Rahm Emmanuel To Unemployed Retail Workers: Learn To Code
“There’s going to be people, like at J.C. Penney and other retail [outlets]. Those jobs are not coming back”

As the post-2020 election dust begins settling, for the Democrats anyway, former Obama stooge Rahm Emmanuel digs up and mercilessly flings at those Americans left behind by regressive, globalist policies insulting, condescending leftist advice. He tells unemployed, and soon-to-be-unemployed under the Harris-Biden administration, retail workers that they need to #LearnToCode.
In January of last year, I noted that left-media layoffs resulted in a gleeful response by the right, telling them to learn to code, advice many of these very people had disdainfully suggested for Kentucky coal miners whose livelihoods were decimated by anti-fossil fuel fanatics on the left, up to and including the Obama-Biden administration.
When our nation’s coal miners found themselves out of work, the left-media gleefully told them that they need to “learn to code.” After all, they were dinosaurs working, literally, with dinosaur fuels and needed to be reeducated for the global, technological economy. The condescending chant that rained down from the privileged ivory towers of the leftist elite: Learn. To. Code.
Big Tech was not amused.
And here we are again, in a horrific Groundhog Day recycling of the Obama-Biden administration: The Harris-Biden administration is about to declare war on American workers not only in the fossil fuels industries but in other staples of American enterprise like bricks and mortar retail sales.
On ABC, Rahm Emanuel literally says a Biden White House should tell people laid off from retail stores like JC Penney to learn to code.
He actually said this. Amazing. pic.twitter.com/xlSnVi7445
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) November 7, 2020
Laid-off retail workers should learn to code for new software jobs, says Democrat heavyweight Rahm Emanuel.
“There’s going to be people, like at J.C. Penney and other retail [outlets]. Those jobs are not coming back,” Emanuel told ABC News November 6.
“Give them the tools, six months, you’re going to become a computer coder. We’ll pay for it, and you’ll get millions of people to sign up for that,” Emanuel said. “They are not going back to parts of the retail economy, and we need to give them a lifeline to what’s the next chapter.”
Note the reemergence of one of the Socialist Democrats’ favorite tag lines: “Those jobs are not coming back.” It sounds like we will soon be back to the administration and oversight of America’s decline, and after four years of President Trump’s America First successes, I, for one, am not looking forward to that prospect.

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I think we get to sit back and watch and point out the flaws and HOPEFULLY enough people finally see their idiocy. The problem is the media coverage will do everything possible to gaslight it and outright sweep it under the rug.
They already have an erosion of trust and credibility problem, though, that will continue to bleed them off for their own willful ignorance and hero worship.
They won’t.
My parents are college educated. My father is a (now) semi-retired world-renowned expert in his scientific field. When ZeroCare was being pushed through, I told them all of the problems it would create or exacerbate, including losing me my medical librarian job.
I was assured it would never happen, no one would get rid of librarians, insurance rates would not go up, every thing was going to just peachy.
Less than three years later, I was walked out of my office like a criminal, and had to make an appointment to come back and get my personal belongings. Since I was the major earner in the family, and there were NO library jobs out there, nothing in my area paying better than minimum which I was qualified for, they ended up supporting my family to the tune of a grand or more a month for over two years (and it may start again since I lost my last job thanks to COVID closures and mask requirements). Since they voted for it, I felt and will feel no guilt at all.
And they still think Obama was fantastic, and they are ardent Biden supporters, or at least Trump haters.
You know the podcast guy at LISNews never went back to being a librarian but wandered off to work at IRS apparently? Apparently in the age of coronavirus he’s now writing spy fi short stories on the Kindle platform. Good luck on restoring some semblance of normal as we head into another round of madness. Things are not looking pretty out there.
I have the same problem with my 90+ year old father.
I go through a list of things we agree on, illegals, affirmative incompetence, Obama,etc., he agrees and then votes Dem anyway. He was hooked on MSNBC, eventually he responded to my criticism, and dropped them. TDS runs deep, but he has had three strokes.
Judging by the way the voting machines worked… I think they learned to code.
Best comment of the day right there………….
I worked in tech for over 20 years. It was fun and interesting for the first half of it or so. Over the past ten years it has become a leftist hell.
To all the people who had dismissed my horror stories as being hyperbole, over the past few months of the election and big tech’s interference I’ve been able to grab them, point and say “right effing there”. They get it now.
It’s important to understand that we are dealing with the ‘idiot clients’ who have no clue what they are saying when they say ‘learn to code’. What really happens is you have an architecture team looking at specs and saying “Oh, Lord, they want What?” while thinking of the utter inability of the people they have assigned as coders to write what is desired competently.
