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Joe Biden And His Straw Men Deflect Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle Responsibility

Joe Biden And His Straw Men Deflect Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle Responsibility

Biden’s handlers are convinced they and their straw man arguments can ride out this news cycle. And they may be right.

Joe Biden did not give a speech today. He read a speech today from the teleprompter. They rolled him out after several days of hiding, then rolled him away, back into hiding.  They dared not allow him to be questioned.

Biden can read a teleprompter. It’s his comfort zone. The people running the country are those who feed the text into the teleprompter, and they are very good at manipulative messaging.

The speech was classic Obama — no doubt written by Obama-Biden speechwriters and others on Team Obama who run this government.

The Obama style, as we explored in depth during his reign, was to create straw man arguments. Create arguments that are easy to knock down in order to make your own weak argument seem legitimate.

That’s what Biden’s script did. Rather than address his malfeasance and defalcation of duty in the abysmal exit from and 72-hour collapse in Afghanistan, Biden focused on a straw man — That those opposing the collapse want to stay and fight in Afghanistan forever.

This was a completely manipulative argument. There is wide consensus that the U.S. needed to withdraw from Afghanistan. In fact U.S. forces had drawn down to 2500 playing mostly a support role. That’s a popular position. The issue was how the last troops would leave and what they would leave behind.

The problem was the the way Biden did it — abysmal lack of planning, false assurances that all was well, pulling the plug without first getting your people and friendlies out of the country, without first preparing the Embassy facilities and staff, without anything that a responsible government would do. The result was a body blow to our nation, a stain that weakens our friends and emboldens our enemies.

The criticism, even by some usually compliant media, was over the chaos, the images of smoke rising from the embassy as U.S. diplomats and intelligence officials hurridly burned documents and destroyed intelligence equipment: of tens of billions of high tech military equipment left in the hands of the Taliban (surely to be turned over to Iran and China for reverse engineering); of mob scenes at the airport; of American citizens left behind and told to shelter in place; and on and on.

You wouldn’t know that from the speech.

We had Joey the teleprompter puppet mouthing words with an empty look on his face that made it seem that he was a hero, only he stood against fighting in Afghanistan forever. It was a completely manipulative speech, intended to give MSNBC and other Biden supporters what they needed, a diversion, a straw man they could knock down. And they quickly obliged.

Biden’s handlers are convinced they and their straw men can ride out this news cycle. They’ve been here before, convinced that mild mainstream media criticism will soon give way to glowing praise and “but Trump.” The truth about teleprompter puppet Joe will be allowed to see the light only for a short time.


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It is a remarkable and undeniable fact that in the last week, the Taliban has answered more questions from American media than President Biden.

Biden pretended today that he is being criticized for withdrawing from Afghanistan. He is a bad joke.

Trump, for one, said years ago that we should wind up our involvement in that country. He never suggested that we should pull out precipitously, without evacuating civilians first, and suddenly deprive Afghan forces of air cover so that it would be difficult or impossible for them to fight effectively.

Nor did Trump say that we should abandon our bases without even bothering to secure or at least destroy sophisticated materiel that has now fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

Trump did not advocate that we pull out our military personnel first and only worry about civilians later, nor did he suggest that we wait until the Taliban have encircled the Kabul airport before trying to get either Americans or friendly Afghans onto airplanes.

Biden did these things; he must resign, or be impeached.

In less than eight months, we went from a stabilized Middle East under a Trump presidency to under Biden an Afghanistan governmental catastrophe and an embarrassing US political debacle in Kabul.

    Biden is addled, but he knows what he’s doing.

    And what he’s doing is insane.

    God knows what blackmail evidence the likes of the Chicomms and Russia has. Hell – what everyone has.

    henrybowman in reply to Ghostrider. | August 17, 2021 at 2:44 am

    “Nor did Trump say that we should abandon our bases without even bothering to secure or at least destroy sophisticated materiel that has now fallen into the hands of the Taliban.”

    Plus all those fine gift guns to the Taliban — the oppressed people will not benefit from them whatsoever.

    Taliban fighters in the Afghan capital, Kabul, started collecting weapons from civilians on Monday because people no longer need them for personal protection, a Taliban official said.

    “We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,” the official told Reuters.

    “Armas para que?” read Castro’s billboards. “Trust us to keep you saaaaaaaafe.”

    Chuck Schumer, Beto O’Rourke, and Eric Swalwell approve.

Joey the teleprompter Muppet. FIFY

All the military equipment left behind was left behind on purpose.

We have traitors in the White House.

Wake up, people.

The media will put a lid on the suffering … no news? no worries. everything will be labeled mis or dis-information…. just rumors. The Party must be protected.

    The foreign press (especially the British) are just as leftist as their American counterparts, but they also love to mock American politicians. So there will be a steady stream of bad news about Afghanistan in the foreign press the Biden* junta won’t be able to suppress.

    Dimsdale in reply to alaskabob. | August 17, 2021 at 10:07 am

    Better dial in more China flu hysteria and panic porn to cover up the continued bungling!!

