled.Socialists had managed to bring down one of the most powerful establishment forces in the nation, the famed Democratic machine built by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. They saw it as a blueprint for the progressive transformation of state parties.Two years after the experiment began, there are regrets.Judith Whitmer, the insurgent party chair who wrested control of the party from mainstream Democrats, is facing a challenge in her reelection campaign next month amid doubts from her own former supporters and accusations that she abandoned her progressive principles. And even key figures in Bernie world — including Sanders himself — say they are unhappy and embittered by what’s transpired.“The senator is pretty disappointed in Judith’s chairmanship, specifically around her failure to build a strong grassroots movement in the state,” said a person familiar with Sanders’ thinking. “A lot of us feel sad about what could have been. It was a big opportunity for Bernie-aligned folks in the state to prove some of the folks in the establishment wrong. And that hasn’t happened.”

Now for the funny part. Much of this current uproar is being fueled by a vote to condemn the horrors of socialism.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Far-left Nevada Democrats furious with party members over ‘horrors of socialism’ voteNevada progressives are furious with establishment Democrats in the state after they voted in favor of a House resolution to “condemn the horrors of socialism,” setting up a showdown between the party’s far-left flank and its more centrist officials.The Las Vegas chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America hit out against the state’s Democratic Party, decrying officials for not condemning Nevada’s House members after all four lawmakers voted to denounce “the horrors of socialism” in countries such as Cuba and North Korea. The LVDSA cited the state party’s silence, along with a handful of other grievances, as evidence that the Democratic Party has become a “dead end.”“It is a ‘party’ in name only; truly, it is simply a tangled web of dark money and mega-donors, cynical consultants, and lapdog politicians,” LVDSA officials wrote in a statement. “The establishment is Lucy with the football: no matter how effectively socialists organize for power, the establishment will simply pull the football away, using dirtier and dirtier tricks. Enough falling for the tricks and even the most dedicated socialist can’t help but give up and play the ugly game.”The statement comes after the House resolution received bipartisan support in the House, passing in a 328-86 vote with 109 Democrats joining all Republicans in advancing the measure. All four House members from Nevada — Democratic Reps. Steven Horsford, Susie Lee, and Dina Titus as well as Republican Rep. Mark Amodei — voted in favor of the resolution.

It’s disturbing to think that this far left faction is working to take over in other states.

Tags: Bernie Sanders, Democratic Socialism, Democrats, Nevada, Socialism