Report: Biden May Support Ending Filibuster to Push Through Once-in-a-Lifetime Change

Axios reported President Joe Biden secretly met with historians to discuss how “big” and “fast” he can push through his agenda.

Unfortunately, the historians sided with Biden about going “bigger and faster than anyone expected.”

President Barack Obama did it with Obamacare when the Democrats held the House, Senate, and the White House.

But the Democrats had a decent majority in both chambers. The Democrats have a slim majority in the House while the Senate is split 50-50. They only have a majority because Vice President Kamala Harris casts the tie-breaking vote.

Biden portrayed himself as a moderate in the presidential race. He wanted unity!

We all knew he would not be a moderate president. The Axios report hinted Biden has no problem eliminating the filibuster to ram through his agenda:

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss told Axios FDR and LBJ may turn out to be the past century’s closest analogues for the Biden era, “in terms of transforming the country in important ways in a short time.”

People close to Biden tell us he’s feeling bullish on what he can accomplish, and is fully prepared to support the dashing of the Senate’s filibuster rule to allow Democrats to pass voting rights and other trophy legislation for his party.

Biden’s administration already passed a $1.9 trillion “Covid” relief bill. The majority of that cash goes to things not related to Covid. The bill included bailouts for San Francisco and New York. Gee, Pelosi is from San Francisco, and Schumer is from New York. Totes not a coincidence. The Republicans circled a memo with all the pork before the vote.

Now they have the $3 trillion infrastructure bill. Officials came up with “human infrastructure” to justify most of that spending. Still, many bill items have nothing to do with infrastructure: free community college, universal pre-K, national paid leave program, and over $400 billion to fight climate change.

Instead of introducing separate bills, they stuff everything in one bill.

Biden will likely pass two bills worth almost $5 trillion in his presidency’s first four months.

It seems Biden’s boldness comes from vanity and pride. I mean, you have to be full of yourself even to want to be president. At least President Donald Trump owned that aspect of himself.

Axios wrote Biden “loves the growing narrative that he’s bolder and bigger-thinking than President Obama.” The link takes you to a gushing op-ed from Maureen Dowd at The New York Times. How could this not blow up his ego:

So now comes a delicious twist: President Biden is being hailed as a transformational, once-in-a-generation progressive champion, with comparisons to L.B.J. and F.D.R. aplenty, while Obama has become a cautionary tale about what happens when Democrats get the keys to the car but don’t put their foot on the gas.The collective smirk was wiped off the face of Obamaworld this past week, as former aides expressed their irritation at the retrospective dissing, and while Biden’s inner circle enjoyed an unfamiliar sensation: schadenfreude. Now the friendly fire once aimed at Biden is coming toward Obama.—Now, after President Biden passed the $1.9 trillion cornucopia of liberal delights, Democrats are thinking that if he keeps it up, they’ll soon be picking up their chisels to carve his face on Mount Rushmore, right in the spot Obama must have been picturing for himself.Creaky, old-fashioned Joe moved fast and broke things. Unlike the sleek, modern Obama, who kept trying to work with obstructionist Republicans, Biden blew them off, calling it “an easy choice.”

So Biden is all in:

But we’re told Biden won’t hesitate. Just as he passed the $1.9 trillion COVID rescue package with zero Republican votes and zero regrets, his team sees little chance he’s going to be able to rewire the government in his image if he plays by the rules of bringing in at least 10 Republicans.

  • He won’t rub their noses in it, we’re told. That’ll be the Biden touch to rolling the opposition — and getting that much closer to the status of latter-day FDR.
  • Biden’s list includes: rural broadband expansion, which would be transformative for those communities … make child tax credit permanent … landmark legislation on climate, guns, voting.
  • Tags: Barack Obama, Democrats, Joe Biden, US Senate