GA Election Board Investigating Sen. Warnock for Voter Registration Fraud
“But officials allege during a 2019 registration effort, some 1,268 applications were submitted to the Gwinnett County elections office after the 10-day deadline.”

Forbes reported the Georgia State Election Board voted unanimously to investigate new Sen. Raphael Warnock for voter registration fraud.
Warnock served as board chairman for New Georgia Project (NGP), Stacey Abrams’ voter registration organization, in 2019.
Officials alleged the organization did not follow deadlines:
- Under Georgia election rules, voting registration organizations like the New Georgia Project have to submit completed voter applications within 10 days they are received from the voter.
- But officials allege during a 2019 registration effort, some 1,268 applications were submitted to the Gwinnett County elections office after the 10-day deadline.
- The Board voted 3-0 to refer the investigation to Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr (R), with the board’s lone Democrat joining Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) in abstaining from the vote.
NGP CEO Nse Ufot said the board’s decision is the first time they heard about the allegations, nor has any official sent them any information.
However, Raffensperger announced the state planned an invention into NGP and other voter registration groups. They alleged the groups “sought to register ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters.”
Raffensperger stated people gave officials “specific evidence that these groups have solicited voter registrations from ineligible individuals who passed away or live out of state.” This includes “several instances” involving NGP:
Raffensperger’s office referenced one Fulton County resident who reported receiving five postcards from The New Georgia Project soliciting a registration “for the same dead person” and a Cherokee County resident who received a voter registration solicitation from The New Georgia Project for his spouse who is ineligible to vote. A third person, according to Raffensperger’s office, said The New Georgia Project sent a voter registration solicitation to his daughter who is not registered to vote in Georgia and had not lived in a different state for five years, while a fourth individual reported receiving a “package of postcards” at her home in New York City from The New Georgia Project encouraging people to register to vote in the Georgia Senate runoffs.
More from Fox News in December:
Raffensperger said earlier this week that America Votes “is sending absentee ballot applications to people at addresses where they have not lived since 1994.”
Vote Forward, he said, “attempted to register a dead Alabama voter, a woman, to vote here in Georgia.” He also spotlighted The New Georgia Project, “who sent voter registration applications to New York City.”
The secretary of state also pinpointed “Operation New Voter Registration Georgia, who is telling college students in Georgia that they can change their residency to Georgia and then change it back after the election.”
Raffensperger’s office also has 23 investigators working on 250 open investigations into “credible claims of illegal voting” and election law violations, he said.

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Interesting story…we know where this ends.
Yes. He plays the race card, out of all goes away.
He might for dramatic effect or it might just quietly go away like all other GOP “investigations”.
Naa, he dumps a few unnamed staffers and enthusiastic volunteers under the bus, pleads ignorance, and nobody gets prosecuted.
He’s a socialist/Marxist and a “minority”. Rules don’t apply to him. He’s “special”.
I would like to know the average IQ of members of congress, for all of America it is 98, I bet that congress is well below that today, and falling with every election.
Are you measuring that before or after Speaker Pelosi drinks her lunch?
Who cares? Warnock could rob a 7-11, be recorded on 4k video and be caught with marked bills in his pocket and nothing will happen to him. It’s good to see that the GA State Election Board is now concerned about fraudulent voter registration.
Blah blah blah….nothing will happen. His skin color protects him.
That is where we are, now.
Yes. It’s called South Africa. That’s where we are, or at least headed.
Yep, South Africa used to produce surplus food, today they cannot feed themselves. That is fruit of land and farm seizures” and murder of white farmers in Africa. America should offer those farmers a path to citizenship and stop sending any aid to Africa. Generally, aid is wasted on Africa.
More South African white farmers have been murdered than in adjacent Zimbabwe, but Zim is the ultimate story of “a land of no milk and no honey”. Having followed the Bush War and later being in Zim…I have seen the absolute belief in their “rightness” by the failing black communist government prolonging the misery of their people. Failure is never an issue in their “science” just in its execution.