There can easily be an order-of-magnitude difference in productivity between a competent programmer and a top programmer. Think how much greater the difference is for mediocre programmers. We had one programmer who was so bad that everything he did was wrong and had to be either fixed or removed. Every line of code. But he thought he was very, very good.
We need to tell every elite to learn to code.
There’s a reason Chicago voters showed Rahm the door.
That may be, but he’s still light years better than Larry Lightfoot.
Please show brother Ezekiel that same door. He of the mandatory 75 year limit on life!
Without Trump in office, a lot of “journalists” will have to #LearnToCode.
Did Rahm Emanuel just endorse Trump’s MAGA position on limits for H1B visa?
If he is saying all these soon to be unemployed citizens need to learn to code, is going to pay for the training…
Presumably he will ensure that they become employed in the industry. Thus replacing the low wage ‘temporarily’ imported foreign tech workers.
Since we will have plenty of freshly trained US workers (we already have them) under his plan then certainly there won’t be any need to continue to allow Tech giants to utilize the various Visa programs.
Who knew that Rahm Emanuel supported MAGA principles?
He should also tell people to learn to shoot, derail trains, make molotov cocktails, poison wells, and other commando war skills, because many of us are going to need them:
AOC, Jen Rubin (WaPo), and Former Buttigieg Staffers Launch Effort To Purge Trump Supporters From Public Life:
If anyone is planning on shooting Alexandra Cortez: don’t aim for the head (it’s empty).
FWIW, I don’t think this will happen, only because this is some of the most disgusting trap behavior the left has in their arsenal.
They will say crazy stuff like this from the left wing and then get media cover for it. Then, they will pretend to be “moderate” by not hunting people down and ending their lives and livelihoods….and they will be praised for it.
The other intended side effect is that “panel talk” like this might incite a violent response and give them another chance to finger point and play victim. All part of their plan.
If only jobs for the Rahm Emmanuels of the world were as scarce as those of post-Covid retail workers in fascist hells like New York.
“He actually said this. Amazing”.
Amazon, I would say.
As someone who has been in the industry for half a century, I regret to inform Rahm Emmanuel that there is probably no career in which there is more outsourcing going on than “coding”. But he probably knows that.
Parents, warn your children.
Obviously now that they control everything they don’t need to pretend to be anything but the authoritarians they’ve always been.
So they can compete with cheap Indian code monkeys in a race to the bottom. Yeah, that’ll work.
The problem is that the education system in India is highly competitive and a very good education is available if one is industrious. They have shear numbers of potentially good workers. Learning to code with a less than industrious educational past puts the standard so-so American in last place.
Actually the problem with India is when an Indian programmer encounters a problem they tend to stop and not try to work past it. An American tries to troubleshoot. What this translates to is that Americans do maintenance/fixes and Indian programmers do the original (buggy) code. This is not to say this is the case for all Indians, but it is a byproduct of their culture and the way they operate.
The reason they dominate in jobs is that you can hire 3 at least halfway decent Indian programmers for the same cost as you can one exceptionally good American programmer.
That’s the kind of advice one would expect from an elite leftist.
Learn to weld would be better advice. Learn to do something that shows and really serves people. Same goes for HVAC tech, diesel mechanic, plumber, electrician… all jobs that even Biden and his commie friends cannot outsource to China.
Yes, you might get dirt under your fingernails and have to shower after work rather than before, but its honest work.
Not to mention, it’s really hard to outsource your home wiring or plumbing repair to India or China.
Thank you for mentioning some of the “indispensables”. These and others like them make up most of the “deplorables” and “chumps”.
Learn to run and hide, Rahmbo.
These people do not even have a K-12 knowledge of how to run a successful economy. Obama years here we come, with Solyndra on steroids, assuming the Dems manage to “win” the two Georgia Senate seats.
As an aside, when Trump won, the stock market immediately dropped nearly 1,000 Dow points before rallying for years. The market now has had two strong days. However, I would not be surprised if the opposite happens going forward. IMO this is exactly the time for folks to evaluate whether they are comfortable with the percentage of their invested assets (including retirement accounts) that they have in stocks.
Most politicians spend their lives in government and generally learn little about how businesses work. Worse, they don’t want to learn. Remember George McGovern who was an endless source of foolish ideas and only started to learn better when he left government and tried to run a small business and discovered the myriad ways that government makes that more difficult?
Sure, enrich colleges, technical schools, and bankers while learning to code so you can watch the jobs you are being lured with go preferentially to Subcontinentals.
He’s like a villain from an Ayn Rand novel.
