Politifact Rushes to Biden’s Aid After ‘Bull Connor’ Smear Backfires


Because Democrats are so used to getting a pass from the mainstream media every time they trot out the race card against their political opposition, the last week and a half of the Biden administration continuing to get peppered with questions about the racially-charged smears Biden made during his Georgia speech earlier this month have to be giving the White House nightmares.

For those who missed it, during the speech Biden gave during a so-called “voting rights” rally in Georgia on January 11th, here’s what Biden said about people who disagree with him on changing the Senate’s rule on the filibuster and/or who disagree with him on his “voting rights” bills:

“I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? This is the moment to decide. To defend our elections. To defend our democracy.”


No doubt, Biden and his fellow Democrats thought they could get away with equating Republicans and Democrat Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin to notable Democrat racists from the past, but there are reporters in the White House press corps who haven’t let him off the hook, including Fox News’s Peter Doocy and RealClearNews’s Philip Wegmann.

On several occasions since that Georgia speech, White House press secretary Jen Psaki has been asked about what Biden said and how that squared with his campaign pledge to be a uniter and not treat his political opponents as “enemies.” Her answers only muddied the waters as she essentially doubled down on what Biden claimed while bizarrely suggesting at the same time that he wasn’t actually saying anyone was a racist.

But during President Biden’s press conference this past Thursday – the one where he preemptively declared the 2022 midterms as potentially “illegitimate,” he was directly confronted by Wegmann about his remarks in what ended up being a very revealing and unflattering moment for Biden:

Naturally, when Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner, which the Biden administration absolutely has done here, we see so-called “fact-checkers” jump in to try and rescue them, which is exactly what happened after that disastrous Thursday presser.

Here’s Politifact, claiming Joe Biden’s Bull Connor comments needed “context”:

In the piece, they noted who Connor, Wallace, and Davis were from a historical perspective before specifically pointing to Biden’s “heated” back and forth with Wegmann, which lets me know that Biden’s embarrassing answer was the catalyst behind their “contextual” look at his Georgia speech. What they claimed, however, defies all logic:

“Go back and read what I said,” he told Wegmann.We went back to read what he said. While Biden didn’t explicitly accuse those who don’t support the voting bill of being racists, he did say that their vote would be remembered unfavorably in history, much like the actions of those past figures who didn’t support civil rights or an end to slavery.

This Twitter user had perhaps the best translation of them all in response to Politifact’s failed attempts at spinning this issue in a more favorable light for Biden:

Others responded accordingly as well:

Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton provided a timely reminder as to what was especially troubling about fact-checkers continuing to carry water for Democrats:

While that’s true, unfortunately for the Politifacts of the world every time they get caught running blatant interference for one political party over the other – which happens often – another layer of their supposed credibility burns to the ground, with fewer and fewer people trusting anything they say, and for good reason.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2022 Elections, Biden Speech, Democrats, Georgia, Joe Biden