Jussie Smollett and The Hate Hoax Pandemic – Online Event (Sunday, December 19, 7 p.m. Eastern)
Jussie Smollett has become the poster child for hate hoaxes, but Jussie is just the latest in a long line of hate fakery.

Jussie Smollet faked a hate crime, bigly. He got convicted, bigly. But Jussie is just the tip of the hate hoax iceberg. We have covered dozens of hate hoaxes over the years. We have have a tag called Hoaxes.
In honor of Jussie being convicted on 5 of 6 counts (or what CNN calls “some”) of lying to police, we are holding an online event on Sunday, December 19, at 7 p.m. Eastern. Registration is FREE, but you must
Preregister HERE.
Here’s the event description:
“Jussie Smollett has become the poster child for hate hoaxes, but Jussie is just the latest in a long line of hate fakery. At this online event, you will hear from Prof. William A. Jacobson about the dozens of hate hoaxes we have covered at Legal Insurrection. Prof. Wilfred Reilly, who literally wrote the book on hate hoaxes (Hate crime hoax : how the left is selling a fake race war, 2019), will explain this societal phenomenon. There will be time for Q&A.”
You know about me. And some of you know about Prof. Wilfred Reilly, who was a panelist at our previous online events on Unity Not Division: A Non-Racist Approach to Community & Education and How Critical Race Training Is Harming Higher Ed.
Prof. Reilly actually wrote the book on hate hoaxes:
Kemberlee will host the event.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
I hope the professor will give a shout out to fakehatecrimes.org, which has been documenting these hoaxes one by one for a decade now.
I noticed the CNN description “some” too.
Maybe this is an opening for CNN and Jussie to join up to replace his missing career and their anchor shortage.
Hoax is not the correct term, these are Malicious Fraud, for fun, fame and profit.
That, and to see how much they can make whites cower.
Jussie will always be the poster boy for racial hate hoax. He may be held in esteem by some now, but he is marked for life. This will follow him as long as he lives. This is what he will be remembered for.
Tawana Brawley gets a phone call from Jimmy Carter.
He tells her, “Sometimes, outliving stuff just takes time.”
Thanks for the chuckle!
Juicy is a lying sack of garbage.
10 years minimum sentence.
Not a chance in hell.