Not only did Joe Biden tell coal miners to ‘Learn to Code’, he also said:
“Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well… Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”
The amount of ignorance someone would need to believe that (a) coal miners stoke furnaces, and (b) furnace-stoking is a factor in today’s job market, and (c) you could have a furnace in a coal mine without explosion..boggles the mind.
See my post today: ‘Learn to Code’ Still a Dem Thing
Might was well tell people to “lean to calculus”.
Calculus is not that difficult IF you have a natural inclination for math. If you don’t, then it’s an insurmountable obstacle.
The same goes for coding. I’ve worked with people who I knew were intelligent, but for some reason coding was beyond them.
Agreed. Not everybody’s minds work the same way. Utopian Blank Slate fanatics like to insist that anybody can do or be anything, and every failure is then merely a reason to double-down and to find enemies to blame.
And recognizing that people are different is not an excuse to write off as disposable those who cannot become programmers or engineers, but rather a reminder that a society ought to have roles for all sorts of people. A utopia in which there are no retail/labor jobs but only “thinker” jobs is not a utopia but a nightmare.
Victor Davis Hanson has written and spoken eloquently about people without college degrees who have great skill in areas that VDH does not and that when he talks with these people (about all sorts of things) it is crystal clear that these people are not stupid. His message, in part, is that professors and politicians and tech oligarchs and make a profound mistake when they discount these people.
How does one code a leaky faucet, a mid-firing engine, a broken window, peeling pain, overflowing sewer, rebuilding after a hurricane , und so weiter!
When I was in secondary school and completely confused by calculus (and my maths teacher thought I should go on to do pure maths at uni!) my mother kept telling me it was easy.
I learned to look at her and just say “Moles, mother, moles”. She could never grasp the concept of the mole in chemistry, which made it a very difficult subject for her. Me? It seems such a simple idea and I can’t see how she can not grok it.
Of course my father’s method of trying to teach me was to assume that I was a grad student who had gone into some squishy subject and just hadn’t had to use it for years and merely needed to be reminded.
Supposedly based on my GRE results from 1984 I have an IQ north of 150. But I just couldn’t grasp the concept of “rate of change”.
Nah, not coders. Train ’em to be Journalists. They’re frustrated that they’re out of work, bitter about the companies that failed them and angry at capitalism for everything.
So they’re practically journalists now.
Yeah, well, I can code. I’m quite good at it. Somehow I don’t see destroying the economy getting fixed by writing more code.
Just as an aside, I’d LOVE to see what kind of code Rahm produces when he learns to code…
Is someone who can’t code telling the rest of us learn to code a microagression? I’m feeling triggered and unsafe. /sarc
LibraryGryffon…”Supposedly based on my GRE results from 1984 I have an IQ north of 150. But I just couldn’t grasp the concept of “rate of change”.”
The late and very great blogger Neptunus Lex, a naval aviator and captain, remarked that he had not done terribly well at math in high school and the first two years of college:
“It was not until my junior year at the Naval Academy, when we started to do differential equations, that the light came on. Eureka! Drop a wrench from orbit, and over time it would accelerate at a determinable pace, up until the moment when it entered the atmosphere, where friction would impede the rate of acceleration at an increasingly greater rate (based on air density, interpolated over a changing altitude) and that wrench struck someone’s head at a certain velocity, that any of this applied in the real word. By then it was too late, I was too far gone, and an opportunity was lost.”
There is a group at Marshall University that has constructed a mechanical differential analyzer and believes it can be an effective tool for teaching calculus intuitively. The professor who is leading the project said:
“What’s great about this is that students can ‘see’ different equations and the impact on variables, which represent the rates of change of the solution you are interested in,. It isn’t the same with computer simulations. Here, screwdrivers are useful.”
It is interesting how abilities are not evenly distributed. For me, science and math were easy. At the other end of the spectrum, I have serious deficiencies, to this day, I have trouble with phonics, an inability to connect letter sound combinations, poor spelling, not being able to read social cues, not retaining names and faces.
When I was in school, they did not diagnose those problems, you of my children is Asperger, so is one of my grandchildren. I suspect that I am also Asperger. I have an IQ in the mid 170 range, it is both a blessing and a curse. I do not have much in common with the vast majority of people.
I see the same happening with one grandson, and his difficulties fitting in. There is a huge disconnect between having an advanced intellect, while not having maturity to apply it wisely.
Definitely learn to code! That way, when you’re training your H1-B replacement prior to being laid off, you’ll be able to know for certain that their résumé is fake and they have no clue how to do the job.
Interesting reading https://ustechworkers.com/
Learning to code is useless if foreign corporations control the market https://www.saitj.org/