Joe Biden did not give a speech today. He read a speech today from the teleprompter. They rolled him out after several days of hiding, then rolled him away, back into hiding. They dared not allow him to be questioned.
Biden can read a teleprompter. It’s his comfort zone. The people running the country are those who feed the text into the teleprompter, and they are very good at manipulative messaging.
The speech was classic Obama — no doubt written by Obama-Biden speechwriters and others on Team Obama who run this government.
The Obama style, as we explored in depth during his reign, was to create straw man arguments. Create arguments that are easy to knock down in order to make your own weak argument seem legitimate.
That’s what Biden’s script did. Rather than address his malfeasance and defalcation of duty in the abysmal exit from and 72-hour collapse in Afghanistan, Biden focused on a straw man — That those opposing the collapse want to stay and fight in Afghanistan forever.
This was a completely manipulative argument. There is wide consensus that the U.S. needed to withdraw from Afghanistan. In fact U.S. forces had drawn down to 2500 playing mostly a support role. That’s a popular position. The issue was how the last troops would leave and what they would leave behind.
The problem was the the way Biden did it — abysmal lack of planning, false assurances that all was well, pulling the plug without first getting your people and friendlies out of the country, without first preparing the Embassy facilities and staff, without anything that a responsible government would do. The result was a body blow to our nation, a stain that weakens our friends and emboldens our enemies.
The criticism, even by some usually compliant media, was over the chaos, the images of smoke rising from the embassy as U.S. diplomats and intelligence officials hurridly burned documents and destroyed intelligence equipment: of tens of billions of high tech military equipment left in the hands of the Taliban (surely to be turned over to Iran and China for reverse engineering); of mob scenes at the airport; of American citizens left behind and told to shelter in place; and on and on.
You wouldn’t know that from the speech.
We had Joey the teleprompter puppet mouthing words with an empty look on his face that made it seem that he was a hero, only he stood against fighting in Afghanistan forever. It was a completely manipulative speech, intended to give MSNBC and other Biden supporters what they needed, a diversion, a straw man they could knock down. And they quickly obliged.
Biden’s handlers are convinced they and their straw men can ride out this news cycle. They’ve been here before, convinced that mild mainstream media criticism will soon give way to glowing praise and “but Trump.” The truth about teleprompter puppet Joe will be allowed to see the light only for a short time.