Elizabeth Warren Now Trying to Save Gavin Newsom From Recall

It’s been quite a while since we’ve checked in on Senator Elizabeth Warren. She hasn’t been up to very much since her failed run for president in 2020.

Now she is lending her voice to the effort to save California Governor Gavin Newsom from being recalled because there’s nothing Warren loves more than anything that can draw her focus away from her job in Massachusetts.

Do you think Democrats are starting to worry about Newsom’s chances? It sure looks that way.

Jeremy B. White reports at Politico:

Warren ties California recall to ‘Trump Republicans’ in latest Newsom adCalifornia Gov. Gavin Newsom is enlisting national Democratic star power to fight a looming recall vote by launching an ad Wednesday featuring Sen. Elizabeth Warren.The Warren-starring spot is hitting the airwaves three weeks before ballots start landing in California voters’ mailboxes. The Massachusetts progressive warns that “Trump Republicans” who have been “attacking election results and the right to vote” are “coming to grab power in California,” before urging Californians to stymie conservatives by voting against the recall.”Vote ‘no’ to protect California and our democracy,” Warren says.This is not the first time Warren has played a public role in the anti-recall campaign. She has condemned it on social media and signed fundraising missives from the Newsom campaign.But Warren’s appearance in a homestretch spot both demonstrates the recall’s national dimensions and underscores the risk to Newsom that unenthusiastic Democrats will not vote.

It’s hilarious that Warren claims “Trump Republicans” are attacking election results, considering her party did that for four solid years under Trump.

That claim also ignores the fact that many Democrats and independents are also opposed to Newsom.

Watch the ad below:

Newsom’s newest claim about the recall is that it’s the fault of right-wing media.

Lindsay Kornick reports at FOX News:

California Governor Newsom blames conservative media for ‘this damn recall’ election against himOn Monday, Newsom was a guest on “MSNBC Reports” to discuss the upcoming recall election. MSNBC anchor Ayman Mohyeldin used the subject to bring up Newsom’s COVID-19 policies which he admitted were “a driving force behind the recall effort.””Let’s talk about the intersection, if we can, of COVID and politics for a moment. You’re handling of the coronavirus, sir, has been a driving force behind the recall effort,” Mohyeldin said. “And what do you attribute those 25% that have remained unvaccinated. What do you attribute that to in your state?”Newsom blamed the number of unvaccinated citizens primarily on “overwhelming majority of misinformation by right-wing pundits.” However, he also added that these pundits are the same people behind the recall efforts in California.”Well, overwhelming majority of misinformation by right-wing pundits, period, full stop. Time to be a little bit more specific….There’s been a right-wing talking point here and it’s overwhelmingly coming from certain networks and it’s having an impact on getting this disease behind us….And including, by the way, the folks that are behind this damn recall in California,” Newsom said. “These are the exact same people describing mask covering to the equivalency of the Holocaust, it’s the same folks. So, look, you’re right, those things are connected, at least in this state.”

Here’s hoping that Gavin Newsom joins the ranks of Gray Davis in September.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: California, Democrats, Elizabeth Warren, Gavin Newsom, Progressives