Usual Suspects Desperately Try Downplaying Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ Release on Hunter Biden Story Suppression

One big thing new Twitter CEO Elon Musk has been promising is more transparency as to how things work at Twitter HQ under his rule and how things were run under the old regime. On Friday, he did not disappoint with the release of what are being called the “Twitter Files,” the first series of which detailed in part how in 2020 the Twitter Powers That Be worked hand and hand with Democrats to heavily moderate and, in effect, suppress content that was inconvenient to Democrats, oftentimes at the behest of those same Democrats.

Musk released the files to independent journalist Matt Taibbi, who pointed out in a very lengthy thread that though “both [major political] parties had access” to Twitter back channels in order to request content moderation/removal, that the system “wasn’t balanced” because far more leftists worked at the social media platform and thus “there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left”:

Another interesting development was the confirmation that (now-former) Twitter executive Vijaya Gadde was central to the New York Post‘s Hunter Biden laptop story being suppressed. Gadde, as we now know, was later rewarded by the Biden White House for her obedience:

Naturally, the Usual Suspects on the left, in the MSM, and on the NeverTrump “right” are performing backflips to alternately suggest with straight faces that most of the information posted was already known (false), that it’s no big deal (false), that what Musk is doing is dangerous (false), and/or that Taibbi is simply a Musk stooge who is in it for the money or whatever (even if so, so what? The documents don’t lie).

Ben Collins, who I have dubbed the Aaron Rupar of NBC News and who is purportedly a “disinformation” “reporter,” was especially displeased over the release of the documents:

He was far from the only one:

The GroupThink stuff was also a nice touch:

Best summary of their reactions so far:

Basically, Taibbi is doing what journalists are supposed do in shining the spotlight on this information. In turn, pseudo-journalists like Collins are whining about it and throwing tantrums. Their reactions are a reaffirmation of everything we know about the sad state of modern journalism, with little to none of it being any good.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Elon Musk, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Media, NBC, Twitter, Twitterfiles