CNN’s Brian Stelter Tells Project Veritas ‘I Report Whatever I Want’
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CNN’s Brian Stelter Tells Project Veritas ‘I Report Whatever I Want’

CNN’s Brian Stelter Tells Project Veritas ‘I Report Whatever I Want’

Stelter also told the reporter he feels “really bad” for him, but never explained why.

A Project Veritas reporter asked CNN’s Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter about the #ExposeCNN videos released this week.

Project Veritas released three videos featuring CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester. He confirmed the network engages in propaganda and frames its narrative to protect the Black Lives Matter movement.

Twitter banned founder James O’Keefe just after he released the third video. Weird, huh?

Anyway, one Project Veritas reporter tried to get some answers from Stelter. I think the most interesting comment is, “I report what I want.”

PV: CNN embraced [Technical] Director Chester’s philosophy of news? Does fear sell? Does [is] Charlie Chester still employed at CNN?

Stelter: I feel really bad for you.

PV: Why is that? Mr. Stelter, we have a few more questions. Do you report any news that Jeff Zucker doesn’t directly tell you to report? Do you use his words, “propaganda?” Is Charlie Chester still employed at CNN?

Stelter: I feel really bad for you.

PV: Why do you feel bad for me? We’re journalists.

Stelter: Okay…

PV: Why do you feel bad for me? Are you a journalist Are you able to report anything that’s not directly handed down from…

Stelter: I report whatever I want. You need to leave.

A maintenance worker escorted out the Project Veritas reporter.

So Stelter can report whatever he wants to report? Interesting. Did you notice Stelter’s sweater? “Journalism matters more than ever.” The irony is so thick you need a sharp chef’s knife to cut through it!


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Absolute truth. Stelter does report whatever he wants. He just happens to want exactly what the boss and the glorious revolution require him to want.

For anyone who has ever watched alka-Stelter, it is pretty clear that he just makes it up as he goes along. The man is all fizz.

Seltzer is a pathetic joke.

Reporting truth to facts is a JournoListic privilege.

Stelter once told Ted Coppell that CNN doesn’t care about ratings.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to technerd. | April 17, 2021 at 2:15 pm

    I’d like to see the video clip of that. Not doubting you, tech, but I hear and read a lot about what this or that person was alleged to have done or said, but no one can find proof.

    A case that comes to mind was the alleged statement of the chairman of Proctor & Gamble when the televangelists were making a Big Deal about the company’s man in the moon trademark. The Chairman was alleged to have said, ‘We don’t care what Christians think…” or variations on that theme in an interview. The Armani-suit-and-Rolex-watch preachers claimed the trademark was, “Satanic”.

    No tape, film, disc, or even a witness was ever found to that event. Still, the company chose to knuckle under and change their trademark.

The irony is so thick you need a sharp chef’s knife to cut through it!

i believe a 120mm APHVDS round would do a better j*b, center mass on Tater Tot’s chest.

either that or a claymore mine, from about 10-15 feet away. 😎

He isn’t a journalist. Not by a country mile. Just a face made ugly by hate.

Either his days in that job are numbered, or we are. And we know who we are.

At this point,,, I just don’t know. Reality doesn’t seem to matter any more.

What an obnoxious and odious buffoon, is the vile Stelter. Brimming with the pathological narcissism, sanctimony and inflated sense of importance that characterize all Dhimmi-crats.

Bit of a mother burger really, guy was showing of on a date. Besides which if the accusation is the media is partisan that true across the board in the US.