Leftists Are Physically Attacking Trump Supporters Just Like They Did in 2016
“a family of seven — including four children — said they were pepper-sprayed by counterprotesters on Sunday while participating in a pro-Trump vehicle caravan in New York City”

In the months before the 2016 election, Trump supporters were repeatedly physically attacked by members of the left, out in the open, sometimes as they left Trump rallies.
In 2020, we are seeing a repeat of this behavior as most of the media looks the other way, just as they did four years ago.
Evie Fordham reports at FOX News:
Trump supporters face string of attacks in run-up to Election Day: What we know about the suspects
The Trump campaign called out “unprovoked violence” against the president’s supporters in recent weeks after a string of attacks ranging from New York City to San Francisco.
“No one should be attacked for peacefully showing their support of the president, and all Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, should be disgusted by this type of unprovoked violence,” a Trump campaign spokesperson told Fox News on Tuesday.
The statement comes after a family of seven — including four children — said they were pepper-sprayed by counterprotesters on Sunday while participating in a pro-Trump vehicle caravan in New York City.
A spokesperson for the New York Police Department said 11 people were taken into custody after the rally descended into chaos and violence Sunday afternoon. One of the people arrested on Sunday, a 36-year-old homeless man identified as Devan Harris, is accused of throwing eggs in two police officers’ faces and then resisting arrest, the NYPD said.
Groups including United Against Racism and Fascism NYC and NYC Antifa posted about their involvement with the counterprotest.
Here are some recent examples:
BREAKING IN MANHATTAN. Anti-Trump protesters rip flags off vehicles part of the #JewsForTrump vehicle convoy. Throw red paint on vehicles, punch Trump supporters. @realDonaldTrump @TrumpWarRoom pic.twitter.com/qbCeMKWWl9
— NYC Scanner (@NYScanner) October 25, 2020
The tolerant left throwing rocks at yesterday’s Jews For Trump caravan. https://t.co/LKGn4A1iGx
— ?? Antoine Tucker for U.S. Senate (@montaga) October 26, 2020
Woman arrested for spraying pepper spray at the #JewsForTrump vehicle convoy on 5 Avenue in Manhattan. pic.twitter.com/kfrwaLTJgT
— NYC Scanner (@NYScanner) October 25, 2020
In San Francisco, a black Trump supporter got one of his teeth knocked out.
More from FOX News:
A free speech rally in San Francisco attracted national attention after organizer Philip Anderson, a Trump supporter, said a counterprotester knocked his teeth out and lit up social media with a bloody photo. The San Francisco Police Department said it arrested a 35-year-old man named Adora Anderson for the alleged assault and charged him with mayhem and hate crime enhancement.
This was a brutal assault on a free speech activist and Trump supporter Philip Anderson. Will the Antifa militant be held responsible for this violence? Or are "ideas" immune to prosecution? pic.twitter.com/VnQtRDTMgC
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 18, 2020
San Francisco Police have arrested a suspect in the assault of conservative activist Philip Anderson. Adora Anderson, 35, has been charged with mayhem & a hate crime enhancement. https://t.co/FYEdV30zTU pic.twitter.com/5MxQe4Q7VO
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 19, 2020
The liberal media ignores stories like these while suggesting that Trump rallies are hate events and that his supporters are bigots. Meanwhile, Trump is repeatedly asked to condemn white supremacy while Joe Biden is never asked to denounce Antifa.
Featured image via YouTube.

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I think it depends where you are.
I remember Chicago 2016.
Funny how this mostly seems to happen in jurisdictions where people have more limited rights of self defense.
I’m glad I live where you can still defend yourself.
Typical lefties.
The most accurate model is the Nazi Brownshirts.
Mao’s Red Guard, and Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge killers were enabled after they gained power.
God help us if Kamala Harris becomes president.
These Spontaneous Trump rallies are great big counter culture expressions of Screw You to the Democrats and it is killing them.
At every Biden rally, Trump supporters show up with 10 times more people. They have driven Biden from the field.
Joe Biden has no ‘rallies’, he has events where his handlers and a handful of activists show up-along with MSM reporters. Usually no more than 20 are present and questions are strictly limited to softballs where Joe is fed pre-arranged answers.
Forget about asking Biden to denounce anti-fa; since he claims he “is the democrat party”, they should be asking him to denounce white supremacy, as the democrat party is the party of white supremacists….
Freedom of speech does not lend a license of freedom to assault. As mentioned above, this happens more often where there are significant restrictions on self-defense.
Hey protestors: You have a right to speak, you do not have a right to make me listen. Get out of my face, you are a super spreader of disinformation (and covid).
This genie was let out of the bottle for political reasons and regardless of who wins the election, it is going to be very, very hard to force it back in.
The adrenaline rush of fighting the cops for some, the pleasure of plotting for others, the thrill of free stuff for a certain element in the crowd, and the beauty of flames.
I think Chicago is beyond salvation, at least in the short term, Baltimore has been a fetid hulk for quite awhile anyhow, and Philadelphia has held the title for the most ironically named city on the planet for decades now. The only reason NYC won’t burn is that there is nothing left to steal downtown and no one left to rob.
The last time we saw anything like this was in the mid to late 60’s and it took several years to quiet down again.
Determining who ‘wins’ is going to be the battle. I live in Michigan and early voting has Trump 2% ahead with polls showing most Election Day voters supporting the President. The Dems are trying desperately to push Ballot Harvesting through our Courts and were defeated at the Appeals Court level yesterday. But that goes to show what their strategy is, if they don’t get the votes on election day they’ll battle it out in the Courts to extend counting to include late ‘mail in’ ballots. They’re going to litigate this election until the cows come home, just like Oberlin College is doing with their case. Keep it in the Courts until the other side tires. We need to be in this for the long haul, because the other side isn’t going to concede-no matter what the votes say on Election Day.