“America should offer those farmers a path to citizenship”
To what, come farm all the farmland that Bill Gates just bought up?
No thanks — we did that once, and look at all the trouble it caused us.
Their average IQ is about 100, their values are similar, they have good work ethics. Look at what Obama brought us, Somalians, average IQ of 68. Their culture is not compatible, and they will not assimilate.
If we are going to bring in immigrants, They should not be close to morons, they should be productive and of good character.
We do not need people who are likely to join our ghettos or create new ghettos.
JusticeDelivered: South Africa used to produce surplus food
They still do.
I have read that South African farms which were taken from white farmers and handed over to blacks are not doing well.
Next, is the department you cite still loaded with Obama incompetents? Maybe people from ACORN?
Zachriel, you should be capable finding this stuff on your own.
They also produce racist genocide.
Why don’t you go there?
JusticeDelivered: you should be capable finding this stuff on your own.
You claimed “ South Africa used to produce surplus food”. South Africa has a strong agricultural sector and exports more food than it imports.
You are aware that agriculture is more than food production, right? Your link informs us that in all food sectors they name South Africa imports more than it exports, and the trend is towards a widening of that differential.
For example,
Did you not understand what you linked? Or did you try to pull the wool over the eyes of the reader?
felixrigidus: Did you not understand what you linked?
Did you not understand what you linked? Or did you ignore the fact that planters have moved production to more profitable and consistent food crops?
South Africa exports more agricultural products than it imports, contradicting the original claim.
SA recordsa 5% y/y increase in agriculture exports in Q3, 2020
The original claim, as quoted by you, and your response
In other words, your claim was that the claim “South Africa used to produce surplus food was false. There are economic reasons for it, by definition. That is not in dispute.
Your claim is not borne out by your source. You double down and try to sneak in another straw man…
felixrigidus: our claim was that the claim “South Africa used to produce surplus food was false.
The original implication by JusticeDelivered that South Africa no longer produces a surplus of food, which was affirmed by JusticeDelivered and by your own follow-on comment, was false. South Africa is a major supplier of food, especially to other Sub-Saharan nations.
“His skin color protects him.”
That seems to be the belief behind tweets claiming Tom Brady is racist for beating Patrick Mahomes during black history month.
In late 2021, there will be a long, unreadable report on this, concluding that mistakes were made and promising to do better next time.
By November 2022, the only reforms made will be ones making fraud easier to do and harder to detect.
Mistakes were made, but no one made them.
Wait, Raffensperger just got done telling us how fraud-free the elections have been in GA. Now we hear that “Raffensperger’s office also has 23 investigators working on 250 open investigations into “credible claims of illegal voting” and election law violations, he said.”
I thought that there was no credible evidence of fraud? I’m glad this will get prosecuted so long after the election was stolen.
I’m confused what the crime is supposed to be? Is late submission of the voting applications a crime?
Read the article.
Yes, you are confused.
“Raffensperger’s office referenced one Fulton County resident who reported receiving five postcards from The New Georgia Project soliciting a registration “for the same dead person” and a Cherokee County resident who received a voter registration solicitation from The New Georgia Project for his spouse who is ineligible to vote. A third person, according to Raffensperger’s office, said The New Georgia Project sent a voter registration solicitation to his daughter who is not registered to vote in Georgia and had not lived in a different state for five years, while a fourth individual reported receiving a “package of postcards” at her home in New York City from The New Georgia Project encouraging people to register to vote in the Georgia Senate runoffs.”
Does not sound like late submission.
Thanks been a long day
I bet…what with all of that “research” you do.
mark has a tough job, trolling then weaseling out when he’s exposed.
We’ve seen you around. We know your game, and we’re going to call you out every time.
It may well be. It’s certainly a violation of the law; I just don’t know what level of offense it is.
