UPS Found Tucker Carlson’s Missing Biden Documents, ‘Arranging for Its Return’
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UPS Found Tucker Carlson’s Missing Biden Documents, ‘Arranging for Its Return’

UPS Found Tucker Carlson’s Missing Biden Documents, ‘Arranging for Its Return’

“After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return.”

A UPS spokesman told The Wrap that the company found Tucker Carlson’s damning Hunter Biden documents.

From The Wrap:

“After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return,” UPS told TheWrap. “UPS will always focus first on our customers, and will never stop working to solve issues and make things right. We work hard to ensure every package is delivered, including essential goods, precious family belongings and critical healthcare.”

There was no word on how soon the package might be delivered to Carlson. A representative for Fox News did not immediately return a request for comment.

Carlson told his audience on Wednesday that a source had damning documents about Hunter Biden and his family.

Carlson’s producer mailed the documents to Los Angeles, where Tucker was filming an interview with Hunter’s ex-associate Tony Bobulinski.

One employee at a sorting facility noticed that the “package was opened and empty.”

Legal Insurrection found out that there were copies of the documents. Many people, including myself, thought Tucker did not have copies because he did not mention it on his show.


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And I’m sure they probably will be returned.

AFTER the election.

I’m sorry, but this whole thing sounds like a publicity stunt to me.

Happy I didn’t bet they were ashes by now

I imagine that UPS is well covered by cameras. How would a person know to Rob that envelope, unless it was addressed to Tucker. Was the person who stole the documents arrested? The explanation by UPS is barren of facts.

“He still has copies!? Well, $#!+, what’s the point? ‘Find’ them and return them, or we’ve harmed our brand for nothing!”

2smartforlibs | October 29, 2020 at 2:35 pm

Seems like only a Dunning Kruger suffering liberal would think you could get away with this.

UPS is a very conservative company

You gotta love the way they stuck a commercial into the statement and never admitted any error or described anything about what actually happened.

What did happen?????

many moons ago, I worked in a high volume air cargo sorting hub, I haven’t seen a photo of the original container but I can tell you from first hand experience that yes packaging can and does fail, documents do fall out by accident.
I’m not buying any theory until I see the outer packaging, I repackaged 1000’s of boxes and large envelopes over the course of a few years. We used to have a metal cage at the end of the conveyor belt to catch anything that fell out of the damaged shipments.

2smartforlibs | October 29, 2020 at 3:18 pm

Amazing what 5 million viewers can get a company to do.

The documents probably just appeared on someone’s desk, like Hillary’s “lost” Whitewater records magically turned up in the book room at the White House

It seemed weird that an empty package was left. But then again, if you keep the box moving through the system of repeated scanning it makes it harder to pinpoint when it disappeared.

As for opportunity? Packages appear on cameras in a lot of places but those are geographically minor compared to the trip across the country. This means that there are plenty of points where a package can be tampered.

How did they know about the package and where it would be when? Oh please! Ask Sheryl Atkinson. Ask General Flynn. Ask the Trump campaign. This isn’t conspiracy theory stuff. This is our new reality. They (the powers that be) were monitoring Tucker and his producers from the moment the story broke. They heard about the arrangements to send these documents. They heard the call to UPS and monitored the collection and movement of the package from the time the producer sealed the box. This is all Spook 101 stuff.

    DanJ1 in reply to DanJ1. | October 29, 2020 at 4:00 pm

    It will be interesting to find out who it traced back to. Maybe it was a UPS employee looking to cash in or maybe he is just the fall guy who got caught. Maybe it showed up in a corner on a shelf and we’ll never know how it got there. I look forward to the next chapter. Just remember in these high stakes political poker games there are no coincidences.

    Andy in reply to DanJ1. | October 29, 2020 at 4:12 pm

    Well they flunked Spook 101. The part where your handiwork doesn’t end up on national news.

    henrybowman in reply to DanJ1. | October 29, 2020 at 4:45 pm

    Hey! The Secretary has disavowed ALL knowledge of that operation!

