Schumer Celebrates, Anticipates Senate Control: “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world”

I am still digesting the “news” that deep red Georgia suddenly turned blue for Joe Biden, after rejecting Obama who had genuine momentum and enthusiasm in ’08—not to mention the historic nature of being the first black president—and after voting for smarmy Mittens McRomneyCare over Obama in 2012.  President Trump, of course, won the state in 2016.

It is against this backdrop that we consider the upcoming Georgia U.S. Senate special elections in January, elections that will determine the majority in the U.S. Senate.

As of this writing, both of Georgia’s U.S. Senate seats will be, theoretically anyway, up for grabs in January.

NPR reports:

Control of the Senate may hinge on Georgia’s two runoff races in January as no candidate in either contest has reached a required 50% threshold in votes to win outright.That means Georgia, which is also still counting ballots in a neck-and-neck presidential race expected to go to a recount, is shaping up to be ground zero for whether Congress will be divided again next year.”All eyes will be on Georgia for the next two months,” Emory University political science professor Andra Gillespie said. “There will be record spending, unprecedented campaigning and tons of mudslinging in these races — more than what we’re used to seeing.”Currently, Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the U.S. Senate. With several races undecided, Democrats have gained one new seat in the Senate but would need two more for a 50-50 split. Then, if Joe Biden wins the White House, Kamala Harris as vice president would cast tiebreaking votes in the chamber.

Democrats need the Senate in order to get their “fundamental transformation” of America back on track.

After what we’ve seen this week, it seems naive to imagine they won’t get it . . . by any means necessary.

The gloating has already begun.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Chuck Schumer, Georgia, US Senate