“Let’s Go Brandon” Dad Now Under Siege

I read about this shortly after it happened, but I only today—thank you, Professor Jacobson for covering the whole site for Christmas Eve/Day!—watched the video of the Oregon dad saying “Let’s go Brandon!” on the Christmas Eve NORAD call with Joe and Dr. Jill Biden.

Reading about it, and about Biden’s saying “let’s go Brandon, I agree,” I definitely got a different sense than I did watching the clip.

Note that this is from the video that Jared from Oregon took and posted himself (suggesting that the “Let’s Go Brandon!” thing was meant to be for his YouTube followers).

Nonetheless, the Bidens and Jared seem to be having a jovial, friendly, and quite charming conversation, including a bonding moment over their sons’ name, Hunter.

So it seemed jarring when we get to the “Let’s Go Brandon!” part.

This is from the livestreamed White House version, and it looks like Dr. Jill gets it, but Biden seems to be still in the bonding frame of mind and just babbles out that he agrees. Heck, he may have thought one of the caller’s sons’ names was Brandon. Even if he didn’t, this just seems like a cheap shot in this context, so I just don’t see the “own” here and personally find it rather distasteful in this situation.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in the least opposed to the “Let’s Go Brandon!” chant, statement, or sentiment, and am actually quite fond of its earlier incarnation. This, though, just seems . . . wrong. From what I can gather this Jared guy thought that his call would not be seen by anyone except his YouTube followers, thus the “Let’s go Brandon!” and his surprise at the backlash.

No matter how distasteful I might find this, the media and leftist attacks on this Jared from Oregon guy are beyond ridiculous and dwarf my own reservations.

Can you even begin to imagine being upset about this if it were a leftie caller to President Trump saying “Tuck Frump”? And being upset about it for days? Letting it eat at you throughout Christmas Day and into the next day? Can you imagine doxing that person, trying to get him fired (Jared apparently works in his father’s business, which has been affected by the cry-bully left)? Frankly, can you imagine caring at all five minutes after hearing about it?

Instead of just letting it go with a shrug (and maybe a grimace) as any normal person would do, the Democrat propagandist media worked themselves and the tiny enclave of vocal leftist Twitter into a lather over the “right-wing slur.” How dare this person, this nobody from Oregon, dare say that to our Dear Leader?! We must find him, we must get to the bottom of this . . . this insurrectionist assault on democracy (yes, really).

I’m sure the debased, partisan, and clownish FBI is all over this one.

For his part, Jared claims he was just making a joke, and the jovial tone of the conversation does seem to support that.

The New York Post reports:

“I understand there is a vulgar meaning to ‘Let’s go Brandon,’ but I’m not that simple-minded, no matter how I feel about him,” Schmeck insisted to the newspaper. “He seems likes he’s a cordial guy. There’s no animosity or anything like that. It was merely just an innocent jest to also express my God-given right to express my frustrations in a joking manner … I love him just like I love any other brother or sister.”Schmeck said he “stood 100% behind what I did and what I said,” adding he’s not a supporter of former President Donald Trump but is frustrated with Biden policies such as federal vaccine mandates, along with issues like inflation.

The perpetually angry, humorless, control freak left has, of course, lost its damned mind over it.

The leftist crazy is grating and exhausting, especially when put in context.

A man did a silly thing, thinking it would not be shown to anyone but those viewing his YouTube, and the left wants him canceled. Or worse.

At some point this absolute lunacy must stop. These over-sensitive “woke” cry-bullies cannot continue to wreak havoc on our nation. The only way to turn this around is to stop being the victim, to stop apologizing, and to tell them all, “Let’s go Brandon!”.

Tags: Joe Biden, Progressives, Twitter