Georgia Dem Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock a Defender of Jeremiah “God D*** America” Wright

In the coming months, all eyes will be on Georgia for the run-off elections happening there in January which will impact party control of the U.S. Senate.

One Democrat candidate is Reverend Raphael Warnock, a longtime defender of the controversial Pastor Jeremiah Wright, of “God d**m America” fame.

Alana Goodman writes at the Washington Free Beacon:

‘God Damn America’: Warnock’s Praise for Jeremiah Wright Gets Fresh ScrutinyDemocratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock’s longtime support for anti-Semitic, America-bashing pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright is drawing new scrutiny in the Georgia runoff election, as the candidate attempts to walk back his own prior criticism of Israel.Warnock, the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, has for years been one of the most vocal defenders of Wright’s infamous 2003 “God Damn America” sermon, which compared U.S. leaders to al Qaeda and claimed HIV was invented by the government as a way to kill black people.The Democratic candidate “is expected to face negative ads that target his ties to Jeremiah Wright,” Politico reported on Tuesday. Warnock’s opponent, Republican senator Kelly Loeffler, also highlighted his support for Wright in a statement this week.”[Warnock] has a long history of anti-Israel extremism,” Loeffler wrote on Twitter. “He defended Jeremiah Wright’s anti-Semitic comments.”

Warnock seems to have much in common with the Squad.

Senator Tom Cotton points out another inconvenient story for Warnock:

One of Warnock’s senior advisers is also an apparent advocate of defunding police.

David Rutz reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Warnock Senior Adviser: Nothing Radical About ‘Defund the Police’A senior adviser to Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock has said defunding the police is not a radical policy.Dasheika Ruffin, a consultant with the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union, in June tweeted an article by fellow ACLU adviser Paige Fernandez that argued divesting resources from law enforcement would improve public safety.”The movement to defund the police isn’t as radical as some may think,” Ruffin tweeted. “It’s about a complete reimagining of law enforcement in the United States.”

Massive amounts of money will flow into Georgia in the coming months. Republicans must pull out all the stops to make sure they retain control of the Senate.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Antisemitism, Democrats, Georgia, Progressives, Raphael Warnock, US Senate