    Oh wait, Biden is bungling that too…..

Oh beautiful for spacious skies,
But now those skies are threatening.
They’re spinning straw men into gold
For this tired old man that they installed as king.
Armchair warriors often fail.
We’ve been poisoned by these fairy tales.
And lawyers clean up all details,
Since Slow Joe had to lie.

“How many more lives, American lives, is it worth? How many endless rows of headstones in Arlington National Cemetery? I’m clear on my answer. I will not repeat the mistakes we’ve made in the past. The mistake of staying and fighting indefinitely in a conflict that is not in the national interest of the United States. Of doubling down on a civil war in a foreign country, of attempting to remake a country through the endless military deployments of US forces.”

But, Joe, all this interventionism started when your friends in the Council on Foreign Relations began setting foreign policy and carried their policies out with war. That started in earnest in the 1930s and has continued on and on.

The CFR has utterly rejected John Quincy Adams wise course which, Adams held, that “[America does] not go in search of monsters to destroy.”

Today, leftists look for monsters/enemies all across the world, including calling those of us who want limited constitutional government “domestic terrorists.”

    henrybowman in reply to fscarn. | August 16, 2021 at 11:42 pm

    “How many more lives, American lives, is it worth? How many endless rows of headstones in Arlington National Cemetery?”

    How many unmarked graves still to be dug in Afghanistan to hold new American civilian bodies?

The democrats are already greasing the skids.

Note the “abysmal lack of planning”

The Pentagon has known for 20 years that there would have to be a withdrawal someday. They never bothered to plan for it.

    irv in reply to irv. | August 16, 2021 at 10:20 pm

    This doesn’t excuse the pretend Biden administration in any way. It just needs to be said that our military “leaders” are every bit as corrupt and incompetent as the Biden team.

      thetaqjr in reply to irv. | August 17, 2021 at 12:17 am

      Even Joint Chiefs knew to plan for gravity. They’d hoped the descent would be mediated by a gently inclined plane.

      The President jerked them off to the vertical.


    lichau in reply to irv. | August 17, 2021 at 7:09 am

    Disagree. The military both knows how and has the capability to leave with dignity. The civilian bosses (read the absurd SecDef and others) are the problem.

Since Obama the Dem-media propaganda and ‘news’ complex playbook for handling Dem scandals and policy failures and disasters has been to cover them as little as they can get away with and then ignore them as much as possible — ‘old news’.

For a recent example see the crisis at the southern border. It’s no longer something they bother to mention much less report on.

They have no choice but to cover the fall of Afghanistan and feign shock and surprise, peppered with a little criticism, else what credibility they have left with the unthinking and willfully ignorant might evaporate.

As soon as they can contrive some other big breaking ‘news’ story to cover they’ll move on and never look back.

Colonel Travis | August 16, 2021 at 11:16 pm

If I had to guess, I don’t think enough people know and/or care how stupid and demented Biden is.

Comanche Voter | August 16, 2021 at 11:49 pm

Stupid, confused, slow and old. Not a good look Joe.

Perhaps Flynn was going to make people aware of the graft at all levels in Afghanistan and he had to be neutralized.

    lichau in reply to zillow24. | August 17, 2021 at 8:02 am

    The takedown of Flynn was classic Deep State, from beginning to end. They HAD to take him down and they did. Reasons? We may never know, but the implications are horrifying–if you cling to the belief that we are a self governed nation. As opposed to ruled.

Guys, by all means dunk on Biden. He made the decision and set the mission parameters. He delayed the withdrawal until the Afghan fighting season and created a strategic pause that allowed time for planning, organization and staging of the rapid and effective assault by anti Afghan government forces.

However, don’t allow the cabal of establishment grifters and chicken hawks to avoid their share of the blame by focusing exclusively on Biden.

2smartforlibs | August 17, 2021 at 6:49 am

Liberal Playbook: never take the blame when you can blame others and there are always others to blame.

After everyone gets done kicking Biden around, let’s keep in mind that this is an opportunity for us to wreck the Uniparty Marxist infrastructure that includes plenty of traitors on “our” side. The two multi-trillion dollar Marxist “infrastructure” deals that Comrade McConnell is shoving down our throats should now be cancelled entirely. We need our energy independence now more than ever.

With Russia, China and Iran already stepping in to fill the void, Trump’s crowning achievement, the Abraham Accords, are already paying big dividends. The Middle East has since been moving on from the Islamic obsession of destroying Israel to forming should be a long-lasting peace built around shared interests. But with the empowerment of Iran, this is will be challenged again.

A couple of days ago, OPEC (the Saudis) told Biden to take a hike as he begged them to produce more oil to sell it to the US. This is a great development. It means Biden’s (the Marxist) efforts to derail America’s newly re-established energy independence are going to fail. Our energy independence has again become a primary national interest issue. Let’s see what “our” side does to derail Comrade McConnell’s major contributions to the Marxist takeover of our country, Kill those two “infrastructure” bills RIGHT NOW!!!