For those of you who remember W. Bush/Al Gore election in 2000 this is going to be like that one on steroids. Expect the Dems to tie up multiple key states in legal battles for vote counting. They’re going to turn this election into a legal contest if they’re allowed to get away with it. That’s why the Amy Coney Barret appointment is so critical, it could well come down to the USSC, just as it did in 2000. Get ready for a TITANIC battle, and be glad we have Rudy Guiliani and Jay Sekulow on our team.
Are you enjoying basking in the warm glow of leftist love and inclusivity yet?
I am seriously supporting blatant acts of self defense. The kind that keeps them down.
It certainly looks like that may be where this is headed. These anarcho/marxist thugs are going to keep this up until they learn that their actions will land them in one of two places:
a) jail, or
b) the morgue
Would anyone shed a tear if that sh*tbag flipping the bird took a bullet to his face?
While it would be a over reaction…no, not at all.
You mean, like this?
Microsoft Rep Threatens To ‘Slide Knife Between Ribs’ Of ‘Asshole’ Conservatives:
well, would be one use for a good bullet–however, would prefer that one(or two)of his soyboy buddies were standing directly behind him–perhaps a three-fer
rather than shoot the turd would instead snap off both of his middle fingers–you know, twist & snap like green beans–and he could endure the rest of his miserable life without them–maybe feed them to a stray cat or something
More leftist attacks.
Biden’s Energy Policies Could Kill 160,000 Michigan Jobs, Decimate Auto Manufacturing, and Create Cali-Style Rolling Blackouts
Industry Insider: ‘They’re wiping out countless jobs so the right people can get rich… all tied to China’
I live in Michigan and early voting has Trump 2% ahead with polls showing most Election Day voters supporting the President. The Dems are trying desperately to push Ballot Harvesting through our Courts and were defeated at the Appeals Court level yesterday. But that goes to show what their strategy is, if they don’t get the votes on election day they’ll battle it out in the Courts to extend counting to include late ‘mail in’ ballots.
Have you heard this good news?
It is so delicious that Barrack is having Major ER problems.
(ER = Election Dysfunction)
Biden and Obama Planning Campaign Push in Michigan Saturday – Undisclosed Location to Prevent MAGA Swarm…
According to the popular media narrative Joe Biden has a commanding lead in the state of Michigan.
However, ….. former President Barack Obama, to join Biden on Saturday in Michigan.
If internal polling did not show a problem, they would not be campaigning there. ……
Governor Gretchen Whitmer has turned herself into a severe liability through her arbitrary and unpopular COVID lockdown dictates.
Whitmer was positioning herself for a cabinet position in a Biden administration; those hopes are diminishing by the hour….
The election of Trump has enabled racism, violence and hate to flourish, but it’s all coming from the Left against the Right. Not the other way around. Leftist fascism is out in force.
Actually, the Obama administration allowed for the rise of racism in this country, not the Trump Administration. Prior to 2009, organized racism was almost extinct in this country. The KKK had all but disappeared. The racial grievance industry had fallen on hard time with corporate blackmail being its only resource. And this nation had overwhelmingly elected an African-American as President. The result of that was a full court press to raise the specter of institutional racism which could only be cured by government action. Trevon Martin, a low class criminal thug whose only claim to fame was viciously attacking the wrong person, “could have been my son”, according to the President at the time. The DOJ supported every unsupported charge of racism brought forth. The federal government led an attack upon the largely benign White majority. The result? The resurgence of groups defending that majority. The Obama Administration created the current, racially charged climate, in America, not the Trump Administration. And, the Liberal Progressives, including the Democrat Party, have increased that tension for their own purposes.
Trump really blew-up the game, didn’t he.
This goes to show you what a hack George W. Bush was: he knew all about it, but did nothing.
Media coverage seems to be different than all the faked attacks by MAGA hat wearing perps.
I am Joe Biden and I approve this violence.
I am Joe Whatchamacallit, come on man, you, know, and I approve of what they’re……… Oh never mind, I’m calling a lid.
I suggest being defensive only….Keep a car or truck window down just enough for anyone like that to stick their hands, fingers or arms in the window…then you quickly roll up the window and step on the gas and let the perps fall as they may or whatever…..Don’t tolerate any of this BS….teach them a lesson they deserve.
They can’t run backwards at 40 mph?
Not a conspiracy theory…
In the Leftist haven of peace and tolerance that is western Massachusetts: Police: Sunderland man drove into crowd of Trump supporters
This is the third of such attacks that I’m aware of in this area.
The vast majority of the populace in this country is composed of law abiding people who actually value such things as free speech. However, what we are seeing is the usual small minority which has found that it can use violence to intimidate the majority for its own gain. In the past, society has had governments which curb this violence. But, today, we have a situation where several local and state governments are actually supporting this violence. Now, the majority want peace and tranquility. If the government is unresponsive or, worse, actually works against that desire, the majority will dissolve that government, usually by ignoring it, and will take matters into its own hands. The blueprint for this is found in the Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately, the tipping point is usually a point of no easy return. We will have to see when that point is reached.
Concealed carry and stand your ground. They’ll get the point.
I think your point is hollow, or should be, at any rate.
i think that hollow is small going in and large coming out, that is what these slugs need.
I like how you expanded the point.
“A spokesperson for the New York Police Department said 11 people were taken into custody after the rally descended into chaos and violence Sunday afternoon. One of the people arrested on Sunday, a 36-year-old homeless man identified as Devan Harris, is accused of throwing eggs in two police officers’ faces and then resisting arrest, the NYPD said.”
His mom, Kamala, immediately posted bail.