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#Twitterfiles Part 4: ‘The Removal of Donald Trump’ From Twitter

#Twitterfiles Part 4: ‘The Removal of Donald Trump’ From Twitter

“As the pressure builds, Twitter executives build the case for a permanent ban”

Elon Musk was reportedly surprised and dismayed that Twitter banned then-president Trump from the platform. He called it a “grave mistake” and said it was “morally wrong and flat-out stupid” to ban a sitting president who had broken no laws or even violated Twitter’s Terms of Service (TOS).

He’s not wrong. So how did this grave mistake happen? The release of the fourth batch of Twitter Files provides a troubling picture of executives hatching schemes to justify the ban.  This installment was released to and by journalist Michael Shellenberger.

As with all of these releases, they are first being released on Twitter per an agreement between the various journalists involved and Musk, so the threads are long and somewhat cumbersome to report in full. Therefore, I am going to provide some highlights below, but be sure to read the entire thread here (archive link).

One of the things that Old Twitter was doing behind the scenes was come up with some kind of justification to ban the sitting president of these United States.  And on January 7, 2021, they reportedly landed on–and then-owner Jack Dorsey approved–one such “policy.”

Apparently, only one Twitter employee dared to question the integrity of such a decision.

Among the red flags for the progressive fascists at Old Twitter were the hashtags #StopTheSteal and #Kraken.

From there, things get really messy for Old Twitter as the files reveal that they were essentially just making things up and ditching their own policies in order to justify permanently banning Trump from Twitter.

Shellenberger concludes with a teaser about what the next batch of Twitter Files will contain (as of this writing, Weiss has not yet released the the fifth Twitter Files):

Here are our previous posts on the #TwitterFiles:


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Colonel Travis | December 11, 2022 at 5:50 pm

Everyone employed at Twitter had (has) the emotional IQ of a 4-year-old.

    White collar luxury meets blue collar accountability. Some would say they are green. Now, they care about Green (e.g. labor and environmental arbitrage) deals.

First want to thank the blog for posting on these Tweets, not having Twitter account its difficult to get around there much.
Second what a bunch of manipulating people, no wonder they have the Left screaming our 1st Amendment rights are in jeopardy, they squashed the entire Amendment.

So, this is what it takes to audit a model of democracy.

I’ve a twitter account I never use (6 tweets in 12 years) and rarely look at the feed. Log in and look around. Tim Poole complaining about the slow rollout. Like real life is a movie lacking pacing and verve. The show runners suck. The script seems derivative. He rates it 2/5 stars and doubts it will be picked up for a second season.

Reading the tweets and following the chronology reveals the FBI engaged in unlawful practices. Twitter executives are immoral monsters. Some of the small fry show spine and object to what the exec’s are doing. All of it done in a banal, jargon laced, manner.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Tiki. | December 12, 2022 at 3:34 pm

    Beg to differ w/ Mr Poole. The pacing is brilliant.

    Keeps it in the news. His e-mediated short-cycle time isn’t the pace of the larger population.

    It lets the objection-crew beclown themselves. They come out with “but, but, but…” then the next tranche demolishes the counter-argument they were making.

Nothing will come of it

Musk works for the government

All his money depends on government subsidies or government contracts

And he doesn’t care if it’s the USA government or Chinas

My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 11, 2022

When will we get the twitter files on covid? The info on the suspension of the many doctors and scientists? Who was involved? Suppression of what has turned out to be factual information.

— Aaron Murray (@murraymints82) December 11, 2022

Oh it is coming big time …

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 11, 2022

Meh, I got perma banned a couple weeks ago replying to the Occupy Democrats parody account about some guy being done for public disturbance on Jan 6. Mocking Democrats is once again a crime 😱🤷🏻😂

Of course it doesn’t matter if you follow their process because there is no human on the other side managing that process.

Remember too, Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc al do exactly the same thing as we are seeing at Twitter.

That’s material for a whole course in motivated reasoning, right there.