Trump Campaign: Sidney Powell “is not a member of the Trump Legal Team”

Lawyer Sidney Powell advanced what I characterized as a “a unified theory of election software and hardware fraud that spans numerous countries, possibly “three-letter agencies,” and an election night execution of a preexisting plan across several jurisdictions.”

The claim centered on alleged manipulation of Dominion voting machines to flip millions of votes from Trump to Biden. The obvious problem with such an assertion is that it required proof of involvement by many independent actors in many different locations acting in concert. Powell’s assertion was a grand conspiracy, in contrast to Rudy Guiliani’s claim to have affidavits and witnesses to specific acts of voter fraud (the problem with Rudy’s claims is that the remedy of disqualifying hundreds of thousands of votes because some of them might be fraudulent was not a remedy any court was likely to grant).

(added) Byron York points out how broad Powell’s accusations have become, asserting that some Republicans were in on the scheme.

I noted that the burden was on Powell to come forward with the proof:

But something being possible is not the same thing as proof that it did happen. Powell says she has proof it happened, but she offered no details today. It would shake our system to the core if such evidence exists and is provable, but I don’t think people should get their hopes up. Prove me wrong, please, I’m practically begging her to do so, but in the end, she is going to need proof, not conjecture.

It’s curious that earlier tonight the Trump campaign issued a statement distancing itself from Powell. Jenna Ellis, the campaign’s attorney, tweeted the statement:

“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump legal team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

Since Powell appeared at a press conference with Ellis and Rudy just days ago, it’s hard to see how she was not viewed as part of the legal team. So the campaign statement likely reflects that whatever it was the campaign thought Powell had, she doesn’t.

You can only imagine the joy at this development among the same people who for four years told us Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed in Moscow because Obama slept in it, who was a Russian agent being run personally by Putin, and who was worse than Hitler. In addition to those miscreants, there are many Republicans running for the hills.

Lin Wood is standing by Powell:

I don’t know whether Powell has the proof. It’s possible, as some people speculate, that she’s holding everything close to the vest for court. But if that’s not the case, and she doesn’t have the proof, then she has done great damage to the legitimate concerns about voter fraud and weakening of voter security.

We will update if there are further developments tonight.


Powell issues a statement via Michael Flynn:

Powell has issued a statement standing by her claims and promising to file suit soon.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell