We’re seven months away from the 2022 midterm elections and all signs point to an epic and perhaps historic drubbing for Democrats in the House and Senate and in statehouses across the country thanks in no small part to the leadership failures of Joe Biden.
Naturally, when Democrats are on the ropes, the mainstream media springs into action to provide a hefty assist. That’s exactly what’s happened over the last couple of weeks as various claims made by the rabidly partisan Jan. 6th Committee have been carefully leaked to the press and book writers/reporters from the New York Times, who in turn are going into overdrive in giving the stories their best spins in hopes of distracting people from the self-destruction currently taking place within the Democratic party.
We saw it last week with yet another of their infamous “bombshell” reports, this time in their insinuations about how House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was allegedly so ashamed of what happened on January 6th, 2021 that he told Rep. Liz Cheney on a House Republican leadership call four days later that then-President Donald Trump should resign in disgrace.
As Fuzzy noted, however, during the call – which we only have select audio snippets of – McCarthy made clear that “he would recommend to Trump that he resign rather than face the humiliation of his Cabinet and Congress deeming him unfit to serve and removing him without his consent.”
Not only has McCarthy denied the “walls are closing in” spin on the media’s reports about his call with Cheney, but in an interview with the Wall Street Journal after stories about the call broke, Trump himself sought to debunk the media-driven narrative that sprang from last week’s news by stating in so many words that there was no rift at all between him and McCarthy:
Mr. Trump said he wasn’t pleased to learn of Mr. McCarthy’s comments in the House leadership call, but he said the California Republican had never ultimately advised him to quit. He said that Mr. McCarthy quickly changed his stance “when he found out the facts” and embraced him fully, a few weeks after the Jan. 10, 2021, call.“He made a call. I heard the call. I didn’t like the call,” said Mr. Trump. “But almost immediately as you know, because he came here and we took a picture right there—you know, the support was very strong,” Mr. Trump said, pointing to a spot in the room where Mr. McCarthy had taken a photo with the former president in late January, an image seen as formalizing their rapprochement and confirming Mr. Trump continued dominance of the party.“I think it’s all a big compliment, frankly,” Mr. Trump said of Mr. McCarthy and other Republicans who initially criticized him after Jan. 6 and then said they would still support him. “They realized they were wrong and supported me.”[…]Asked whether he still supported Mr. McCarthy for speaker, should Republicans win control of the House in November, Mr. Trump didn’t answer directly. “Well I don’t know of anybody else that’s running and I think that I’ve had actually a very good relationship with him,” Mr. Trump said. “I like him. And other than that brief period of time, I suspect he likes me quite a bit.”
There’s nothing the media would love more at this stage in an election year than to paint Republicans as being “in disarray” heading into the midterms and ultimately the 2024 presidential election. They tried it a few months ago with their trumping up an alleged rift between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Trump, who both shut down that discussion when they not only denied it but also pointed to how the press was trying to construct a false narrative in order to divide Republicans at a time when they should be united.
In essence, that’s what Trump did in his comments to the Wall Street Journal as well. While he didn’t bend over backward in gushing over McCarthy, he also didn’t throw him under the bus, which should relieve Republicans because as it stands now they are poised to make major gains in the House and possibly the Senate, too. The last thing they want to happen is for anyone—much less Trump—to take the bait and feed the media monster over rumors of supposed deep divisions within the GOP.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —