Liberal Media Predictably Downplays or Ignores Threat to Justice Kavanaugh

We all know that the majority of our media is biased, but sometimes it’s hard to believe the lengths they will go to amplify or ignore a story.

The threat to the life of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was all too real, but some outlets ignored it, downplayed it, or memory-holed it as quickly as possible.

Josh Blackman of the Volokh Conspiracy at Reason highlights the New York Times coverage:

Press Coverage on the Assassination Attempt of Justice KavanaughIf you log onto now, and check above the fold, you will see a lovely story about the Jurassic Park cast and Kelly Clarkson’s performance. If you scroll down, down, down, down, down, you will find a story about the attempted assassination of a Justice. By my count, the Kavanaugh assassination attempt is perhaps the sixteenth most important news item of the day! Oh, and according to the Washington Post, Kavanaugh and his family were home last night.

Just look at how far down the story is on the homepage:

That was at around 5:30 PM. At the time of this writing, several hours later, it’s still way down at the bottom of the page (click to enlarge):

Here’s the top of MSNBC’s homepage. Not even a mention:

PBS NewsHour devoted a whopping 50 seconds to the story.

Kevin Tober of NewsBusters:

PBS Runs Short 50 Second Story on Kavanaugh Assassin Attempt, PBS Website IgnoresOn Wednesday morning, a pro-abortion leftist from California was caught outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house with a gun, knife, and zip ties in what the man admitted was an attempt to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh. Despite this shocking report, PBS NewsHour only managed to give the story fifty seconds.This is despite running a six-minute and twenty-two-minute-long segment on COVID vaccine inequality in India and the rest of the third world.Anchor Judy Woodruff introduced the Kavanaugh assassination attempt in a dismissive tone by opening with the phrase “in the day’s other news,” as if she was about to report on a water main break in New York City as opposed to the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice in an attempt to convince the court to change its apparent opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

Watch below:

There are other examples:

Last word goes to Stephen L. Miller:

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Crime, Media Bias, US Supreme Court