Biden Admin Upset Israel Designated Palestinian “Human Rights” NGOs Linked To PFLP As Terror Groups
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Biden Admin Upset Israel Designated Palestinian “Human Rights” NGOs Linked To PFLP As Terror Groups

Biden Admin Upset Israel Designated Palestinian “Human Rights” NGOs Linked To PFLP As Terror Groups

Israeli defense ministry: PFLP used these NGOs as a  “central source” of funding to get “large sums of money from European countries and international organizations.”

President Joe Biden’s administration has rebuked Israel for designating “human rights” NGOs linked to a notorious terror group as terrorist organizations.

“The US State Department criticized the announcement on Friday in the most explicit admonition from the Biden administration since the new Israeli government was formed in June,” the Jerusalem Post reported on Sunday. The left-wing Israel newspaper Haaretz called it “perhaps the Biden administration’s harshest public rebuke of Israel since [the new Israeli government took] office.”

The Biden administration characterized the Israeli decision targeting six NGOs run by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) as an attack on “human rights” and “fundamental freedoms.” The Marxist PFLP is a U.S.-designated terrorist group.

“We believe respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and a strong civil society are critically important to responsible and responsive governance,” U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price said.

On Friday, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz declared six PFLP-run NGOs as terror organizations. The decision came after years of extensive investigation by Israeli researchers — notably led by the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor watchdog — that clearly expose ties between these “human rights” groups and the Palestinian Marxist terror group.

The six banned NGOs, who have been exposed as the front groups of the PFLP, are Al-Haq, Addameer, Defence for Children International-Palestine, the Bisan Center, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees. Some of these benign-sounding NGOs are a “central source” of funding for the PFLP and have received “large sums of money from European countries and international organisations,” the Israeli defense ministry disclosed.

“Those organizations were active under the cover of civil society organizations, but in practice belong and constitute an arm of the [PFLP] leadership, the main activity of which is the liberation of Palestine and destruction of Israel,” the Israeli ministry added.

The Biden White House also slammed Israel for not informing Washington about the measures against the terrorist-linked NGOs in advance — a claim denied by Jerusalem.

“Officials in the American administration were updated in advance of the intention to make this declaration and they received intelligence information about the matter,” The Times of Israel reported on Saturday citing an Israeli defense official.

The evidence tying these NGOs to the notorious Marxist terror group is a matter of public record. Years of meticulous research by Israeli watchdog group, NGO Monitor, has exposed PFLP’s nefarious “civil society” network. Legal Insurrection has extensively reported on the PFLP’s NGO network and how they are being used to get millions of dollars in aid from U.S. and European government agencies.

Leading left-wing groups and activists joined the Biden administration in a chorus of condemnation against Israel. Squad member Rep. Rashida Tlaib came to the defense of the terrorist-run NGOs, describing them as “award-winning human rights groups.”

The PFLP, the leading Palestinian-Communist terror group, first gained notoriety in the 1970s when its carried out a series of deadly aircraft hijackings and other acts of terror — several of them in coordination with left-wing German terrorist groups. The outfit continues to carry out terror attacks against Israeli civilians and military personnel.

The NGO Monitor describes the nature of the terrorist group:

“PFLP is a (…) Marxist-Leninist terror group, originally supported by the Soviet Union and China. (…) “Since its inception, the terror group has been involved in suicide bombings, shootings, and assassinations, among other attacks targeting civilians. The group was well-known for hijacking commercial airlines in the 1960s and 1970s, involving thousands of civilians in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and is responsible for countless deaths and injuries.”

The terrorist group has used its left-wing credentials to make inroads into the U.S. and European academia. The outfit sends its propagandists to college campuses to campaign for the anti-Israel boycott movement, or the BDS.

As Samantha Mandeles wrote in a January 2021 post: “PFLP is the home association of Rasmea Odeh, the supermarket bomber who murdered two Jewish students in Jerusalem in 1969. It’s also the group of the first female airplane hijacker, Leila Khaled. Both women are still the darlings of anti-Israel campus activists; likewise, the PFLP itself remains an object of obsessive apotheosis for notoriously hateful student groups such as SJP.”

Convicted PFLP terrorist Odeh is now a highly sought-out speaker for anti-Israel groups on Western campuses. She was even embraced by notorious agitator Linda Sarsour at an anti-Israel event in 2017.

The Link between the Palestinian NGOs and terrorist organizations (a 2019 report by Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs) 


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“Biden Admin Upset…”

Some people seek the the truth while others are upset by it.

