Support for Biden Among Independent Voters Craters to Just 37% in New Gallup Poll

Joe Biden has sunk into dangerous territory among independent voters, according to a new Gallup poll. When he took office months ago, he enjoyed an approval rating of over 60% with independents. Now he is at 37% with these voters.

That’s a stunning drop in such a short amount of time.

Let’s start with Biden’s overall approval in the poll, from Spencer Brown at Townhall:

Biden Job Approval Hits New Low as Independents Jump Ship Ahead of MidtermsWhile Biden’s strategy of hiding out in his Delaware basement may have helped him limp across the finish line in 2020, his frequent long weekends in Rehoboth Beach and refusal to answer questions while supposedly leading the free world is not doing his job approval numbers any favors.The lack of leadership from Biden — especially amid a growing number of crises at home and around the world — has the man who once claimed to be the country’s only hope to restore our nation’s soul polling at all time lows according to the latest numbers released at the eight-month mark of Biden’s presidency.”Eight months after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, his job approval rating has fallen six percentage points to 43%, the lowest of his presidency. For the first time, a majority, 53%, now disapproves of Biden’s performance,” explains Gallup.

And now for independent voters, let’s go directly to Gallup (emphasis is mine):

Independents Show Greatest Decline in Approval of BidenDemocrats’ approval of the job Biden is doing has remained high and not varied by more than eight points since he took office. Their highest rating of Biden was 98% in late January/early February, and their lowest is the current 90%. Republicans’ ratings of Biden are similarly stable at the other extreme, ranging from 12% in February and July to 6% this month.Independents have shown the greatest variation in their opinions of how Biden is doing. Biden’s current 37% approval rating among independents is his lowest to date and 24 points below his personal high of 61%. Two-thirds of Biden’s slide among independents since he took office has occurred in the past three months.

Back in early August, I noted that this was coming:

When thinking and writing about politics, we often focus on the left and the right. However, the people who fall somewhere in between are often more important in elections.The 2022 midterms are still quite a way off. but Biden is not polling well with independent voters. If that trend continues, it could be very bad news for Democrats.

I cited this report from Naomi Lim at the Washington Examiner:

The 2022 midterm election cycle will be determined by voter turnout, similar to elections before it. But for Paleologos, the contests and Biden’s waning popularity will also hinge on independent voters. Biden’s ploy to appeal to them with bipartisanship does not appear to be working.“Right now, the latest national polls have Biden’s job approval among independents in the low 40s. If that number dips into the high 30s, it spells trouble ahead,” Suffolk University Political Research Center’s director said.

And here we are. Biden has slipped into the high 30s with independents.

This should be setting off alarm bells at the White House.

Tags: Biden Administration, Gallup Poll, Joe Biden