Al Sharpton Heckled During Visit to Southern Border in Texas

Al Sharpton loves to insert himself into situations when he thinks he can gain some relevance as a result. This week he visited Del Rio, Texas, but not because the thousands of migrants there have been living in squalor for days.

It was only after the fake news story about Border Patrol agents using whips went viral due to Democrats and our dishonest media, that Sharpton became interested in the situation.

Apparently, some people didn’t want him there because he was heckled.

Anna Giaritelli of the Washington Examiner has details:

Al Sharpton’s border trip descends into farce as he is heckled during 150-second speechRev. Al Sharpton was shouted down by protesters while attempting to speak about U.S. Border Patrol’s treatment of Haitian migrants and an incident involving its horse patrol unit.The civil rights advocate was forced to leave the podium at an outdoor press conference in Del Rio Thursday afternoon after speaking for just two minutes and 30 seconds at the podium.”We went for an hour and toured the place that we feel is a real catastrophic and human disgrace as people around this world watch the Border Patrol use slave-like techniques — mounted on horses. It compelled us to come and show our voices and our presence,” Sharpton said, fighting to speak over at least two male protesters in the crowd who attempted to drown him out.”How much money are you making? Why are you here advocating for violence? Del Rio is not a racist city. Del Rio is a loving, caring community,” the men yelled. “We don’t want your racism in Texas. Get out of here. You’re a disgrace. You’re a racist. Nobody wants you in Texas. Nobody wants you in Texas.”

Here’s the video:

Here’s another angle:

Jon Brown of FOX News has more:

“He [incites] violence and riots,” said Kelsey French, the wife of a Border Patrol agent, according to local Fox 29. “He is not pro-cop. Our community is very cop. We support our men and women in the green and the blue and every color that they wear. We love them. We don’t want him here we don’t want his trouble. Amen.”Sharpton spoke dismissively of the protesters, whom he accused of being “Trump supporters” and “right-wingers” who “can scream all they want.”Sharpton also said he wanted the Border Patrol to face an investigation while someone shouted that he is “a race-baiter.”

Sharpton is a grifter. He didn’t go there when people really might have needed help. He went there when he thought it would be at his advantage to do so.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Al Sharpton, Border Crisis, Texas