Israeli Officials: Biden Close to Admitting Failure of Iran Nuke Talks

After 12 months of talks between President Joe Biden’s administration and Iran, the White House may soon be forced to admit the failure of nuclear talks, senior Israeli officials believe.

Washington is “close to admitting failure of Iran nuclear talks,” the Times of Israel reported Tuesday, quoting the country’s officials. “Israeli officials have reportedly said the chances of world powers signing a new nuclear deal with Iran are greatly diminished,” the news website added.

With the Biden administration failing to reach a deal with the Iranians despite easing key sanctions and weapons embargo, the White House is desperately trying to pin the blame for its failure on former President Donald Trump.

“If we go back, under the Iran nuclear deal, Iran’s nuclear program was tightly constrained,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki lamented on Tuesday. “Since the Trump administration ceased US participation in the deal, Iran has rapidly accelerated its nuclear program,” she added

The newspaper Israel Hayom reported the bleak Israeli assessment of the Biden-Iran talks:

Israel’s assessment about the chances of a new nuclear deal between Iran and the West have taken an abrupt turn, with two diplomatic officials telling Israel Hayom that it now appears that the chances a new deal will be signed are “slim to none.”The officials stressed that while a surprise could still come in the form of a new deal being signed, “The possibility that the sides will sign a deal in the foreseeable future is shrinking exponentially.”Until a month ago, the prevailing assessment in Israel diplomatic and security apparatuses was that the US and Iran would proceed to ink the deal under discussion. This belief was based on the US administration’s enthusiasm to go back to the 2015 JCPOA, to which many current members of the administration were signatories. During negotiations, the US has made numerous concessions to Iran, prompting two senior members of the US negotiating team to resign.A draft version of a new agreement was already submitted, and it appeared likely that a date would be announced for the signing, but the parties last left Vienna to await an answer from Tehran. Iran neither announced that it was rejecting the deal or adopting it, but rather set out a number of new conditions, including a demand that the US remove the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps from its list of terrorist entities.

Embarrassing concessions made by the Biden administration to Tehran include waving sanctions on the regime’s ‘civilian’ nuclear program, which paves the way for state-own companies from China, Russia, and Europe to upgrade Iranian capabilities.

Weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, President Biden reportedly allowed Moscow to use Iran as a hub for evading sanctions. On March 15, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov disclosed that the Biden White House gave Kremlin a ‘written guarantee’ to this effect.

The White House even considered removing Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the list of international terrorist organizations. Last month, the IRGC, the Iranian regime’s international terrorist arm, carried out a missile strike aimed at the U.S. consulate and related targets in northern Iraq. In recent months, the IRGC has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel and assassinate former U.S. President Trump for the 2020 killing of Qassem Soleimani, the top Iranian terror operative responsible for the deaths of hundreds of U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

In the face of President Biden’s policy of appeasement towards Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government has refused to be bound by any deal agreed between the current U.S. administration and the Iranian regime. According to Israeli media, Jerusalem has allocated $1.5 billion for a potential strike against Iran’s rogue nuclear infrastructure.

Tags: Biden Iran, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Trump Iran