‘First Amendment Support Team’ at SUNY New Paltz Suspended After Complaints From BLM

The argument here by BLM is that the group supporting the First Amendment would lead to violence and racism. This same tired argument has been used to shut down free speech at many schools.

Campus Reform reports:

University ‘First Amendment Support Team’ suspended after complaints from BLM chapterThe State University of New York New Paltz suspended a group on campus that aimed to keep protests peaceful and free of violence after pressure from the university’s Black Lives Matter chapter.According to The New Paltz Oracle, the First Amendment Support Team (FAST) was designed to ensure that protests are not violating any laws, was protested by the school’s local BLM chapter.The chapter claimed in a petition that FAST “will serve to perpetuate the violence of anti-Black racism on the campus of SUNY New Paltz.”Their concern sprung from a portion of the FAST’s website section on “Problematically Disruptive Protests.” Protests would be classified as such if there was a “threat of physical harm to persons,” or “Protestors entering any private office without permission,” or even the, “Significant disruption of the normal operations of the University.” If any of these conditions existed, then the school had a list of actions that could be taken.These actions range from informing building occupants about the protest, advising people to “close/lock office doors,” and to “contact The Vice President for Student Affairs Office.” The BLM group complained that one of the possible options in the list, in case of imminent danger was calling the police.“We write to express our firm belief that this is not—and cannot be—an anti-racist initiative. We have deep concerns that the formation, selection process, purpose, and implementation of FAST will uphold white supremacy, white patriarchal paternalism, and white fragility on the SUNY New Paltz campus,” the petition read.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, College Insurrection, Free Speech, New York