On the other hand, sending solicitation postcards to ineligible people, I don’t understand how that can be a crime. Even if you know the person is ineligible, how much more so if you don’t.
Thanks Milhouse
It admits to confusion issues.
I am sure Raffensperger will diligently look for potential voting fraud the way a mouse will diligently look to be caught by a hungry cat.
Just bullshit Failure Theatre from RINO Raffensberger.
He’s going to ‘investigate’, declare that there was a small amount of fraud that didn’t change anything, then use this ‘investigation’ as an excuse why nothing needs to change.
Fucking RINO trash.
50 shades of refrigerators full of cash.
Probably some typos:
However, Raffensperger announced the state planned
an invention…
his daughter who is not registered to vote in Georgia and
had not lived
in a different state for five years
There are ignorant people in that state. They do not have the capacity to comprehend what “Follow the Law” or “law abiding” means. They go to Sunday indoctrination training where people like this Warnock clown condemn EVERYTHING associated with White People success.
The RINO politician has no love of state or Constitution, he or she (or it) is merely a reactionary to polling data. They never stand on principle because that stand might mean they lose their membership in the Elite Ruling Class.
Day late. Dollar short.
Now you know why the Time article about Trump being on to something when he called the election rigged/stolen was published. As I said, being an intel officer isn’t exactly like being a cop. But this is why you never, ever talk to the police even if you are entirely innocent (the only reason they’re talking to you is they have information that indicates you may be a suspect; it may be false or mistaken information but you need an attorney to find out why they’re talking to you) and you never ever talk to the police when you are guilty.
Because, and here’s where being an intel officer is like being a cop, people are lousy at keeping secrets. They like to talk; to brag, particularly about how smart they are. Here I am going to use the word conspiracy in its proper legal context. When two or more people enter into an agreement to violate the law, you have a conspiracy. If one person takes action to advance the conspiracy, say the conspiracy is to rob banks and one individual starts stockpiling weapons and burglary equipment, then all the members of the conspiracy are equally guilty.
Here we have a conspiracy so large no sane person could possibly expect it to have remained secret for long. When word began to leak out that there was massive voter fraud, then the conspirators had to get ahead of the story. They put out the new script; the election wasn’t “stolen.” It was “fortified” to produce the proper outcome.
Dutifully, the usual suspects repeated the script in the very thread about Time magazine article delivering the script.
To paraphrase Jonathon Swift, some lies only have to last an hour. If they last an hour, they’ve done their jobs, and there’s no further occasion for it.
The lie of course was that Trump was lying about the election being stolen. Of course he wasn’t lying. The Georgia election board wouldn’t have referred Warnock and his election fraud operation to the state attorney general if there was no evidence. Now we have evidence of at least three counties in Georgia; Fulton, Cobb, and now Gwinnett, where election laws were violated.
Whatever happens to Warnock, the Dem narrative about Trump “inciting” an “insurrection” with “lies” has been completely blown out of the water. Trump didn’t incite anything; it was pre-planned. Dems can’t simultaneously attack Parler for allowing the “insurrectionists” to plan on its platform AND claim that it was Trump’s speech on Jan. 6 that incited anything (that is the only charge in the single article of impeachment although the House propagandists are now all over the map). There was no insurrection; the mob action was far less significant that the mob action led by Sen. Schumer against the SCOTUS on March 4, 2020. That too was preplanned (again, the planners couldn’t help but brag about it). Schumer threatened two justices by name as the court was deliberating the merits of a Louisiana abortion bill that required abortionists to have admitting privileges at hospitals:
“I want to tell you Neil Gorusch, and you Brett Kavanaugh, you have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
The mob, which had already shut down Congress, proceeded to pound on the doors of the court, which Schumer inciting them, and shut down the SCOTUS deliberations.
