Joy Reid Called Out By Liberals for “Islamophobia”: Says Trump Supporters Are Acting “Like Muslims Act”

MSNBC personality Joy Reid is infamous for her 9/11 trutherism and for anti-Semitic and homophobic statements.  We can now add “Islamophobic” to the long list of her offenses, and the left is not happy.

In an attempt to attack President Trump, Reid engaged in what the left likes to call “casual” [insert ism/phobia].  In this case, it was casual Islamophobia.

It’s been a while since I suffered through a Reid clip, so I had forgotten how sluggishly her brain seems to work and how inarticulate she is.  While her goal was to zing Trump for “radicalizing” his base, she ended up stepping in it with Muslim members of Congress and various groups by using the radicalization of Muslims as her illustration of how she sees Trump’s influence working on his base.

Setting aside the inherent problems with this comparison of Trump supporters to radicalized Muslim terrorists, Reid is now facing a barrage of demands for an apology.

Fox News reports:

Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. have called on MSNBC anchor Joy Reid to apologize after she suggested Monday night that President Trump has radicalized his supporters in the same way that “Muslims act.””Leaders, let’s say in the Muslim world, talk a lot of violent talk and encourage their supporters to be willing to commit violence, including on their own bodies, in order to win against whoever they decide is the enemy,” Reid said on her new show “The ReidOut.”. . . . Reid did not mention the issue on her show Tuesday night, which prompted criticism from the civil rights organization Muslim Advocates.”She spent much of the show discussing racism, however Reid failed to acknowledge the harm she caused, did not apologize for stereotyping Muslims as violent radicals and failed to address her history of anti-Muslim comments …” the group said in a statement. “By refusing to apologize and disavow her anti-Muslim comments, Reid is continuing to put Muslims in danger.”Hate and bigotry should not have a home on MSNBC,” Muslim Advocates added. “Joy Reid and MSNBC must take responsibility for what they have unleashed by apologizing on air and agreeing to meet with Muslim leaders to ensure this does not happen again.

Indeed, Reid is facing a great deal of pushback from the left.

From the Daily Beast:

While receiving little attention following its airing, the liberal host’s remarks eventually sparked outrage when a video clip of the segment was widely shared Tuesday on social media by journalists and activists. The “how Muslims act” remark specifically drew complaints that she trafficked in “dangerous” anti-Islamic tropes, stereotypes, and generalizations.MSNBC and Reid did not immediately respond to requests for comment.Zakir Khan, board chair of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Oregon, said the MSNBC star’s remarks were “so unbelievably Islamophobic it’s ridiculous,” asking whether she planned to apologize for the way she “stereotype[d] an entire group of Muslims.”

President Trump also weighed in:

Reid will likely weather this as she has so many other instances that have gotten less-deranged lefties cancelled, but the writing is on the wall.  An apology of some sort will have to be made, but if MSNBC is smart(!?), someone more “woke” will write it for her to read on the air.

Tags: Joy Reid, Political Correctness, Trump Derangement Syndrome