Video Recommendation: The John Stossel Interview of Megyn Kelly is Fascinating

Late at night on New Year’s Eve, I was looking for something to watch, and this new interview of Megyn Kelly by John Stossel popped up in my YouTube feed. I decided to give it a chance and ended up watching the whole thing, and it’s fascinating.

Even if you stopped liking Kelly at some point, you’re likely to find this interesting because Kelly doesn’t hold back and reveals all kinds of inside baseball on the intersection of politics and media.

It starts with Megyn talking about her childhood. She was apparently an awkward child and was a frequent target of bullying by mean girls.

She then talks about her career and her time at FOX News. Inevitably, Stossel asks her about her debate moment with Trump. Kelly talks about how FOX News was trying to hold on to moderate Republican viewers while also trying to embrace Trump fans as his popularity grew and suggests that the network is still having some issues with that.

Kelly talks about her brief time at NBC and elaborates on the viciousness of news media, suggesting that FOX News was a walk in the park compared to the major networks.

She talks about how she used to be liberal on some things but says that the hard left turn progressives have taken in recent years has pushed her farther to the right.

In one of the most interesting segments, Kelly talks about what her kids were subjected to in New York schools and why she pulled them out and moved to Connecticut. We covered some of the issues she talks about here, but in this interview, she gives many more details, which even I found shocking.

Finally, she discusses the country’s crime problem and the left’s war on law enforcement. She makes it personal by talking about her half-brother, a police officer severely injured on the job.

Overall, I walked away from this interview thinking that Kelly was more conservative than I thought she was, and she also came off as really genuine and likable. Stossel does a great job asking questions and moving the conversation forward.

The entire thing is 50 minutes long, but I recommend watching it all. There’s so much here that you’ll find interesting.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Presidential Debates, Donald Trump, Education, Fox News, Media, Megyn Kelly, Progressives