Schumer never said anything about “peacefully and patriotically” having their voices heard. He shut down deliberations and left no doubt about what would “hit” Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
Likely the same projectiles that the same mob earlier threw at Sotomayor and Ginsberg’s vehicle as they left Kavanaugh’s swearing in. Or worse. Perhaps the same projectiles that nearly ended Rep. Steve Scalise’s life when James Hodgkinson tried to assassinate Republicans because Sanders and the Squad was squealing that Republicans were trying to kill people.
If anything was an insurrection incited by an elected official, that would have been Schumer shutting down two branches of government. The riot at the Capital lasted maybe two hours; nothing like the months long assaults on Federal property in Portland, Seattle, etc. Hardly an insurrection.
And no matter how you slice it, nothing Trump said qualifies as a lie. Abrams lied, verifiably so, about how she only lost because of Republican “minority voter suppression” (Republicans must be the worst vote suppressors in the world since minority participation increased in 2018 and Abrams still lost). “Russian collusion” is also verifiable lie and we know who birthed that lie. The Clinton campaign, who did so because she was apparently worried there might still be enough honest reporters to make her email crimes a scandal (she needn’t have worried).
Trump’s lawyers need to raise the emerging facts in Georgia and elsewhere, which demonstrate the House propagandists can’t make the “Trump lied” charge stick. There was fraud, there has never been an election without fraud, and it’s an established fact that Georgia is investigating fraud in the 2020 election.
This is why the Dems had to become hysterical about the charge, and move fast. The shelf-life of their lies didn’t have to last long, but they may not last long enough to achieve their goals.
I expect the usual suspects to dutifully stick to the script no matter how absurd it becomes. Nobody said being a leftist troll was going to be easy or dignified.
Two points firstly the investigation into Warnock is ongoing so it may be he is innocent or guilty. At this stage we don’t know.
Second, no matter how you slice it Trump has been pushing the election fraud line for months prior even to any possibility of fraud having taken place. Nor has he presented any credible evidence.
In other words there may now be evidence for some fraud but let’s see what that evidence is and nothing that doesn’t really change the reality surrounding Trump’s lies.
I am a Georgian. Raffensperger does not know it yet, but he is a dead man walking (figuratively speaking). His political career has ended. If he is not primaried for Secretary of State, he will lose pathetically in the general election. We cannot stand him.
Dead politician walking…and talking…unaware that his career is in steep decline.
The latest Dem House propagandist lie: Trump engaged in a “pattern” of inciting “lawless” behavior. And the Dem House propagandists cited as evidence? A “Trump train” of vehicles attempted to “force a Biden/Harris bus off the road” last fall in TX.
Video conclusively shows no one tried to force the bus off the road. They were all around the bus, mocking it. But they didn’t try to force the bus anywhere. They were having too good a time going along for the ride. If anyone committed a traffic violation it was an apparent Biden/Harris supporter who tried to force his/her vehicle into a lane already occupied by a Trump supporter. They may have bumped as the Trump supporter refused to yield to the Biden supporter; the Biden supporter had no right to try to force his/her way into an occupied lane.
The entire Dem case is based on lies. Which is why they’re making more up as their case falls apart.
If anyone has read the single article of impeachment, then you already know it’s dishonestly written. For instance, it claims:
“Further, section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution prohibits any person who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States from “hold[ing] and office … under the United States.'”
No, section 3 of the 14th Amendment prohibits no such thing. It says:
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
But just as importantly the article of impeachment confines DJT’s non-existent crime to his speech on 6 January 2021.
The reason the Dem House propagandists are now throwing whatever they think will stick like monkeys flinging their own feces is that they know Trump’s speech on Jan. 6 had nothing whatsoever to do with the events on Jan. 6. But that’s what happens when you rush into a publicity stunt masquerading as an impeachment. No waiting for facts, not investigation even. The charge can’t possibly stick, so they have to pretend Trump can be held guilty for “crimes” that a) aren’t crimes and b) he’s not charged with in any case in the single article of impeachment.
