Northeastern U ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ Promotes Terrorist PFLP, Doubles Down After Backlash
The Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has been designated a foreign terrorist group by the U.S. government, and committed some of the most infamous terrorist attacks on Israel and Jews. The PFLP remains popular among anti-Israel student groups.

The Northeastern University branch of Students for Justice In Palestine recently held an event glorifying the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist-Leninist organization designated by the U.S. goverment as a foreign terrorist group. The PFLP committed some of the most infamous and deadly attacks targeting Israel and Jews. As described below, after a backlash SJP doubled down..
Northeastern SJP
Of all the dozens of SJP chapters around the country, Northeastern’s has long been one of the most incendiary. We’ve covered its aggressive history several times before, including when the group was suspended by the university in 2014 for “vandalism, intimidation, and disruption“. We also covered the protest of its suspension, at which the chant, “Long Live the Intifada” proved popular, and its probationary reinstatement a few months later.
2014 was an eventful one for the group; in March, a photograph of the group’s then-leader posing somewhere in Palestinian Authority-controlled territory wearing a bullet belt and holding a “PK-class machine gun” emerged. The student also posted photos of himself wearing a Palestinian Islamic Jihad headband and a Hezbollah T-shirt.
Six years later, Northeastern SJP’s penchant for glorifying terrorism does not seem to have changed; this time, the student group chose the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to whitewash.
Founded in 1967, the PFLP is known for pioneering airline hijackings and launching multiple suicide bomb attacks against Israelis. Designated as a terrorist group by the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia, and Japan, the PFLP is the home association of Rasmea Odeh, the supermarket bomber who murdered two Jewish students in Jerusalem in 1969. It’s also the group of the first female airplane hijacker, Leila Khaled. Both women are still the darlings of anti-Israel campus activists; likewise, the PFLP itself remains an object of obsessive apotheosis for notoriously hateful student groups such as SJP.
We’ve written frequently about the PFLP’s terrorist history as well as its role in campus anti-Israel propaganda wars:
- Dream Defenders: Defending the Dream of Anti-Israel Activism
- EU, European Governments Funding Terror-Linked Palestinian NGOs, Says Watchdog
- Study Reveals Extensive Links Between BDS and Terrorist Organizations
- “Behind the Mask” — Israeli Report On How the BDS Movement “Desensitizing West to Antisemitism”
- Cornell President to Students for Justice in Palestine: “I must reject your call for BDS-related divestment”
- UT-Austin anti-Israel student leader called for “support” of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP
- UC-Berkeley anti-Israel activists rip up photo of Rasmea Odeh’s terror victims
- Investigation: ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ Locked Down Its Annual Conference, What Was It Hiding?
The PFLP has been a particularly popular focus among SJP students in the past few months; during the fall 2020 semester alone, the terrorist organization’s convicted hijacker Leila Khaled was invited to speak at San Francisco State University, New York University and the University of Hawaii at Manoa (remotely). But, as Ken Marcus reported recently in JTA, “Khaled’s events were canceled only when Zoom refused to cooperate, understanding that allowing the events to be hosted on its platform could violate anti-terrorism laws.”
Still, Northeastern SJP spoke out on behalf of Leila Khaled’s canceled event at San Francisco State, posting a statement on Instagram that minimized Khaled’s crimes and framed the issue as one of “repression of Palestinian voices”, spurred on by a “Zionist smear campaign”.
Controversy on Instagram
The cancelation of campus PFLP events at other schools did not deter Northeastern SJP. Indeed, on November 19th, JNS reported:
The Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at Northeastern University in Boston has promoted via social media the U.S.-designated terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
In a since-deleted Instagram post featuring a graphic titled “Reading is for radicals” is the text: “SJP will be reading through different strategies and theory of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. This is a welcoming and accountable space where we can learn and grow with one another.”
The post included a graphic originally used in 2017 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the PFLP’s founding. It features a PFLP gunman wearing a ‘Yasser Arafat’ keffiyeh, with one fist raised in triumph and the other clutching what appears to be a Kalashnikov rifle (a weapon of choice for Palestinian terrorists in the 1970s and 1980s). The graphic declares (in English, Spanish, and Arabic):
50 years…
Our revolution continues until the liberation of Palestine.
From the river to the sea
The caption of NSJP’s Instagram post included a brief description of the group’s plans:
We’re going to be reading the first 25 pages of the PFLP’s 1969 “Strategy for Liberation of Palestine” and discuss it on Monday at 5pm (our new book club hour).
You can read the full document SJP planned to cover below.
PFLP StrategyforLiberationofPalestine1969 by Samantha Mandeles on Scribd
At this event, students expected to learn how to conduct “armed struggle taking the form of guerrilla warfare at first and developing in the direction of the protracted people’s liberation war” against their “enemies.” Their enemies include the “world Zionist movement,” as well as Israel, Arab moderates and “world imperialism” (read: the United States and its European allies). In other words, they would learn that the proper response to political disagreement is not civil dialogue but “armed struggle.”
