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Brian Williams To Leave MSNBC/NBC By Year’s End

Brian Williams To Leave MSNBC/NBC By Year’s End

“His farewell comes amid significant ratings woes for the liberal network after his show ‘The 11th Hour with Brian Williams’… reported … lowest-rated weeks ever last month”

Brian Williams hosted the NBC Nightly News for ten years before being caught telling tall tales about an incident in Iraq, along with other quite colorfully embellished tales about other stories he covered.

Here’s our prior coverage on the Williams’ fall from grace:

He landed, after his six month suspension, at MSNBC. Not quite the prestigious spot as his anchor job for NBC, but it was something.

Now, that, too, is coming to end as Williams announced that he is not going to renew his contract next month.

Fox News reports:

MSNBC’s Brian Williams, the veteran anchor once suspended for falsifying stories earlier in his career, announced on Tuesday that he would step down from his program and depart NBC at the end of the year after nearly three decades with the network.

“As an award-winning journalist and anchor at MSNBC and NBC News, Brian Williams has informed us he would like to take the coming months to spend time with his family,” Rashida Jones, president of MSNBC, said in a memo Tuesday night. “He will be signing off from The 11th Hour at the end of the year.”

Williams’ contract is set to expire next month. His farewell comes amid significant ratings woes for the liberal network after his show “The 11th Hour with Brian Williams” and several others reported their lowest-rated weeks ever last month.

“Following much reflection, and after 28 years with the company, I have decided to leave NBC upon the completion of my current contract in December,” Williams wrote in a statement obtained by the New York Times on Tuesday. “I have been truly blessed. I have been allowed to spend almost half of my life with one company. NBC is a part of me and always will be.”


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AirAmerica is scouting him.