It is simply a political lynching. And not just of Trump, but of all his supporters and anyone who can see the obvious. There was massive voter fraud. That’s why Parler had to be destroyed (Facebook because of the Facebook groups feature was far more pivotal for planning the riot). Parler will not censor the truth, while other platforms will.
In North Korea they beat the condemned individual’s teeth in, then duct tape their mouths shut so they can’t shout anything defiant. And they’re not worried the condemned will lie. They’re worried the condemned will tell the truth, and the audience (executions in the DPRK aren’t just public, they’re mandatory) will recognize it.
No one takes a man’s voice away because he might lie. They take a man’s voice away because they are afraid he won’t.
The quote you give clearly states that anyone who has taken an oath of office and then incited rebellion can’t hold office again unless congress votes with a two thirds majority to remove that disability.
Nice try, leftist troll. The quote I gave provides a list of officials who have taken an oath in certain capacities.
“…who, having previously taken an oath, as a MEMBER OF CONGRESS, or as an OFFICER OF THE UNITED STATES, or as a MEMBER OF ANY STATE LEGISLATURE, or as an EXECUTIVE OR JUDICIAL OFFICER OF ANY STATE, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same…”
This is a narrow list. It doesn’t include, for example, the President or Vice President of the United States since “an officer of the United States” includes only appointed officials. It is certainly not “no person” as the House Dems lie by omission in their dishonest article of impeachment. Only persons who have previously taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution in those listed capacities are barred from certain future offices if they’ve engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States.
Those future offices, again, do not include President or Vice President. Congress has no authority to tell the people of the United States who can be President or VP.
That portion of the article of impeachment is, like the rest of this entire farce, a lie. And in case you missed it, as I’m sure you are ideologically committed to doing, the House Dem propagandists have admitted as much. But of course in a dishonest way. The only remarks DJT is charged with as incitement are his remarks on 6 Jan. Yet by dragging in prior statements they are admitting that on their own his 6 Jan. remarks do not constitute incitement. Yet neither do his prior remarks, since the Brandenburg test for incitement as established by the SCOTUS any threats of violence must “imminent.”
Obviously, nothing Trump said back in August 2017 can possibly amount to an “imminent” threat in January 2021. Yet there the House Dem propagandists are, trying to drag such comments into this smear campaign posing as an impeachment trial.
The whole thing, from the dishonest characterization of the dishonest partial quote of section 3 of the 14th Amendment on down is simply a lie being pushed by the left. A very sloppy lie as Turley points out. It is simply an effort to establish a “loose modus operandi” by cherry picking unrelated data points, trying to force them into a pattern, in an effort completely “untethered from the article” of impeachment.
The more the House Dem propagandists talk, the more obvious the lie becomes. Just as the longer the left pushes the lie that there was no voter fraud, the more obvious that lie becomes. Unreported is that the Georgia election board didn’t just unanimously vote to refer this particular case against Warnock and the “New Georgia Project” to the AG for prosecution.
The GA election board referred 35 cases of voter fraud to the AG. Hardly the fraud-free election Trump is supposedly “lying” about. Hence the need to hastily get in front of the actual facts with the false narrative. There is substance to every single one of Trump’s charges of fraud. The same fact pattern will come out sooner than later in other disputed states.
Once more for emphasis and to make things even more pointedly clear if it isn’t clear enough already.
The quote you give clearly states that anyone who has taken an oath of office and then incited rebellion can’t hold office again unless congress votes with a two thirds majority to remove that disability.”
Yes. That’s exactly the point. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment clearly states that it is only referring to people who have previously taken an oath of office.
That section is exactly what the House Dem propagandists dishonestly and deliberately misrepresent in their smear purporting to be an article of impeachment.
