NY Attorney General Letitia James’ War On Trump Is Disgracing The Office

We have covered Letitia James’ war on Trump and his family since before she took office as New York Attorney General, and throughout her almost three years in office. James promised to weaponize her massive office against Trump and his family

She has delivered, culminating in the recently announced civil charges that seek to bar Trump, two of his children, and many of his businesses from doing business in NY State. Even the NY Times recognizes the civil lawsuit may prove a tough sell in court: “Property valuations are often subjective, and … all his loans are either current or were paid off, some before they were due.”

But the merits or lack of merits in the lawsuit obscure the bigger offense here: James has abused her office for political purposes. I tracked this conduct in an op-ed that ran at The Daily Caller today. Here’s an excerpt, head over to the link for the whole thing:

Political neutrality of prosecutors in the conduct of their duties is at the core of what our system of justice should look like. Unfortunately, political neutrality is not what Attorney General Letitia James has delivered.Instead, James ran for office on a promise to get Donald Trump on something, anything, and has conducted herself in office to exact political revenge on the former president, his businesses, and his family. Her legion of prosecutors and investigators have poured over and looked into every nook and cranny of Trump’s sprawling commercial enterprises in search of a crime.

This was all part of the plan.

During her 2018 campaign for attorney general, James proudly declared: “He should be charged with obstructing justice. I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses and we would join with law enforcement and other attorneys general across the nation in removing this president from office.”

James tweeted the campaign endorsement from Rep. Maxine Waters that James would be an attorney general who “who will investigate Trump” and promised that “[t]he president of the United States has to worry about three things; Mueller, Cohen, and Tish James.”

In her election night victory speech, James boasted: “I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings….” and before taking office repeated her threat to target Trump world: “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well.”

To target one person, a political opponent, and his family for political retribution using the power of a prosecutor is very Soviet. I concluded the op-ed as follows:

Tish James campaigned on and conducted her office for the purpose of investigating a political opponent and those around him trying to find a crime. That is Soviet-level prosecutorial abuse where individuals are targeted not to prosecute a crime, but to sift through their lives in the hope of finding a crime.And lacking a prosecutable crime, trying to bring them down and purge them from the economic world through a civil lawsuit.James’ conduct is a disgrace to the Office of Attorney General.

Tags: Letitia James, Media Appearance, New York, Trump Derangement Syndrome