Sen. Dianne Feinstein Won’t Make a Decision on Her Career Until 2024

California Reps. Adam Schiff and Katie Porter threw their hats into the ring for incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s non-vacant senate seat in 2024.

Feinstein told Matt Laslo at Raw Story she won’t make a decision until 2024:

“I need a little bit of time, so it’s not this year,” Feinstein told Raw Story at the Capitol Wednesday.The 89-year-old incumbent says she isn’t fazed by her current—or potential—Democratic challengers.“Oh, I don’t mind it,” the senator smiled. “The more, the merrier.”“Yeah?” I ask.“Yes,” the former mayor of San Francisco replied.“Do you think there’s gonna be a lot of people jumping in?”“Oh, I have no idea,” Feinstein replied. “But however many there are, that’s fine. I mean, I’m a big girl. I’ve run in a lot of races, so I know…”“So you’re not worried?”“Not particularly.”“Are you going to be running?”“Umm,” Feinstein thought aloud, “I don’t know…”—Whether Feinstein runs or retires in 2024, the debate she’s having internally will become public sooner than later. The storied senator plans to deliver that message herself.“It’s next year,” Feinstein continued, “so there’s time.”

Tags: 2024 Elections, California, Dianne Feinstein, US Senate