Radical Joe Biden Officially Rejects Moderate Stance That Got Him Elected

So far this year, Democrats have passed trillions in spending: $1.52 trillion in discretionary spending and $1.9 trillion for their American Rescue Plan. That’s not enough, though.  In fact, they were just getting started.

In spite of rampant inflation, global shortages due in part to supply chain disruptions, and general economic uncertainty created by onerous government lockdowns during the WuFlu pandemic and Biden wiping out American energy independence (along with other economy-boosting measures taken by President Trump), they have been trying to wrangle Democrat progressives and the moderates in both the House and the Senate to pass another $1.1 trillion in infrastructure and another $3.5 trillion in “human infrastructure” spending. Along with all the taxes and accompanying strains on an already fragile economy.

For those keeping track at home, that’s a whopping $8 trillion plus in new spending at a time when unemployment is high, prices on everything are biting the middle and lower classes, and uncertainty looms about the future of small businesses harmed by year-long lockdowns.

So far, the battle to impoverish America has ended in a stalemate with Democrat radicals and moderates firmly entrenched and each side demanding the unacceptable of the other. One of the things that has been at issue throughout all of this is whether or not the infrastructure bill should be tied to the gigantic reconciliation bill (the “human infrastructure” bill that attempts to remake our entire nation).

On Friday, Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden doddered over to the House to meet with the Democrat caucus in a purported attempt to unify his fractured party over their ongoing intraparty struggles.

What he ended up doing, and what the White House staff are reportedly doing “behind the scenes,” is doubling down on his support for the Bernie Sanders-written $3.5 trillion socialist wishlist boondoggle to remake America.  And America-hating progressives are reportedly ‘exalting’ in their Biden-fueled “newfound power.”

Meanwhile, Pelosi is caught off-guard and nonplussed since she has been promising her moderate caucus that she will decouple the bills and hold votes on the already-Senate-passed infrastructure bill. Biden shot that down, siding with obstructionist progressives and effectively stabbing Pelosi in the back and hampering her ability to work with the moderate faction of her party.

This should come as no surprise to anyone, however.  Remember when Biden got far too many naive, greedy, power-hungry, self-involved, and politically unsavvy Republicans to buy-in to the (not really) infrastructure bill?  Remember when they were all assembled at the White House to trumpet their bipartisan success?  Remember when Biden pulled the rug out from under them all, in public and on national television, by declaring that this bipartisan bill was tied to the Bernie boondoggle? Implying rather strongly that these Republicans supported both?

These insipid Biden Republicans were all there, happy to support an “infrastructure” bill that has very little to do with actual infrastructure, and then were blind-sided when Biden declared that the bill was DOA without the Bernie boondoggle.

The Biden Republicans, of course, just stood there like the court jesters Biden made them sans the fools caps and oranges for juggling.  They outraged—politely, of course—and the Biden admin dutifully lied to them and to the American people.  Given fake cover by a fake administration, the Biden Republicans declared victory.  It was a shameful spectacle.

So it’s with a bit of wonder that I read about how blind-sided moderate Democrats feel, they are “frustrated” and contend that Biden coming to the Hill to whip “against his own bill is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Yeah, no.  Biden wants these bills tied together, always has, and clearly showed that in his orchestrated and very public humiliation of the Biden Republicans who thought they were strutting a “bipartisan” victory only to learn in real time they were played.  And hard.

This is not the “moderate” Joe Biden that Americans thought they were electing. This grievous bait-and-switch perpetrated first on Biden Republicans, then on moderates in his own party, but ultimately on the American people is not only tanking Biden’s approval now that the full flush of his incompetence and anti-American radicalism is crystallizing, but it is very likely to bite Democrats hard in 2022.  And in 2024.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Bernie Sanders, Biden Administration, Democrats, Green New Deal, Republicans