Jussie Smollet is the poster child for hate crime hoaxes. A giant who “almost” pulled off the improbable: Convincing ‘merica that MAGA bullies were running through the streets of Chicago (yes, Chicago) in the middle of the night and attacked Jussie and threatened him with a noose.
It takes a certain someone special to think that would fly. But fly it did, for months as the media and politicians fell over themselves about how the attack on Jussie was time for another racial reckoning, a moment when we contronted the white supremacist Trump supporters making Chicago unsafe in freezing weather in the middle of the night.
Slowly, but surely, the truth seeped out. It was a hoax. It never happened. Jussie put people up to it. He told his tale to the jury and they convicted him on 5 of 6 counts of making false statements to the police.
In honor of Jussie, on December 19, 2021, we assembled a Star Spangled panel to talk about Jussie Smollett and The Hate Hoax Pandemic
Clockwise: Kemberlee Kaye, Me, Prof. Wilfred Reilly (Author of Hate Crime Hoax: How The Left Is Selling A Fake Race War)
In my presentation, I presented slides that are shown on the screen, walking viewers through the history of Legal Insurrection covering Hoaxes, including these two shown on one of the slides:
Prof. Reilly talked about his methodology and database for tracking hoaxes, and attempted to answer the question: Why did they do it? Will Prof. Reilly have a follow up to the book? Hah, you’ll have to watch the video to find out.
Kemberlee screened and then asked audience questions during a fairly long Q&A.
Unlike some prior events, there is no highlight reel. The whole thing is just too damn good to clip.