Unsurprisingly, Northeastern SJP’s post advertising its event was apparently removed by the powers that be at Instagram for violating “community guidelines”. The event itself, according to SJP, was also reported to the university administration and seems to have been canceled.
Naturally, instead of taking the opportunity to reflect on whether their own behavior led to distateful consequences, NSJP students responded by playing the victim and casting themselves as noble fighters for “social justice”. On November 28th, more than a week after Instagram deleted the group’s controversial post, NSJP published a lengthy rant on Instagram denying accusations of terror glorification; justifying the use of machine gun imagery by pointing to he existence of Northeastern’s ROTC program; attacking pro-Israel groups that objected to the lionization of the PFLP; complaining of how “exhausting” it is to have to “defend [our]selves from terror labels”; and accusing the Israel Defense Forces (oddly and a-historically enough) of the “genocidal invasion of Palestine in 1948”.
You can see screenshots of the entire post below.
Conclusion – There SJP Goes Again
Across the country, SJP has been one of the prime movers in the climate of fear instilled among Jewish and other pro-Israel students. This has been especially true at Northeastern, which has led to years of warnings and reprimands from the Northeastern administration and others. Still, NSJP has repeatedly played the victim and distorted the facts to support its version of events. As we move into the spring 2021 semester, will NSJP learn from its past and moderate its hatefulness?
Samantha Mandeles is Senior Researcher and Outreach Director at the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

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“…will NSJP learn from its past and moderate its hatefulness?”
No. It will redirect its hatefulness with new names and faces.
Giving aid to a terrorist organization is a crime. Are they going to be prosecuted?
No prosecution of Marxists under this administration.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment) is a Democrat plank and a progressive – one step forward, two steps backward – dogmatic belief.
No, because they haven’t done that. What material aid do you allege they have given the PFLP? Everything they are doing is protected by the first amendment.
You should be correct but Biden is trying to put a meme maker in jail for ten years
The FBI of course also approves the PFLP, not loving them is if anything suspicious to them anyway.
Yeah that’s not Biden, it’s some overzealous USA called Seth DuCharme, who’s a career civil servant; the fact that the arrest was made now rather than at any time in the last four years was simply that Ricky Vaughn’s real name wasn’t known. The law he’s being charged with is real, but as applied in this case it’s unconstitutional, so it’s not going to survive its first encounter with a judge.
It’s the same as Andrew Cuomo’s (if I remember correctly) attempt to arrest people under the housing anti-discrimination laws, for organizing political opposition to a homeless shelter or something like that. The law is real, but it can’t be applied to that situation.
It seems to be a common problem with some prosecutors, that they think the law they’re enforcing can override the first amendment.
I think that their suggestion that Arab squatersom Palestine should receive justice has merit.
Now that Biden and the Dems are in charge, I don’t expect any pushback against antisemitism. In fact, I expect Biden to forbid anyone saying “antisemitism”, just like he outlawed anyone speaking the true source of the Wuhan coronavirus.
Biden’s policies so far represent his priorities: China first, America last, and Israel disappeared.
He hasn’t done that. He’s ordered his employees not to use that term in official communication. He can’t control what anyone else does, and hasn’t tried. The virus will still have come from Wuhan no matter how often people use that stupid term “covid”.
Justice for their multi-decadal predatory leaders, and foreign and domestic activists, too, that have left the people of the Middle East in an untenable position. For the social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere-mongers. The backers of wars without borders, transnational terrorism, and [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform and collateral damage. #HateLovesAbortion
They would be in big trouble if they started getting what the deserve.
There is a difference between radicalization “book clubs” and an academic discussion. For example, I would hope that NE University would sponsor a panel discussion or forum to debate whether PFLP deserves its designation as a terrorist organization. I believe that the First Amendment would protect such an academic event but would not protect an event that just advocates violence from one side.
The first amendment protects all advocacy. There are no exceptions. “Mere advocacy” is in the highest category of protection, and no law can change that. That’s why the law on designated foreign terrorist organizations bans only material support.
In terms of advocating violence I think the key word is imminent violent action. If it is some undefined time in the future for that violent action then its protected, alternatively if that speech specifies some specific violent action then that could potentially lack the 1st amendments protection.
To cross the line between mere advocacy (which is absolutely protected) and incitement (which is not), speech must be both subjectively intended and also objectively likely to cause the audience to commit a crime imminently. All of these elements are necessary.
Incitement whips up the audiences’ emotions, basically deprives them of free will, turns them into robots, and makes them commit crimes they would not have done on their own. Advocacy merely gives them information and arguments with which they may or may not decide on their own to commit a crime. And advocacy has the maximum protection, even if it’s advocacy of a terrible crime.
Tell me again how with skulls full of mush like t his we are not going into a war civil war.