AOC Defends Her Covid Hypocrisy With Impeccable Logic: “Republicans are mad they can’t date me”


Socialist Bronx, NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ditched the locked down, vax passport-demanding, mask-mandated Big Apple to ring in the New Year in Free Florida. 

Who can really blame her?

But the optics are not good. New York is suffering an overwhelming coronavirus “case” surge (“cases,” remember, includes anyone who tests positive for the Rona, whether they are symptomatic or not), so why isn’t AOC sitting in the Bronx . . . doing something?  Even just showing solidarity with the remaining poor mooks who still buy into the now-debunked leftist pandemic porn.

After all, AOC went after Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for leaving Texas for Cancun when the Texas power grid failed last winter.  He should have stayed there, she wailed, and . . . done something.  Who knows what she expected him to do, but he should have stayed and suffered with his constituents.  Unlike her, of course, who bails on one of the least free cities in one of the least free states in the union to party it up, maskless, in Miami . . . while her own city and state are under siege.

Again, I don’t blame her for leaving the hell her own politics and crazy have unleashed on New York. I would leave, too, if I didn’t already live in Free Florida. But the hypocrisy is shameful, and so typical of communist leaders the world over. The rules, the pain, the poverty, the shame of submission are for the little people, not for them.

AOC lashed out at Florida governor DeSantis in an attempt to deflect the controversy. It didn’t go well for her.

At all.

Failing that, AOC reverted to some weird teeny-bop mentality that befuddled everyone for its rich bizarreness and bizarre richness.

My first reaction to this tweet was that she is the creepy weirdo here. And I was not alone in thinking that.

This is just off-the-scale bizarre, right?

Or was it some three dimensional chess move to change the topic from her failed leadership to her “hotness”?

You don’t actually have to be very bright to be good at sleazy, mean girl politics, right?

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, Florida, Twitter