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NBC Staffers Outraged Trump Holding Town Hall on Network as Biden Holds Event on ABC

NBC Staffers Outraged Trump Holding Town Hall on Network as Biden Holds Event on ABC

“I’ve heard from over a dozen NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC sources (talent and staff) and the frustration with and anger toward their employer for scheduling a town hall against Biden is palpable”

okay to use screenshots video waj

Tonight was supposed to be the night of the second presidential debate. Due the unexpected political implosion of the moderator, that event was cancelled.

Instead, Joe Biden is doing an event on ABC and President Trump is doing an event on NBC. Some of the staffers at NBC are not happy about this.

Shelby Talcott reports at the Daily Caller:

NBC, MSNBC And CNBC ‘Talent And Staff’ Are Reportedly Frustrated And Angry Over Upcoming Trump Town Hall

Multiple people at NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC are reportedly angry over NBC’s decision to host a town hall for President Donald Trump Thursday, according to reporter Yashar Ali.

“I’ve heard from over a dozen NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC sources (talent and staff) and the frustration with and anger toward their employer for scheduling a town hall against Biden is palpable,” Ali tweeted Wednesday.

See Yashar Ali’s tweet below:

Some people on the left are really angry about this:

According to the Daily Beast, some of the anger is about the fact that NBC will also be airing the Trump event on its affiliated networks:

The network’s leadership faced a barrage of condemnation on Wednesday after the last-minute announcement that the broadcast network—along with its sister cable outlets MSNBC, CNBC, and Telemundo, and their digital platforms such as NBC News NOW and the new streaming service Peacock—would air the live event on Thursday night during the same hour as ABC News’ previously scheduled town hall with Biden.

“It’s an irresponsible and selfish move by NBC,” a source close to the Biden campaign texted The Daily Beast. “If they’re going to allow Donald Trump an hour of air time to spread disinformation about COVID and repeat his greatest hits of lies and conspiracy theories, they ought to at least do it an hour later and let voters hear from both candidates.

Does anyone else laugh when media types accuse Trump of spreading conspiracy theories after pushing the Russia collusion hoax for three years?

It should be an interesting evening.


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 15, 2020 at 3:04 pm

Demand NBC disclose how much DNC and Communist Chinese money they have taken.

Spay & Neuter the Media
Trump just retweeted this ?

Donna Cahill
People under 40 yrs old have no clue, but @RudyGiuliani single handily took down the largest organized crime syndicate in America – the Mafia.

Exposing the #BidenCrimeFamily is peanuts for Rudy.

Must watch …

No one goes to see Sundowner Joe anyway, let the rating be seen and let’s find out.

Colonel Travis | October 15, 2020 at 3:18 pm

Can’t wait to see NBC’s ratings vs. ABC’s ratings

Employers need to remind employees who runs the shop; and they’re just angry that the President found a way to get his message out, in spite of the media, Twitter and Facebook doing everything they can to shut him down.

I just heard Scully’s career being flushed down the toilet

The Trump show should have a Lyin’ Biden Gaffe-o-meter on the screen to chart progress against the (lack of) competition.

I am old enough to remember when the Communists were demanding that Biden refuse to debate Trump.

Poor Debra Messing, you made millions from NBC, are you going to quit the show, maybe terminate your contract

Hey! A sign of life from Babs Streisand! Haven’t heard her particular strain of moronitude for a while. Still wacky as ever, I see. Some things never change, even if they do get a bit older.

nordic_prince | October 15, 2020 at 4:52 pm

Biden’s the one who wanted to change the terms of the debate after both parties had already agreed upon them, yet somehow *he* is the one who’s “keeping his word.”

If you believe that, you probably also believe that pixie dust will make you fly.

Does NBC continue to maintain that its staff members are “unbiased”?
It’s fairly clear from their responses (and from the anti-Trump spin in their news reporting) that they hate Trump.

Yeah, I’ve been reading all over about how “Trump backed out!” with attached outrage.

When it’s Biden who backed out.