Such predictable idiocy and moral stupidity from the vile Dhimmi-crats. Everyone with an ounce of common sense and awareness understands that Muslim supremacists/terrorists are using these alleged “human rights” and “aid” groups as cover to funnel money to Muslim terrorist organizations and their terrorists.

Yet, dotard Xi-den’s puppeteers/caretakers/chaperones find something objectionable in Israel calling a spade a spade, and, designating these groups as de facto terrorist organizations? This is unsurprising behavior from the Dhimmi-crats, yet, it’s despicable and indefensible, nonetheless.

    Danny in reply to guyjones. | October 24, 2021 at 3:08 pm

    Kindly explain what a marxist organization has to do with Islam.

    “Dhimmicrats” and other Bush era terminology designed to dehumanize Muslims needs to go. In case you haven’t notice national security state hates you and while your loyalty to the Bush dynasty is touching it is a one way street.

      Milhouse in reply to Danny. | October 24, 2021 at 9:01 pm

      Hey, Danny, you’re just as off the wall as guyjones. In what universe is anti-Moslem rhethoric a sign of loyalty to the Bushes? It was the Bushes who cultivated ties with so-called ”moderate” Moslems, some of whom turned out not to be so moderate after all? It was Bush Jr who came up with that ridiculous description of Islam as a “religion of peace”! Terms like “Dhimmicrat” are childish, inaccurate, and particularly inappropriate when we’re discussing a terrorist organization that isn’t Moslem, but they are the terms of the anti-Bush right, which became the Trump right. And when it comes to recognizing the true threat from Islam, they’re more right than wrong.

        Danny in reply to Milhouse. | October 25, 2021 at 12:18 am

        There isn’t a way to fear monger without stirring up the kind of hate filled and stupid attacks guyjones does and Bush did a lot of fear mongering to set up his national security state.

        Before Bush Muslims voted Republican by about the rate they vote Democrat now. If Bush was somehow pro-Muslim it isn’t a memo heard by the Muslim community. Actually the Bush FBI did many of the same evil tricks to innocent Muslims they are doing to us now. (Tucker actually covered some examples).

        Also what Muslim threat?

        Mass immigration from any hell hole will bring lots of crime, depress wages, and shift politics whatever the religion of the third world country (yes I know Nigeria has been an exception to prove the rule). I am against mass immigration from the Middle East just not for religious reasons I don’t think Islam is anything special in a good or bad way.

    Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | October 24, 2021 at 8:55 pm

    Whoa there! The PFLP is not Moslem.

Everyone knows the rules! Thou shalt not call terrorists “terrorists” unless they can be linked to Donald Trump or other extreme right wing fanatics!

Also, notice ugly Muslim supremacist and terrorist sympathizer, Rashida Tlaib’s tweet, invoking her despicable “apartheid” slander and lie.

This is the Dhimmi-crats’ posture, now — welcoming the vicious lies of Muslim supremacists, flippantly and fallaciously fomenting Jew-hate, by accusing Israeli Jews of practicing “apartheid,” as if the conflict there is rooted in something other than Muslims’ supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and hate-filled ideology.


The globalist hacks really dislike scrutiny. This sort of thing has gone on for years, it’s their playbook. First use violence to destabilize then have affiliates offer support/assistance to those impacted by the destabilization.

“Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste”
— Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel

The Democrat Playbook is to use crises as a PRETEXT for implementing their ideological policies.

It seems to me – Democrats do not want to wait for crises anymore (too slow) – so they are creating them. It is good for them for 2 reasons. (1) distracts people; and (2) gives them a pretext to adopt otherwise un-popular ideological policies.


If the FBI bothered to actually look I’d bet most Muslim charities directly or indirectly funnel money to terrorists, since funding the mujahideen is one of the permitted (by Islam) purposes for such money. Mosque finances should be equally suspect for the same reason.

Democrats and terrorists have the same goals.

Money is fungible. Even if $ was not spent an terrorist activity, the cash paid frees up more money for fire kites , bombs, etc.

    Milhouse in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 24, 2021 at 9:05 pm

    It doesn’t even come to that. It doesn’t matter what the money is used for. Giving material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which the PFLP is, is a felony in the USA. These orgs are run by the PFLP, therefore anyone in the USA giving them money is subject to arrest and prosecution.

Israel should do what it has to do against any terrorist organization and Iran, the global sponsor and enabler of Islamic terror.