CNN Director: Network ‘Trying to Help’ Black Lives Matter by Ignoring Asian Hate Crimes

Project Veritas’ third video on CNN shows Technical Director Charlie Chester admitting the network wants to protect the Black Lives Matter’s narrative on race.

Chester already gave CNN credit for President Donald Trump’s loss in November. He then acknowledged CNN hyped the COVID death toll for ratings and described the coverage on Rep. Matt Gaetz as propaganda.

Asian hate crimes received some national coverage this year, but have you noticed a lack of coverage lately?

Chester explained:

I was trying to do some research on the Asian hate, like the people [who] are getting attacked and whatnot. A bunch of black men have been attacking Asians. I’m like ‘What are you doing? Like, we [CNN] are trying to help BLM.’ I mean, it’s individuals, it’s not a people, you know? That’s not good. The optics of that are not good. These little things like that are enough to set back movements because the far-left will start to latch on and create a story of like criminalizing an entire people, you know, it’s just easier headlines that way, I guess. Yeah, I don’t know.

The undercover journalist asked if Chester meant to say far-left. Chester corrected himself because he did mean conservatives:

No. The conservatives. I’m sorry. Not the far-left. I’ve noticed that you’ll get headlines that, you know, might lump people together as opposed to focusing on the individual. I mean, that’s what Trump ended up doing with like the ‘China Virus’ and that puts so much blame on an entire group of people as opposed to, you know, a few careless individuals.

Then the journalist moved the conversation to stories on shootings, specifically based on the shooter’s race. Chester noted that people lapped up the stories about white shooters:

I haven’t seen anything about focusing on the color of people’s skin that aren’t white. They just aren’t saying anything. You know what I mean? They’re just not, all of a sudden that story loses a little steam from it. They just like leave it be. I don’t know. I think…it’s gotta be trends, what people will latch on to, you know.

The two circle back (hehehe) to Chester’s comments about “how media is the greatest weapon” and uses propaganda:

I mean it’s (media) just like propaganda like, it (media) can really…Like you can shape an entire people’s perception about anything on how you do it. Right?Journalist: What do you mean by propaganda?Chester: Like, you can shape an entire people’s perception about anything on how you do it. Right?Journalist: How do we do that?Chester: Just by forcing a story, to help like, your platform, you know? You can all of a sudden say like “Coal is the future of energy.” Well that could be propaganda because like who owns the company might have stake in, like, coal mining and whatnot. So like, Trump, getting blasted all over, like constant feeds of like Twitter and FOX giving him a platform is what fueled that fire, you know?

Tags: CNN, Project Veritas