The debates were scheduled to be in person face to face. But wait! Trump had covid! We must do it remotely! Trump said no- Trump no longer has covid- and can’t spread it if he doesn’t have it. So- do it in person, face to face. “No- it has to be remote! Trump cancelled it!”

What passes for liberal logic.

If you’ve agreed previously to one condition, then insist on changing them- then you’re the the responsible party if the whole thing goes “Poof!”. And that would be Biden.

I actually think Trump should go on AFTER Biden so he can call out his lies

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to gonzotx. | October 15, 2020 at 6:44 pm

    He has to do so.

    It will be like the sharpest biggest shib stuck into the lying MSM.

One of the ironies (among many) of the Trump presidency is the deranged hair-on-fire reaction of the Joseph Goebbels media. Even a cursory glance at history will reveal practically identical media reactions to the Bushes, Mitt Romneycare, Bob Dole, John McCain, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater, Spiro Agnew, and even Eisenhower – sometimes in identical wording (sometimes in identical language – the media must have created a Word template).

All of these candidates (and many more) were portrayed as the second coming of Adolph Hitler. Not a single Republican was considered “mainstream”. There was never a single case where the media said, “We disagree with the GOP candidate, but s/he will not destroy America.” And not a single one of the lunatic predictions made by the Joseph Goebbels media (concentration camps, mass executions, widespread arrests of dissenters, overturning of the Bill of Rights, etc) whenever a Republican won came true. Not a single one.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Recovering Lutheran. | October 15, 2020 at 6:35 pm

    “second coming of Adolph Hitler.”

    Which caused me to vote all Republican. As long as Dems are pulling so much shit, none deserve to be elected.

    “and even Eisenhower – sometimes in identical wording (sometimes in identical language – the media must have created a Word template).”

    I have a copy of this. It’s in “Word-52 for Univac.”

NBC Universal must want to slow the flow of red ink very badly to go ahead with this. They just admitted to the world, starting with the other MSM entities, that the “progress”ive agenda is a failure.

It’ll be fun to watch NBC tonight for the first time in a long while, and funner to see their rating against ABC. So much winning!

Cry harder.

    CommoChief in reply to UJ. | October 15, 2020 at 7:34 pm

    ‘Crush your enemies, drive them before you and hear the lamentations of their women’.

The network’s leadership faced a barrage of condemnation on Wednesday after the last-minute announcement that the broadcast network . . . would air the live event on Thursday night during the same hour as ABC News’ previously scheduled town hall with Biden.

While it’s possible for honest people (I’m postulating that there are some, somewhere) to debate whether or not PDJT is Mount Rushmore material, it’s impossible to deny that he has some serious skills. And one of those is—as we see here—that he can really throw hand grenades.

It’s UNCONSCIONABLE that President Trump is going to get bigger ratings than Gramps Biden! This travesty must not be allowed!

Do they not know what complete fools they’re making of themselves? How is it possible to say all this stuff with a straight face?

Circular firing squads are fun.

So, ZERO diversity at NBC, yes?

Nationwide, does NBC employ even a single person that is on-air, writer, editor, producer, or management, that is Conservative, or at least Republican?

Doubt it.

Maybe some stage hands and janitors, but they have to keep it to themselves.

RightStuff1944 | October 16, 2020 at 10:09 am

“NBC staffers” are no better than the corrupt, entrenched bureaucracy in our Federal government. NBC needs to clean house, just like the swamp needs to be drained. I’m letting NBC know I’m disgusted with them, and I will be in constant touch with their sponsors.

I haven’t seen any ratings comparison, so I guess NBC trounced ABC.

I watched ” Trumps ” Town hall…
For about three minutes before I was totally disgusted.
Guthrie was as a rabid dog, and when she wasn’t talking over Trump, she was trying to shove words down his throat.
I couldn’t take it.
So, how does one call this Trumps town hall?
It was an attempted burning at the stake in the town square.

Rejecting biased a biased moderator is now “anti-democratic behavior”?