He clearly alluded to there being copies because he said they were able to send them copies/pictures/texts of the documents so they knew what they were looking for…

    treehuggingsister in reply to rebelgirl. | October 30, 2020 at 6:50 am

    Exactly. He said they’d sent “the carrier” copies of the documents so they’d “know what to look for.”

    But if this was a FLASHDRIVE, as he asserted last night, that sort of explains itself, no?

So when is Tucker gonna show us these documents? Is this just the tease to get his viewer’s attention?

Oh my! Documents found! Whew! George Constanza character type employee was reading them in the restroom stall then threw docs on the floor with the rest of well read newspapers. Red Flag! Custodial staff saves the Republic! Seinfeld fans will immediately remember the episode. This is parody, of course. A “plausible denial” of culpability, the same excuse George gave the bookseller’s teller, may not work for the carrier though. Documents will be returned immediately after decontamination.

In 2020, why would anyone send paper documents when you can encrypt them using some serious S/W? Or create multiple encrypted files? Or ship in multiple packages?

Something is wrong with this picture. I do not get a “Yes” if I ask “Does this make sense?”

If the FBI did this, did they return the files so people stop digging? (Not that I don’t trust the FBI…)

    henrybowman in reply to TX-rifraph. | October 29, 2020 at 4:46 pm

    You send out ten packages of “crucial documents” ten different ways. You see which one gets hit. You root out the mole in your own organization.

    Voyager in reply to TX-rifraph. | October 29, 2020 at 5:09 pm

    Paper documents can be a lot easier to work with and transport once they get past a certain size/pagecount. Email also depends on the setup of your email network, and whether both parties have access to the same encryption tools, and can get nuked by something as silly as a corporate email size cap.

    This is especially true if we’re looking at either a full hard drive or stuff with lots of images. I recall one data delivery we ended up shipping a box of hard disk nas arrays to a customer because that ended up being easier than figuring out how to electronically transfer all the data.

    I doubt we’re looking at quite that much here, but there are reasons to ship things paper, rather than purely digitally.

      starride in reply to Voyager. | October 29, 2020 at 11:59 pm

      I had a hard drive fail last month. I was remote in Ft Worth and my backups were in Tulsa. It took almost a week to download a 1 terabyte backup file. And I have gigabit cable at both locations. in reply to TX-rifraph. | October 30, 2020 at 6:59 am

    In tonight’s show, Carlson said that it was a thumb drive. I’d have to see the original package to get an idea of how it could be opened in transit, but UPS isn’t turning the package over to Carlson’s show.

    snopercod in reply to TX-rifraph. | October 30, 2020 at 7:35 am

    Tucker now says it was a Flash Drive, not paper documents:

We work hard to ensure every package is delivered, including essential goods, precious family belongings and critical healthcare.

And through the magic of Positive Thinking, we do it all without even screening our employees’ criminal records!

In a notorious case, a thief at UPS was slapping his own address label on packages which looked valuable—say, looking and weighing something like a gun, and addressed to anything like “Bob’s Gun Shop”—and then sitting back while UPS delivered the goods to his home. Not that this has anything to do with these mysterious papers, but rather with UPS and its feel-good statements in general.

Sounds to me like Tucker has experienced a past interception of data, and had become suspicious. So Tucker (and crew) set up a little sting to flush out Biden Co. “Associates” and they may have gotten a nibble. There should not have been any indication that the package might be Biden Co. INFO.

Who in the ANTIFA/BLM/FBI/NSA/CIA/DOJ/House Intelligence Comm. (Swamp) would want to protect Biden Co?

I was pretty sure they would turn up.
I think there are camera’s everwhere at these shipping facilities.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 29, 2020 at 7:19 pm


Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member

They said they found it. They did not say who or why it was opened or what disciplinary action was taken and only after the material was copied and sent to the democrat party. They need to know what they have to convict them. Maybe they even thought they had the only copy.

Seen on the internet:
Something got lost in the mail and this is news. It happens daily by the thousands. The USPS loses millions of letters a year. Things disappear from FedEx everyday and UPS lost a 55 inch TV I ordered. They had to send another. A 55 inch TV lost. Its not some conspiracy, it just got miss placed. I’m sure some employee is enjoying a free TV though.

Apparently, this was a flash drive