C-SPAN suspended Steve Scully, the would-be presidential debate moderator, after Scully finally admitted he lied about his Twitter account being hacked.
Before the presidential debate was to take place, Scully accidentally sent a public message (meant to be private) to Trump-Hater Anthony Scaramucci. Scully asked how he should respond to Trump. Scully later lied, saying his account had been hacked.
Worse still, Frank Fahrenkopf, Chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, ran interference for Scully.
Not only has Scully been compromised (I mean, he interned for Biden so no one with a brain thought he might actually be neutral here), but so has the Commission on Presidential Debates.
They even involved the FBI!
This is literally the equivalent of our four-year-old telling me someone else ate the brownie as she’s covered in gooey chocolate and crumbs cover her little shirt. But this is a grown man and an entire establishment helped push this nonsense. They think we’re that dumb.
You knew he was lying. I knew he lying. Our baby knew he was lying (probably). And now it has been confirmed.