New Conservative Spanish Language Network Has Democrats and Media in a Panic

The Republican shift of Hispanic voters is real, and we’re already seeing evidence of it. Now a conservative Spanish language network is about to launch and the left is in a state of panic.

The language the media is using to describe it is very telling.

This NBC News article by Marc Caputo includes the term ‘Defcon 1’ in the title and warns of disinformation:

‘Defcon 1 moment’: New Spanish-language conservative network fuels fresh Dem fears over disinfo, Latino outreachThe nation’s first Spanish-language conservative network launches Tuesday morning on satellite radio, opening a new front in the political information wars targeting Latinos in the United States and beyond.The network, called Americano, arrives during a crucial inflection point in U.S. politics, as more Hispanic voters show signs of drifting right and Democrats continue to sound the alarm about Spanish-language right-wing disinformation on social media and local radio, particularly in Miami, which is also Americano’s home base.It’s scheduled to launch first on SiriusXM radio, then on streaming TV this summer, offering a mix of news programming and commentary. The network has close ties to former President Donald Trump’s campaign, as well as to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who now represents the more moderate wing of the Republican Party…Americano’s founder and CEO, Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo, bristled at the notion that the privately funded network is going to purvey disinformation or misinformation, and accused Democrats of trying to cancel speech they don’t like.”They’re scared. And they should be,” Garcia-Hidalgo said of Democrats in an interview. “Democrats took Hispanics for granted for too long, and no one thought to create a home for us in conservative media. There is an appetite for this. You see it on social media. You see it in elections.”

The network hasn’t even launched yet and liberals are already casting doubt on it. A pollster who worked with the Obama campaign says:

“For those concerned about the disinformation problem harming Democrats’ chances with Hispanics, this is a Defcon 1 moment. We should worry,” Amandi said. “The Democrats’ response to all of this Hispanic outreach from Republicans — whether it’s disinformation or conventional campaigning — is to do the bare minimum. Unfortunately, some Democrats are deluding themselves. The ultimate act of disinformation is to pretend that this is not a big problem.”

Spencer Brown of Townhall suggests that Democrats are just trying to make excuses before the midterms happen, and wonder where all the concern about disinformation was from 2016 to 2020:

…this feigned worry over disinformation was missing during four-plus years of disinformation about the Russia collusion hoax and a litany of other Democrat-planted stories that the rest of liberal media — including mainstream Spanish-language outlets — happily parroted. Univision’s Jorge Ramos has engaged in selective reporting that dishonestly depicted migrant caravans headed to Biden’s open border. And what about Robert Francis O’Rourke who decided to rename himself? “Beto” is just more Dem disinformation.And yet Democrats are pretending that the launch of a conservative Spanish-language network is somehow beyond the pale of what should be acceptable — likely because to them, it is unacceptable for minorities to be conservative…

The choice of words says it all, doesn’t it?

As Rush Limbaugh always said, the left will tell you who they fear. He said that in relation to candidates, but I think it applies here, too.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Conservatives, Media