The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment” and that the President “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment, for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Further, SECTION 3 OF THE 14TH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PROHIBITS ANY PERSON who has “has engage in insurrection or rebellion against” the the United States from “HOLD[ING] AND (sic) OFFICE … UNDER THE UNITED STATES.’ In his conduct while President of the United States…”
That’s it. That’s the sole reference to the section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Pray, leftist troll, where do the House Dem propagandists mention it refers to individuals who have previously taken an oath of office? Answer; nowhere. They leave that out. They clearly intend to lie by omission; that “any person,” whether they have taken an oath of office or not are barred from holding future office.
Nowhere does the 14th Amendment say any such thing.
Then you compound the felony by leaving out the part where it lists which office holders who have taken an oath of office are barred from holding certain offices in the future. President and Vice President are not on the list of office holders who would be barred from holding certain future offices.
Those certain future offices are, at the Federal level, subject to the approval of Congress.
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress…” The members of the chambers of Congress can refuse to seat people who violated their previous oath of office. “[O]r elector of President and Vice President… Congress can refuse to certify electors if they had previously violated their oath of office. “[O]r hold any office, civil or military, under the United States… Since this section refers to appointed officials, subject to the Appointment Clause of the Constitution, Congress can refuse to appoint anyone to a civil or military office if the individual has previously violated their oath of office. Whether as individuals, such as cabinet officials, or whether as a name on a list such as with military appointments/promotions.
That’s it. Congress doesn’t have the power to tell the people of the United States who they can elect President/VP. The House propagandists clearly intend to make the case they have far more power than the Constitution gives them. Which when you think about it, if you think about it, is precisely the problem with this impeachment farce.
It is an exercise in hubris and unconstitutional over-reach by desperate leftists and it’s based entirely on lies. This is already clear to any objective observer.
Full text of the comically poorly written impeachment article here:
Apparently the establishment leftists didn’t want to bother to write an article of impeachment that they could plausibly sustain. Because this is simply a PR stunt and an exercise in raw power. They impeached Trump in the House simply because they can. And they’re continuing this shredding of the Constitution in the Senate in an attempt to cement a false narrative in the mind of the public.
It isn’t working. As lawyers, they’re horrible. As Turley points out they’re making arguments that would never be allowed in a legitimate trial (they have no argument than any legitimate court would entertain; it would be summarily dismissed). These arguments can only be made in a Stalinist-type show trial. Where of course the kangaroos are making the rules.
As bad as they are at being lawyers, they are worse at being propagandists. The more they talk, the more they demonstrate this is a mendacious stunt.
When the crooks are running the ‘police’ department, anarchy reigns.
Crooks are in the highest offices of our nation.
Thus, anarchy is reigning. It’s exactly what the crooks in the government want.
That was the old board. The new county commissioners are all democrats. The Dominion machines all gave the dems the wins. We had a 96% voter turnout according to the elections office. The exit polling numbers when added to the mail in numbers estimate about a 62% turnout. The head of the election board is the only republican in the elections office. She is getting stonewalled by the other members at every turn. There is a lot that is rotten here in Gwinnett.
Raffensperger’s political carrier is over and he knows it. He has sucked on the government tit too long.
Jonathon Turley is on fire.
I am pleased to point out that great minds think alike. I mentioned that the House Dem propagandists are just flinging poo, at this point, trying to convict DJT of non-crimes that aren’t even mentioned in the article of impeachment. Turley is much more succinct on this point.
“Jonathan Turley
Replying to
…this seems like an effort to convict Trump for being a lousy person. It does little to present a diatribe against Trump under the guise of some loose modus operandi claim. Many of us condemned Trump’s past remarks but this argument is UNTETHERED FROM THE ARTICLE.” (emphasis mine)
Turley notes the “fine people” hoax. DJT did not call neo-Nazis/white supremacists (what few there are; when these people tried to hold a “Unite the Right” rally in D.C. there were more MFM people in the press contingent covering them than participants) “fine people.” And the House Dem propagandists couldn’t even get the state the Charlottesville rally took place in correct (the propagandists think it was Charlottesville, NC; it wasn’t, it was VA).
They’re also trying to blame Trump for the abortive plot to kidnap the MI governor.
