VIDEO – Rittenhouse Post-Verdict Analysis

On Friday, November 19, the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse case rendered a resounding NOT GUILTY ALL COUNTS!

Since then, the coverage here has not stopped:

On Sunday evening, November 21, we held an online event to go over the post-verdict analysis. The event was hosted by Kemberlee Kay, and Andrew Branca and I provided commentary and analysis. We had over 300 people online, and tons of questions. We often prepare a shortened highlight version, but not this time, it would have been too difficult to pull out highlights, particularly since the Q&A took up almost half the total time.

So here is the full 1.5 hour event video, including the full Q&A.

ALERT — Starting November 30, Andrew Branca will be providing daily LIVE coverage at Legal Insurrection of the “Taser Taser Taser” prosecution of Kimberly Potter in the shooting death of Daunte Wright.

Tags: Daunte Wright, Kyle Rittenhouse, Legal Insurrection Events