For once, let’s not let a crisis go to waste. It works both ways… except for “us”. Let’s use this crisis to finally clarify who “us” is. It starts with Trump and MAGA.

I found out this morning that a dear friend’s granddaughter is being deployed to Afghanistan… She only finished up at the Citadel a couple years ago… Knowing how our military is being directed, I can only pray for her safe return.

    Ronbert in reply to amwick. | August 17, 2021 at 9:35 am

    My Grandson and Nephew are now home (Bagram). I pray to stay.

      Another Voice in reply to Ronbert. | August 17, 2021 at 4:19 pm

      My Nephew is in Kabul working 24/7 shifts as Squad Leader with his Maintenance Crew charged to keeping the helicopters’ going up and back down safely and will be there until told to leave. Please say prayers that these servicemen who will be on the list as last to leave get to do so safely.

        thetaqjr in reply to Another Voice. | August 19, 2021 at 2:28 am

        Two nephews, one brother, all came home safely. 1 from S Korea, 1 from Bagram, having helped electrify that deserted fortress, and 1 having served with his wife in desert storm.

        Those times, had it been in my power, I’d have incinerated those splintered, pus-inflamed parts of this world.

        Mine all came back safely. I give my hope to you.

moparmadman65 | August 17, 2021 at 9:24 am

My eyes are tearing up as my emotions take over as I type this so I will apologize in advance for any mistyped words. But let’s be clear the message is 100%. A.F, Bronco’s recent cartoon of civilians exiting Afganistan looks exactly, as I’m sure it is intended, like it was 30 April 1975 in Viet Nam. Unfortunately, the similarity of the events will be lost on most because it is history. There are those of us who were not only alive at that time but lived through the heartbreaking evacuation of Viet Nam

    swampdave in reply to moparmadman65. | August 17, 2021 at 3:17 pm

    The comparisons to Viet Nam are erroneous. I was there on my second tour in 1970 and there was plenty of detailed planning going on at that time for the eventual withdrawal. April 30, 1975 was the direct result of Teddy Kennedy cutting off all funds for support of the South Vietnamese forces. His brother started it and he finished it.

The vile Dhimmi-crats are incompetent, narcissistic and dishonest children. It’s always Amateur Hour when they are put in charge.

Please! Can we stop acting as if this is just Slow Joe Biden. Afghanistan is the current embodiment of the foreign and military policy of the Democratic party for over a half century. They caused the humiliating evacuation of Saigon in 1975. They helped empower the radical Islamists in Iran in 1978-9. Carter presided over the hostage crisis; the best that fool could do was the aborted “rescue.” He then was “shocked…yes, shocked” that the Russians would invade Afghanistan. Clinton did nothing while Afghanistan turned into a terrorist training ground, and he refused to take advantage of opportunities to kill bin Laden. Obama spent eight years undermining our allies and empowering our enemies. He unilaterally abandoned Iraq, causing years of violence and chaos while enhancing the positions of Iran and Isis. Need I mention Obama’s imaginary “red-line”? And why not enter into an agreement with Iran that guarantees that they will have nukes, which they have promised to use on Israel?

Now, Afghanistan is right out of the Democrat playbook and Biden is just the demented figurehead. For these imbeciles, the US is the world’s problem, and there is no US interest that is worth defending.

While everyone is piling on to the Puppet President, it’s the next layer pulling the strings we need to be worried about. First there’s the generals:

I don’t know what happened. I didn’t hit “submit”. Gremlins.

While everyone is piling on to the Puppet President, it’s the next layer pulling the strings we need to be worried about. First there’s the generals:

What does everyone here think about President Susan Rice? Couldn’t happen? There is no getting rid of Biden until the Uniparty sets up who will replace him and it won’t be Harris, the first black woman VP. So they appoint Susan Rice after they force Harris to resign and the Comrade McConnell-led GOP senators unanimously approve her. Biden resigns or removed.

So stop speculating about President Pelosi. Won’t happen! And it could be worse. A true Uniparty president.

    swampdave in reply to Pasadena Phil. | August 17, 2021 at 3:18 pm

    The comparisons to Viet Nam are erroneous. I was there on my second tour in 1970 and there was plenty of detailed planning going on at that time for the eventual withdrawal. April 30, 1975 was the direct result of Teddy Kennedy cutting off all funds for support of the South Vietnamese forces. His brother started it and he finished it.

    swampdave in reply to Pasadena Phil. | August 17, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    Susan Rice could be pulling the strings now. She is not going to speak to the press.

      Another Voice in reply to swampdave. | August 17, 2021 at 4:26 pm

      The same Susan rice of “Benghazi” fame who spun the narrative for weeks on end that it was a film that caused the loss of our Embassy and our Ambassador Chris Stevens and O.Mgr. Sean Smith?

Antifundamentalist | August 17, 2021 at 2:48 pm

What the Biden Administration did is overtly provide support for the Taliban take over. They did everything but coordinate the handover of classified material. Although who knows, that may have happened behind the scenes too.