“”Jonathan Turley
Replying to
…Raskin is now detailing the Whitmer kidnapping plot and suggesting culpability by Trump. The plot was uncovered and prosecuted under the Trump Administration. THIS IS THE TYPE OF ARGUMENT THAT WOULD BE BARRED IN AN ACTUAL COURT…”
“Jonathan Turley
Replying to
Again, this is not an argument designed to convict on the specific charge of incitement to insurrection. It is more of an argument to enrage than to convict on the specific article of impeachment…”
The House Dem propagandists are achieving their goal of enraging the Senators. But not in the way they intend. The would-be kidnappers hated DJT just as much as they hated Whitmer. Maybe more; one of the accused plotters said of Trump on his Facebook page that he “Wanna hang this mf’er too….” Another was a hardcore #BLM supporter. And the Senators know this, along with the fact that the plot was uncovered under Trump, was investigated under Trump, and the plotters were charged under Trump.
The GOP Senators are getting enraged. Infuriated even. By this blatant attempt to gaslight them.
One thing that angered the GOP Senators was the House Dem propagandists attempts to claim Trump CoS Mulvaney condemned Trump’s speech when Mulvaney did no such thing.
“WASHINGTON — Republican senators appeared to be losing patience with the House impeachment managers’ case on day three of former President Donald Trump’s trial, suggesting that he will almost certainly be acquitted.
“To me, they’re losing credibility the longer they talk,” said Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.). “I just, that’s my opinion.”
Inhofe accused Democratic prosecutors of putting words in the mouth of former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney as they played clips of him rebuking Trump’s actions during the Jan. 6 riot that the then-chief executive is accused of inciting.
“They talked about Mick Mulvaney and all the things that he said about how deplorable it was for people raiding the Capitol Hill,” Inhofe told reporters.
“He never did say anything about him, as in blaming it on Trump. But they speak and add to it just as if it’s Trump, that he’s talking about Trump. He’s not,” he went on…”
All Trump’s lawyers have to do (if they’re up to the job) to debunk the selectively edited video of Trump’s remarks on Charlottesville is play the entire clip including when he says:
“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”
That will really enrage the Senators alright.
Two questions I have are 1) can the House Dem propagandists be held in contempt for lying to the Senate? Their entire case is one big lie. And 2) when do the prosecutions against their fellow Democrats begin, as they have laid out a far stronger case that the months of left-wing violence is more closely tied to leftist Dems and their violent speech than the Jan. 6 violence was to Trump’s?
After all, in Jul 2019 an Antifa militia member was killed while armed with at least one rifle and with improvised incendiary devices attacking an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, WA. This after weeks of elected leftists like AOC and other leftists (members of her squad and otherwise) calling just such ICE detention facilities “concentration camps” and otherwise whipping up hatred against ICE.
If memory serves, the Antifa perp, Willem Van Spronsen, used AOC’s rhetoric. Other Antifa terrorists did adopt the same language (Seattle Antifascist Action eulogized Spronsen by claiming he attacked a “fascist” detention center after weeks of AOC calling such facilities Nazi-style concentration camps), and AOC was called on it by ICE officials. She refused to apologize or attempt to lower the heat. She doubled down, as she is now with her ludicrous accusation that Sen. Cruz tried to “murder” her on Jan. 6.
The House Dem propagandists have made a far stronger case against their fellow Dems than they have against Trump. As Turley also points out.
“Raskin is detailing reckless comments by Trump for years and is suggesting that he has been inciting violence for years. It is an argument that opens the door for similar pictures and arguments of rioting for years from the left by the Trump team.”
Thank you for the link, it was a good read and some good points made. I don’t know why witnesses haven’t been called. It’s a great question.
I haven’t had a chance to go through your other points. Sadly work beckons but I’ll try to look later.
We don’t care about your work, and we don’t care about your commentary. It’s frivolous junk that is only important in your own mind.