NYC ‘Poop Smear’ Perp Who Is Also Accused of Anti-Semitic Hate Crime Set Free Thanks to Bail Reform Law

New York state’s awful 2020 “bail reform” law continues to further victimize innocent people in the state, with the latest example of a perp being let back out on the street literally being one of the grossest examples we’ve seen to date.

A 37-year-old homeless man named Frank Abrokwa is a repeat offender in New York City who has been arrested dozens of times since 1999 for crimes including assault and in a more recent and particularly disgusting incident, allegedly smearing his own feces into the face of a woman who according to prosecutors would not talk to him while waiting to ride a subway train:

A man smeared human feces on a woman’s face in an unprovoked rush-hour attack inside a Bronx subway station, sickening new video shows.The 43-year-old victim was sitting on a bench on the southbound platform of the Wakefield–241st Street station around 5:15 p.m. Feb. 21 when a man began walking toward her, holding a black plastic bag, according to cops and the clip released late Sunday. Then, without saying a word, he smashed the vile contents of the bag in her face, and then smeared it on the back of her head, the footage shows.

Watch the disturbing attack below:

Abrokwa was arrested in the attack and was hauled before a judge but was released because the charges he faced in that attack are “not bail-eligible,” according to the New York Post, so he was released. He was promptly re-arrested for a September incident where he allegedly shouted anti-Semitic slurs at a Jewish man and threatened to kill him … but he was let back out onto the streets after that arrest as well:

A sicko who allegedly smeared his own feces on a straphanger’s face was freed without bail Wednesday on a fresh set of hate crime charges.Frank Abrokwa was hauled before a judge for the second time in as many days — this time on charges he spat on a Jewish man and chased him down a Brooklyn street, screaming, “Come here, you f—king Jew, I am going to kill you,” according to a criminal complaint.The alleged hate crime happened Sept. 9 in Crown Heights.The career criminal — who is accused of rubbing his excrement in a woman’s face in the Bronx last week — is charged with second-degree aggravated harassment as a hate crime, disorderly conduct and two counts of menacing, including one as a hate crime.

This news report from NBC 4 New York highlights the sorry state of affairs around this man’s lengthy criminal history where he has been let out over and over again, only to commit more crimes:

Adding insult to injury was how the suspect acted in the courtroom, as though he knew he would ultimately be set free no matter how nasty and crude he got:

The sicko who allegedly smashed his own feces in a Bronx straphanger’s face joked with cops that “s–t happens” before sneering to a Bronx judge, “F–k you, bitch.”[…]Upon arrest, he made light of the attack, quipping to cops, “S–t happens. Haha. This is a s–tty situation. Haha,” Bronx Assistant District Attorney Grace Phillips said during Abrokwa’s arraignment late Tuesday.Abrokwa — apparently impatient because Brooklyn detectives showed up to arrest him for an unrelated hate crime from September — also made a scene in Bronx Criminal Court.Prior to his appearance before Judge Wanda Licitra, he could be heard in the holding area grumbling, “Why am I still here? I’m f–king tired of it. I’m hungry.”

In February 2020, just two months into the new bail reforms, one repeat offender called the law “a great thing. It’s a beautiful thing.”

“Bail reform, it’s lit!” the man exclaimed in front of reporters at the time. “It’s the Democrats! The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me. You can’t touch me! I can’t be stopped!”

I think that pretty much says it all, and is something that people need to remember going into the 2022 midterms as Democrats from President Biden on down try to run away from their support for the “Defund the Police” movement and bail reform efforts, both of which have led to rising crime rates in Democrat-run cities across America.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Antisemitism, Crime, New York, Progressives